Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News is sending his 6th and 5th letters to real-President Donald J. Trump asking him for help for getting permanently ACQUITTED in Federal Court. Brian is asking that since he isn’t officially the President anymore, that Brian needs help with paying for a Private Investigator or Independent computer forensic expert to clear his name and hints around that he is sending questions to an unnamed person who was arrested by U.S. Border Patrol.

The Documents are listed in order:
6th letter to U.S. President Trump
Transmission Ticket proof of 6th Letter receipt
5th letter to U.S. President Trump
Transmission Ticket proof of 5th Letter receipt

Brian D. Hill, who had became an ally of QAnon because Alex Jones and Darrin McBreen of Infowars/InfoWhores turns their backs on Brian since 2013 and refused to ever cover Brian’s story and refuse to ever let him call into the Alex Jones Show. Heck even Stanley Bolten, which is myself is banned from commenting on I just checked and I was blocked from even accessing the website as the IP Address was blocked by cloudflare. Imagine that, banned from just for bringing up Brian’s story.
Brian is now confused about QAnon since the corrupt Federal Judges are still in office and are screwing over Brian and his entire family. The Judges are not being arrested, and Brian’s letter to the former Defense Secretary Chris Miller went unanswered. The entire U.S. Military seems unsympathetic to Brian’s request to arrest the corrupt activist Federal Judges for treason that ruins lives and the corrupt Federal Appeals Court Judges who screw people over too. Appeals are useless and Brian said that he had written his own Probation Officer addressing his anger against the Corrupt Federal Judges and Federal Courts called them “corrupt venues”. Brian has brought out his frustrations and acts as though everything is hopeless now, that tyranny in our U.S. Government will continue to grow unchallenged. Lack of rule of law.
Brian also stated that President Donald J. Trump is the real President and that “fake”, “pedophile” President Joe Biden, he calls him “Hoe Biden”, the China’s bitch, and said that he feels personally that Trump is his President because of the election fraud.
Brian also explained to Donald Trump in his S.O.S. asking-for-help letter that We Are Change and ActivistPost both felt that Brian was innocent of his wrongful conviction in Federal Court. Then Brian went on to explain that if Roger stone ever thought that Brian were guilty and had a bad gut feeling that would have made him feel that Brian was deceptive or in the wrong, then Roger Stone would have ignored him and refused to even push for a pardon for Brian. That wasn’t the case as Roger Stone did push for a pardon for Brian before Donald Trump left the White House in Washington. District of Columbia. Brian had filed an affidavit in Roger stone’s criminal case in 2019 with a photocopy of the return receipt with Roger Stone’s signature and Certified Mail receipt. So Brian was clearly mailing evidence to Roger Stone prior to his criminal charge in 2019 in Washington, DC. Roger Stone apparently wasn’t taking action until he was pardoned fully so that he wouldn’t face repercussions and wouldn’t get Brian in trouble as felons cannot be in contact with Brian. However Roger Stone was able to finally help Brian, but it was too late because then the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot incident had happened causing Donald Trump to give up as a President on fighting for the republic of the United States of America. He still seems to be fighting but cannot and will not make policy.
Now Brian is forced to take all of his failures in the corrupt Federal Judicial system and bring together all proof to show how corrupt it is. Brian has shown that there is a lot of support for his acquittal from folks like Roger Stone, a news writer at ActivistPost and Luke Rudkowski at We Are Change. So there are people who feel that Brian is innocent and was given a raw deal when he was never guilty to begin with. He got time served of imprisonment but then keeps being punished under Federal Supervised Probation over and over again. First time he was charged with such a Probation Violation was over an autistic meltdown where nobody got harmed and Brian was sitting in a chair the entire time. The second violation over being a victim of circumstance where he and his mother were victims of Carbon Monoxide poisoning which cause weird and erratic behaviors. So Brian’s criminal records keep increasing slightly overtime and over stupid things where there is clearly no evidence of intent, NO VICTIMS, or no crime at all. The NAZI Judge Thomas David Schroeder acted as though Brian had threatened his ex Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton over having an Autistic meltdown in 2015. So the crooked old Judge considered an Autistic meltdown as a threatening gesture, and that is insane as it sounds. It is as if the Judge wanted to find something to find him in violation, how crooked and very evil and moronic. Judges can interpret anything as threatening. None of that is right.
So it is clear that Brian is sending his 5th and 6th letter to Donald John Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort at Palm Beach, Florida. Brian has faxed 6 letters to Donald Trump. One of them declaring 1776 Declaration of Independence against the foreign Corporation of the United States of America. Brian clearly wants out of the United States of America or wishes to become a “sovereign citizen” because he is angry at how badly he is being treated by the Feds, the Feds constantly lying about him to make Brian feel powerless, hopeless, suicidal, and have his back broken aka his will broken and to be overcome by the enemy.
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