See: Brian D. Hill of USWGO news asks U.S. Defense Secretary for TREASON CHARGES on FEDERAL JUDGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!, U.S. Court of Appeals throws out Probation Revocation Appeal, ignores evidence and case law, bucks the Supreme Court, acting like Nazi Gestapo Tribunal, @LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Tweets makes it clear, it is HIGHLY LIKELY our Federal/State Judges and Politicians are being Blackmailed, Threatened; possibly with Child Rape and Murder!!!!!!, and Federal Courts pick and choose who gets TRIAL BY JURY: A serial child pornographer gets a JURY TRIAL right but not a former news journalist.
Author: Stanley Bolten
I also was wrongly convicted for the crime of armed bank robbery due to egregious prosecutorial misconduct and judicial misconduct in the MDNC. This railroad judicial lynching took place in March of 1991. FACTS: (1) There was no Arrest Warrant “ever at anytime” issued for my arrest: (2) There was no Probable Cause to seek a warrant for my arrest: (3)A bogus and fraudulent “Criminal Complaint” was dated 9-26-90: (4) I was illegally kidnapped by a rogue FBI Agent on 9-28-90 in Philadelphia, Pa, and held without bail bond: (5) On 10-15-90, this bogus and fraudulent criminal complaint was filed with the US Clerk of Court in the MDNC: (6) The bank robbery took place on 9-13-90: (7) I never received a legally required Preliminary Hearing within 10 days of my unlawful arrest: (8) The NCIC records also indicate that on 9-28-90 there was no fugitive arrest warrant placed in their files: (9) The US Marshals Service in Philadelphia, Pa, and Greensboro, NC, never had a copy of the nonexistent arrest warrant: (10) The US Clerk of Court’s in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the MDNC never received a copy of the alleged arrest warrant: (11) On 10-29-90, I was indicted along with another alleged co-defendant for violations of 18 U.S.C. 2113(a)(d) and 18 U.S.C. 924(c): (12) The FBI Agent intentionally lied and misled the grand jurors on 15-20 separate occasions. (13) I was compelled to represent myself pro-se in a 3 week jury trial: (14) After my unlawful conviction I received a unlawful 27 year sentence as a so-called Fourth Circuit defined “DE-FACTO” career offender. I never had the necessary prior predicate convictions to receive this illegal sentence and the three judge panel on 1-6-93 confirmed this illegal conviction and sentence: If you or anyone in your organization or someone you recommend can assist me overturning this unlawful conviction please have them contact me at 267-650-0613, or email me at mannix5238[@] Thank you. Be blessed and stay safe.
Email sent to us from: emanuel brown
Received an email from a witness named Emanuel Brown who also was a victim of Judicial Corruption within the Middle District of North Carolina. I feel his story now needs to be published so that the campaign blog of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News can demonstrate that the injustices isn’t just happening to Brian D. Hill but is happening to many others who don’t have media connections and don’t have political connections to be able to fight it easily. He also confirms what others are claiming that the Fourth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals are entirely and thoroughly corrupted. You can choose whether to believe him or feel that he is a liar, the decision is up to each and every one of you as we have not vetted this information and are just publishing it raw data. We feel this information should be published as a member of the REAL MEDIA, the true Freedom of Press. We aren’t like Alex Jones of Infowars, the fair-weather friend where when you get framed with child porn then Alex Jones runs away when he also claimed he got set up but it is okay with him but he won’t help others who were set up. When many claim the same exact thing, total strangers from different Federal District areas are all claiming that the Fourth Circuit is corrupted, compromised, blackmailed, or just plain tyrannical, then you have to realize that they may not be lying but are telling the truth. When this claim of Judicial Corruption comes from many people it has to be true, where there is smoke there is fire. When it happens to a bunch of people then the system is pure Bull. See blog article: – The Nations Conscience Has Taken Leave of Court ! – Blue_French_Qtr

Anyways, so now yet another person has gone public about the Corruption and this person is asking us for help. We can’t even get Brian Hill acquitted or pardoned due to the severe Judicial Corruption. Me and Laurie Azgard have tried, contacted tens of thousands of U.S. Military begging them to go after the Corrupt Federal Judges, Brian even sent a letter to the U.S. Pentagon but they never responded back. We have emailed tens of thousands of law professors from all over the United States of America from different colleges and Universities of Law asking them to get involved, and none of them want to get involved because our System of Law is corrupted and cowardly. Chivalry is dead! At least in our legal system.
If a lawyer wishes to help this man prove his innocence in the Middle District of North Carolina and not be a fair-weather friend, not be a total chicken-neck coward, then feel free to contact him. We cannot publish too many articles that are off-topic from the general issues of Justice for Brian D. Hill. We just publish any information to help us prove our case, help us prove our cause that Brian D. Hill was wrongfully convicted and was a VICTIM of JUDICIAL CORRUPTION in the Feds.
Thank you Emanuel Brown for contacting us. If you wish to upload further evidence and go into more detail about it then I recommend that you open up a WordPress blog like we have been, and then pitch the blog article to us and we will bring that up in our next article sometime in the future. You can even upload legal documents to, and even use the RECAP Firefox or Chrome plugin to download Federal Court documents from your case and upload them to Courtlistener automatically to show the proof of the Judicial Corruption. We can’t really go too off topic from what the campaign blog is about, but we do want to show the similar stories of Judicial Corruption from the very same Corrupt Courts that Brian D. Hill was involved with. A lot of people still believe in our Judicial System and don’t feel like it is corrupt when growing evidence shows Judicial Tyranny. Even David Knight, formerly of Infowars, did bring up those issues of Corrupt Tyrannical Judges. It’s going to take a LOT OF WITNESSES, and a whole lot of claims and even evidence to legally and lawfully overthrow those Corrupt Federal Judges for high treason, by impeachment or by U.S. Military arrests and Military Tribunals like QAnon talks about. It’s going to take a lot of evidence to throw them out of their corrupt offices. It can be done when there is a lot of proof. That is how the United States of America was formed in 1776, when there was a lot of evidence of a long trail of abuses and usurpations by the Tyrannical Great Britain and their Courts in the 1700s.
So if anybody wishes to contact this campaign to bring forth their stories about the CORRUPTION in the Middle District of North Carolina or even the Fourth Circuit, then they can contact us or email us. My email is StanleyBolten[@]
4 thoughts on “Witness comes forth about Corruption in Federal Court in NC and U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia”