by Laurie Azgard
Great news everybody! Zach Vorhies the whistleblower who was interviewed by Project Veritas over Google election meddling or censorship, has decided to tweet about the case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.

The article about the change of venue in Brian’s case was what was being covered on Twitter by Zach. Article: U.S. Probation Office asks for change of venue; Judge Schroeder reluctantly agreed to change of venue without protest in USWGO Brian Hill’s case
Zach Vorhies has taken the step like ActivistPost and We Are Change had done and covered Brian’s story. He is even asking those on Twitter whether they want him to cover the story more. His family wants him to cover it, of course Brian wants anybody to cover his case and thoroughly investigate it.

Zach Vorhies understands the censorship by big tech platforms as such a whistleblower. It is understandable why he may be sympathetic to the causes of justice including Brian’s plight, I cannot speak for him but I do understand why anybody should help get the word out about Brian’s plight. When there is a blatant and obvious miscarriage of justice no matter what the charge, the entire case should be constitutionally thrown out of court. Heck Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson were both acquitted of their charges and were probably guilty as sin but both were famous. However there are innocent people who are wrongfully convicted everyday that the media never covers, such as Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news or even Matt DeHart of Anonymous. The media covers Michael Jackson and OJ Simpon but never covers the activists who got targeted by the judicial system. Hidden figures as they call them. Never written in the history books and their battles never highlighted but they are there in the records of time.
In fact there were Twitter posters who brought up about the virus that Brian tried to warn people up back in 2013.
It also should be noted that Brian had filed a writ of mandamus petition because the U.S. attorney did not file any contesting response and neither any dispute to Brian’s motions for sanctions. Check Courtlistener which has the PACER federal court documents for free:
Document #199, Oct 4, 2019: MOTION entitled “Motion for Sanctions and to Vacate Judgment in Plaintiff’s/Respondent’s Favor” “Motion and Brief/Memorandum of Law in Support of Requesting the Honorable Court in this case Vacate Fraudulent Begotten Judgment or Judgments” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. Response to Motion due by 10/25/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Supplement 1, # 2 Supplement 2, # 3 Exhibit 1, # 4 Exhibit 2, # 5 Envelope – Front and Back) (Civil Case number: 17CV1036) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 10/04/2019) – Never contested on the record. Under district court LR 7.3, “If a respondent fails to file a response within the time required by this rule, the motion will be considered and decided as an uncontested motion, and ordinarily will be granted without further notice.” However the crooked judge Thomas David Schroeder has not granted the motion and neither has he taken any action on it which violates his oath of office and is a dereliction of duty.
Document #206, Oct 15, 2019: MOTION entitled “Petitioner’s Second Motion for Sanctions and to Vacate Judgment that was in Plaintiff’s/Respondent’s Favor; Motion and Brief/Memorandum of Law in support of Requesting the Honorable Court in this case Vacate Fraudulent begotten Judgment or Judgments” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. Response to Motion due by 11/5/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Supplement 1, # 4 Supplement 2, # 5 Supplement 3, # 6 Supplement 4, # 7 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 10/16/2019) – Never contested on the record. Under district court LR 7.3, “If a respondent fails to file a response within the time required by this rule, the motion will be considered and decided as an uncontested motion, and ordinarily will be granted without further notice.” However the crooked judge Thomas David Schroeder has not granted the motion and neither has he taken any action on it which violates his oath of office and is a dereliction of duty.
Document #222, Nov 21, 2019: MOTION entitled “Petitioner’s third Motion for Sanctions, Motion for Default Judgment in 2255 case and to Vacate Judgment that was in Plaintiff/Respondent’s favor” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Supplement 1, # 12 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 11/21/2019) – Never contested on the record. Under district court LR 7.3, “If a respondent fails to file a response within the time required by this rule, the motion will be considered and decided as an uncontested motion, and ordinarily will be granted without further notice.” However the crooked judge Thomas David Schroeder has not granted the motion and neither has he taken any action on it which violates his oath of office and is a dereliction of duty.
First motion for sanctions is regarding the first probation violation, the second motion for sanctions is regarding the second probation violation. First one triggered by Brian’s autism spectrum disorder with having an autistic meltdown, the second one triggered after Brian was poisoned by carbon monoxide gas exposure in his Apartment which caused him to run out at night butt naked on a deserted walking trail on September 21, 2018. The third motion for sanctions is regarding the wrongful conviction of Brian D. Hill.
If the first motion for sanctions is granted then the first probation violation is vacated for being adjudged wrongfully based upon the U.S. Government’s fraud upon the court in 2015.
If the second motion for sanctions is granted then the second probation violation is vacated for being adjudged wrongfully based upon the U.S. Government’s fraud upon the court in 2018-2019.
If the third and final motion for sanctions is granted then the conviction of Brian David Hill in federal court will be vacated, dated November 12, 2014. That would mean Brian would no longer be serving any criminal sentence, will be acquitted as an innocent man, and would be removed from the sex offender registry post haste. Then Brian may have the right and the opportunity to file a lawsuit for wrongful incarceration, wrongful sex offender registration, harassment, defamation of character, violation of Brian’s first amendment right to operate a website on the internet which would have been USWGO alternative news at Brian could sue for a high number of civil and constitutional rights violations. Brian would even have the right under the “CRIME VICTIMS ACT” to push for criminal charges against those who set him up and those who knowingly violated his rights under the color of law.
Zach Vorhies is in the right for tweeting about Brian’s plight. Everyone should give him support. Go to his website and give him your support for this. Reply to his tweet on Twitter and give him your thanks for covering this very important alternative media case. Everybody go to his website and give him your support in any way, whether it is donations or simply giving him your written or verbal opinion on Brian’s case. He is a software engineer and understands about computer viruses like for example: Vault 7, Galileo Remote Control System, and other type hacking tools used by adversaries to frame up political enemies. Zach did the right thing by covering this, we need to support whoever brings up Brian’s story because that is the real freedom of press that our Constitution shrines. Reporting the facts, and reporting opinions which is freedom of speech.

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