See external articles: WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On Child Pornography Possession: | We Are Change; CAN OF WORMS: Infowars Targeted By Child Porn And MSM, Not The First Time Alternative Journalists Set Up – Activist Post
by Laurie Azgard
The day has finally come as to whether alternative news reporters/journalists can be framed with child pornography, receive a federal criminal charge based upon shaky or fraudulent evidence, and whether or not they will be entirely deprived of due process by activist federal judges that may be blackmailed by the Deep State Swamp. The day has finally come when the Supreme Court is set for the next conference since June of 2020, where they will sit down and read through petitions to decide which one will be denied or granted. That is because what had happened to Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news can happen to YOU, by doing nothing about the wrongfully imprisoned activists it can happen to all of you if you choose to resist any political tyranny and try to resist the New-world-order agenda when it is not your agenda but the elite’s agenda.

This case before the Supreme Court will be decided today around Tuesday, September 29, 2020, and will decide the fate of every alternative media figure who may have been set up with child porn or may be set up in the future including Stewart Rhodes, Luke Rudkowski, Ian Freeman of Free talk live, Melissa Melton who became Melissa Dykes and Aaron Dykes, Millie Weaver, and other journalists and activists.

Brian David Hill was coerced to falsely plead guilty to get out of jail after being deprived entirely of due process constitutional rights including the right to face your accuser and the right to presumption of innocence, or face twenty years in prison for maintaining innocence after being told “fess up or else your mother would be held responsible” that was allegedly what had been said by Mayodan police chief Charles J. Caruso. So the government is free to threaten to frame up your family members with child porn if you don’t falsely confess and then the CORRUPT FEDERAL COURTS will use that against you and will not allow you to bring any evidence of coercion up, that happened to USWGO alternative news. QAnon supporter and interpreter Praying Medic still has not responded and doesn’t seem to care about the average Americans being deprived of all of their constitutional rights in federal court cases but cares about not making assumptions Chief Justice John Roberts being accused of pedophilia for his name appearing twice in the flight logs of those who were flying on the “Lolita Express” plane by Jeffrey Epstein when various folks were taken to the “pedophile island” the Little St. James island out at sea to allegedly have sex with children on a tropical island.
Right now is a very critical time and if the average American citizen, even when awoke, doesn’t care about what happens to Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news because he was wrongfully accused of possessing child pornography and had proven years later that the federal prosecutor defrauded the court in his criminal case which includes the alleged elements of guilt, then this will happen to any and every American citizen whether they like it ore not because of empathy. Empathy is a non-psychopathic/non-sociopath type behavior where you care about other people because what happens to you can happen to others. What happens to others can fallback on you if you don’t take action to stop the wrongdoings that affect other people. People who sit and do nothing are more of a danger to the constitutional republic of the United States of America.
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” – Albert Einstein –
Brian D. Hill was on record throughout his entire federal case since his initial arrest warrant and grand jury indictment, proving that he was deprived of effective assistance of counsel, deprived of being allowed an independent computer forensic expert to examine his seized computer where child porn allegedly downloaded for 11 months after his computer was seized by law enforcement, deprived of the right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, deprived of all rights to face any of his accusers including Mayodan Police and State Bureau of Investigation special agent Rodney V. White who filed no affidavits at all in his criminal case in his own forensic report when required by North Carolina law, no right to reasonable bond conditions, no right to maintain his innocence, no right to all of his discovery materials in his case by his own public defender who kept most of it from his own client, and a corrupt FEDERAL THUG JUDGE RAT the DisHonorable Thomas David Schroeder who ignores all evidence if any of that evidence is favorable to the defense and denies pretty much about every motion Brian had ever filed. Brian had filed letters with both associate justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh about the dangers of not doing anything about his petition for writ of certiorari. It will fall back on many good Americans and their families.

The time has come as to whether alternative media journalists and bloggers who get framed up with child pornography and then deprived of all forms of constitutional due process protections will receive any form of reprieve by the highest Court in the United States of America when all other means have been exhausted with no remedy or right at all. People who read this article must understand including Praying Medic who could care less about Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news, that whatever wrongfully happens to him WILL HAPPEN TO YOU, ANY OF YOU. You allow tyranny and wrongs to happen and it will come back at you and your family and your kids at some point in your life because of not expressing empathy for other people. There is talk that many Americans are spoiled brats and are too lazy to fight for anything, that many care about about their BMV vehicles, care more about their trophy wives, care more about their money and bank accounts, care more about their reputations, and care more about other selfish things. Adversity makes men, prosperity makes selfish monsters. All of that prosperity, wealth and freedom will come to an end for those who do not care about the destruction of the constitution of the great republic of the United States. Some might feel afraid of being framed like Brian was if they fight, but doing absolutely nothing is actually worse than fighting. Those that sit and do nothing enable the fear and enable people to succeed in the chilling effects of using the WEAPON of child pornography files and photos or whatever, they can use use that as a weapon to fling at anybody and through possibly any means from computer hacking to emails to placing illegal photos inside somebodies mailbox when they aren’t home and then calling the FBI on that target to be swat teamed.
This case will ultimately decide whether federal judges have the right to ignore motions for relief especially when uncontested by the government and decide whether federal judges can routinely and systematically deprive all criminal defendants of due process like in the Soviet Union, North Korea, or Nazi Germany. Will American courts no doubt become like miniature Nazi-like gestapos and federal marshals that will act like thugs with them? Will federal courts be allowed to deprive all criminal defendants of any and all constitutional rights when decades and centuries of case law in the Supreme Court guaranteed those rights for all Americans? Will federal courts be used to imprison, harass, or place on permanent federal supervised probation anybody who had ever chosen to resist the New-World-Order conspiracy and peacefully resist it?
It is up to each and every American citizen whether they want Brian D. Hill to be treated like garbage in our federal courts because an activist judge or judges are angry about what crime he was charged with or are angry with the politics that person had done prior to receiving a charge. Even playing devils advocate, If he is indeed innocent and can be proven as such then do Americans really want federal judges to treat Brian like he is guilty?
Decades ago used to be federal prosecutors or judges would move to dismiss a criminal charge, acquit the defendant, or dismiss the criminal complaint if evidence ever surfaces that the defendant of a charge may actually be innocent by credible evidence and should not be held culpable. No lawyer of a court ever wanted to face allegations of fraud upon the court as sanctions can be severe and can go as far as disbarment or financial penalties as to the court’s inherit or implied powers. However nowadays, federal courts could care less when a federal prosecutor is caught defrauding the court. Look what happened in the federal case of Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn.
If people simply do not care about any of this because it has never happened to them personally or to somebody they know, it doesn’t matter because they will eventually suffer great tyrannies of what they had ignored. First they come for the Jews and nobody did anything about it because that person wasn’t a Jew, then they came for the trade unionists and nobody did anything about it because of not being a trade unionist, and then they come for you because there is nobody left to even defend you. EMPATHY is important here, it doesn’t matter what Brian was charged with because those who have reviewed over the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs have accused Chief Justice John Roberts of pedophilia and what if he could be innocent, then this has become a witchhunt and a moral plague. Accuse anybody you don’t like as being a witch and a pedophile then burn them down at the stake in firey flames. Doesn’t matter if proof surfaces later that the person was innocent and wasn’t a pedophile witch practicing witchcraft. Americans reading this have been warned, defend those who should be defended, defend your constitutional rights or FOREVER LOSE THEM. Sorry!
I recommend that you sign the petition for him receiving a full pardon. His letter to Trump was emailed to me by his mom.
The president should pardon him. Trump pardoned Roger Stone and Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona. Why not pardon Brian??? He served his country well back then, he fought the new-world-order so he deserves a pardon.