Author: Stanley Bolten
Update: Signs are looking good that Tyler Nixon may not have turned against Brian. He liked of of my new tweets about Brian’s Judicial Complaint. Because Brian is risking his life trying to go after the Pedophile Rings and wanting revenge against them for framing him with that filth as documented by We Are Change, now Tyler Nixon is starting to realize that label is a false label given to Brian Hill by the Corrupt Feds. Attorney Tyler Nixon liked this tweet about the Judicial Complaint, which us good because Tyler Nixon is an attorney. See, when you do your research, Brian is not a bad guy after all. Don’t let anybody tell you that he is without showing actual proof, clear and convincing evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
There are a lot of things behind-the-scenes that this Blog does not write articles about because of the muddy waters. However we will now finally reveal that Brian D. Hill was blocked from contacting Attorney Tyler Nixon who works with Roger Stone for years. Stanley Bolten, myself, is attempting to get the truth out to Tyler Nixon so that he understands that Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News is not guilty of child porn. In fact Brian Hill is trying to go after the pedophile rings in his own way to retaliate against them and get revenge against them with high risk of Brian ending up dead like Issac Kappy. Brian wants revenge against the pedophile rings for framing him with child porn. Brian will do whatever it takes to get justice or revenge. That is Brian’s position. Brian didn’t used to want revenge, but things have changed. We have a corrupt FBI, corrupt U.S. Attorney General, corrupt Pedophile President Joe Biden with his pedophile son Hunter Biden. Brian will not stand for it anymore and will fight back tooth and nail each day and everyday until justice is achieved. Brian tried for a Presidential Pardon while under Donald Trump, begged for a Pardon, written dozens and dozens of letters to the White House last year (and years ago) over and over again but failed. People who do not know Brian personally turn against Brian without looking at all of the evidence which would make them feel that Brian truly was framed up. Zach Vorhies the Google whistleblower turned against us last year. Many turn against us without ever looking at the discovery evidence materials. It is sad that this is happening. Zach Vorhies called our blog posts inflammatory, when they are nothing but truthful. When they all see Brian’s charges, they start turning against us. This happens over and over again. The PEDOPHILE FEDS like Joe Biden and other pedophiles inside the Federal Government. The Feds wanted Brian framed with that filth knowing how effective it can be to plant images and have them SWAT teamed. It is effective for people to framed with child porn as it turns many against him including Tyler Nixon, Zach Vorhies, and even Infowars. We know how effective it is because of how nobody wants to hear Brian’s story except a few.

Anyways, we are trying to contact Tyler Nixon publicly on Twitter to reverse his decision to block Brian D. Hill from contacting him. Heck, Infowars blocked us from emailing them at all about Brian’s case. Infowars is corrupt. We hope that Attorney Tyler Nixon will see reason so that Brian doesn’t keep having more and more reserved anger and hatred for what was wrongfully done to him. Brian is innocent and he should be acquitted. Brian is stating that he hates the pedophile rings and wants revenge against the Pedophile Rings for framing him and ruining his life. His patience is running thin.

Here are screenshots and then links of those tweets. Hopefully Tyler Nixon understands that Brian D. Hill is not guilty, he is not a creep. He is just an autistic man who fought the New World Order from 2009 to 2012. Brian was framed for his political work. Brian was sued by Righthaven LLC in 2011 a year before Brian was framed with that filth.

So hopefully Tyler Nixon will understand that Brian is only trying to push for justice because he had been deprived of justice for years and years. All because of the stigmatization and the Judicial Corruption.
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I hope Tyler Nixon understands that Brian is not meant to be turned against. This crap has to stop. Brian is not guilty and should have been treated such from the very beginning.
I hope that Infowars is not trying to turn people against Brian D. Hill, if I ever find out evidence that proves such then we are suing, I don’t care if this lawsuit hurts them. F**K Infowars.