Brian Makes a Statement about Alex Jones child porn set up used by Sandy Hook defamation trial
Brian D. Hill defends Alex Jones and disagrees with Chris Mattei for bringing up Alex Jones about him being set up with child porn in any prejudicial context where the jury may be prejudiced to give Alex Jones a worse judgment. This is a dangerous precedent that child porn is a WEAPON, CHILD PORN IS A WEAPON. A POLITICAL WEAPON.
In response to the child porn set up war against Alex Jones, as Chris Mattei separately brings up the old 2019 deep state set up operation just to make his life miserable by bringing up old painful memories to trick Alex Jones into losing it in the courtroom.
Brian doesn’t think what Chris Mattei did was moral and should stick to only the facts about defamation and should not go into the child porn frame up subject matter.
In response to Alex Jones being attacked by Chris Mattei over emotional statements after attempted child pornography frame up of Alex Jones. Right by the Political Hackers Squad playbook working with the Obaam Administration. DEEP STATE TRIES TO STOP MIKE LINDELL. DOJ LAUNCHES CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION | EP 3133-6PM

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cool Alex Jones sent child porn to Sandy Hook parents see exhibit one the young turfs Twitter account and that’s at the same headline made The Young Turks video page where it still stands today um and so there was a there was a tweet right and there was a headline Associated on their video page according to this paragraph correct I believe so all right and if you go further down you see here that um they hold themselves out as quote serious journalists with millions of followers across multiple social media platforms and the biggest media Network on YouTube that is completely monetized by YouTube etc etc correct yes and the point of that is to show that these people who0:01:00.6 –>
you clean my about you had a significant platform that could result in significant harm to you yes hello this is Brian D Hill formerly of usw Geo alternative news and this is being filmed around uh September 23 2022 around uh 12 30 uh midnight anyways uh I have to bring up something um I heard about my family showed me the video of Alex Jones and they’re pretty much um attacking him with something that I don’t think they should be attacking him for they should be sticking to the subject matter of whether he lied about the Sandy Hook uh parents uh being actors things like that you know they should be sticking with0:02:03.1 –>
the facts and from the hearing yesterday they just they just attacked them and Chris Manny and the judge were grilling him over the child pornography setup attempt against Alex Jones uh back in 2019. now I am Brian D Hill I am the former news reporter of us wjo alternative news I had received a tour mail message and the tour mail message said that I was to be set up with child porn uh others would be next and it all came true I’m on the sex registry for a crime I didn’t do and I have to defend Alex Jones on this one against what Chris Manny is arguing because from personal experience I know what0:03:02.4 –>
it’s like being framed with child pornography and so I like to First bring up briefly the evidence I have that I’m innocent of my federal charge of possession of child pornography in 20 uh that was in 2013 By the assistant U.S attorney and then broadcast ramswam you know Justice for Brian D Hill of uswgo alternative news um here’s what I’ve got here’s what I’ve got to offer the U.S attorney admitted that I have no victims that the national Center for missing and exploited children uh said that the fouls the alleged files were not of a known series now I can back I can back that up because I’ve read the discovery materials the state Bureau of Investigation uh case File uh by special0:04:02.3 –>
agent Rodney V white of the Greensboro North Carolina SBI regional office and they never took it to a crime lab which was uh under certification he never took it to a certified crime lab it was never examined by a certified forensic scientist a claimed that alleged child pornography well they call it files of Interest so that’s the child porn that was allegedly on my computer they called it false of interest and it said 454 files had been Downing with the email program between the dates July 20 2012 and July 28 2013. and I also have ESET virus radar of Wind 32 moly vampire a the virus was frowned around um I think it was around it was detected around July 2012.0:05:02.2 –>
around the time they claimed that allegedly child pornography may have been on my computer when they CL when Robert Bridge claimed it was downloading from the IP address was around the exact same time that according to ESET virus radar there is a program called when you know when 32 moly vampire a and there’s the variant B because it is you know there could be other variants so this virus and it ran email.exe a res dot exe uh Aries and shariza.exe and the SBI report said I also had abras and it had it only on one search term very sexy now that’s not sexy I mean no but that’s what it claimed that there was only one search term called very sexy that didn’t make any sense it didn’t say oh we found child porn on Ares so it all seems to be what the state0:06:03. –>
Bureau of Investigation found was 132 moly vampire a and they they went along with that to say I had hundreds to whatever number of child porn God knows how many that they tried to that they tried to fabricate it was fabricated because the fact that the national Center permission and exploited children couldn’t even identify who the victims are that’s impossible when it comes to digital child pornography or even you know if there’s actual physical photographs of child pornography they would know who the victims are they’d be able to identify them they should be able to identify if it’s available on the internet if anything’s available on the internet there’s going to be some kind of source or victim or or identity you know when it comes to things like that but then they say oh we don’t know who the victims are there’s no victims because we don’t know we don’t know what0:07:01.2 –>
kind of child pornography victims there were yes all of this can be verified by the federal court records by the pre-sentence report the pre-sentence investigation report my affidavits and the evidence filed in my 2255 it never should have been denied and so knock on wood bad luck go away now I gotta not gonna sit there and uh what do you call it the thing where you gotta assault shake and you know you gotta you gotta sit there and just put salt everywhere to get rid of the bad luck here’s the thing Alex Jones is Not Guilty the FBI the most corrupt agency in the United States of America they threatened to set up Cheryl Atkinson’s husband with child pornography and surveilled by the government and sometimes it takes far0:08:01.1 –>
too long to be able to clear those matters up may I say um one little reported facet of my case is one of the federal agents involved and one of the operations against me said that they intended to plant child porn in my husband’s computer this is the FBI there’s been a case that’s currently in litigation unrelated in which an FBI agent has testified that they did that they have done that it was not accomplished in my case I guess the the curtain was drawn on that facet of the operation prior to them doing it but imagine how you ever get out of that how you they they knew we had a young daughter at home and had allegedly conspired to do that and she admitted that I think possibly under oath during a hearing by uh United States Congress I think Matt Gates was there he was one of the people that I think questioned Cheryl Watkins Senator oath and she admitted they tried the FBI threatened0:09:01.4 –>
to set up Cheryl Atkinson’s husband with child pornography so the FBI is one of the most corrupt agencies and most unaccountable agencies in the United States of America along with the Department of corruption aka the department of Injustice the doj Department of Justice I’m going to call them by the proper name they don’t deserve it um anyways the FBI cleared Alex Jones of child pornography they cleared him of any misdoings and because the FBI one of the most corrupt agencies that sets people up with child porn like they threatened to do with Cheryl Atkinson’s husband that’s on record they set people up with child porn the FBI does this that’s part of their normal game of predatory behavior the FBI sets people up with that filth they clerk Alex Jones so when they clear Alex Jones of this bill when they said Alex Schultz did not0:10:02.8 –>
did not purposely send child porn to the San Diego lawyers it was embedded in emails by malware malware set tried to set up Alex Jones with child porn like they tried to set me up with child porn I’m talking about the Deep State what I mean they you know I don’t want Chris Betty said oh bro he’s accusing me no no no Chris Manny I’m bringing up my own personal experience and comparing it with Alex Jones um yes when 32 moly vampire a is the culprit now who ran when 32 moly vampire to put to put maybe fake or real or unknown series of fouls of Interest child pornography whatever I don’t think it was even child porn because they they’re saying I had no victims but they got me to falsely plead guilty and falsely confessed to it now I need to tell you something0:11:00.9 –>
during that before before I before I falsely confessed Charles Caruso of the Mayodan Police Department he was the police chief at the time he said Fest up we know you did it you better fess up or else your mother will be held responsible and Stella Ford Ash my grandma uh she also said under affidavit to that effect the trolls Cruise so threatened to hold my mother responsible if I didn’t fess up to child pornography and and he said stuff like you know I know you did it you must have done it it came from your computer if you did it he kept arguing with me and saying you better would you be Barrel keep quiet and then he’s like fess up no you did you know so pretty much um then when I went into the uh police detectives uh interview which became an interrogation I told them about the0:12:00.9 –>
Trojan Horse and later on you know I found out that we went through two Molly vampire a I didn’t know that at the time because I did research after I falsely confessed I was allowed to leave the police station without being charged because they had to still do the forensic setup of me downloading that child porn for 11 months well I don’t even think it was tough we’re downloading that felt it might not even be CP for 11 months when I didn’t even have my computer and so um I told him about the Trojan Horse that I was downloading music software you know I mean you know it’s a long time ago so I’m not worried about the copyright cartels but anyways um the copyright cartel so anyways I was I admitted to downloading music uh software and things like that and then they said we found child porn on your computer you better just tell us we’re gonna find more0:13:00.9 –>
that’s in the confession audio which I suspect has been doctored I asked for an audio forensic expert and judge Schroeder the Crooked Old Judge denied that and he I mean along with Joe Webster they would not let me have an audio forensic expert they didn’t want me to have that but regardless in the confession audio I did say about the Trojan Horse I was downloading music and software and they said we found the child part on your computer you better just tell us they never showed me any they never went to my laptop and said here’s the child porn here’s the pictures we found on it here it is here’s the picture of the little girl Ramona boy here’s the picture we found it Brian we found it on your laptop here it is your look at it no they didn’t do any of that no that’s an audio all they said was we found it on your computer you better just tell us we’re gonna find more now tell us again did0:14:01.2 –>
you download child pornography and I said yes yes and then I told him I did it and I told him I downloaded it for about a year or so then I told them it was in my Netbook and you know so it wasn’t just them saying they were gonna hold my mother responsible which is coercion but they also said we’re going to find more child porn you better just tell us did you do it I told him about a year or so they only download dates that existed was July 20 2012 to July 20 2013. my computer was seized on August 28 2012 so for 11 months child alleged child pornography was downloading to my computer after it was seized by the mayor Dam police department and the search warrant and inventory and then you gave a false confession why would you do that well because they said if you didn’t fess up your mother would be held0:15:01.3 –>
responsible your mother would be held responsible yeah is that correct listen this is what they do yeah and everyone an alternative Media or in any capacity uh where you’re on the internet and you are a a voice right any kind of voice uh everybody lives in fear of exactly what happened that you’re describing anyway um is going to happen to them it can happen so easily so what you’re saying is you were able to eventually prove that that the charges against you were false yes and I can confirm all that underwrite with the evidence that it was telling for love most I didn’t have my computer my family got photographs of the state Bureau of Investigation report because they were going to destroy it we had gut0:16:00.9 –>
feelings they were going to do it and then later on they said yes we destroyed it they said that in the foia lawsuit they destroyed the state Bureau of Investigation report after luckily we got some photographs of it and uh you know my family’s got a lot of copies and all kinds of places so you know yeah it you know it’s it’s already in the federal court records it’s already been linked in the foil lawsuit it’s already been out there so you know good luck good luck trying to shut that down but yes it was downloading for 11 months I didn’t have my computer it was 132 mole vampire a a malware malware as Alex Jones calls it so yes in my opinion I have in 2013 read the uh Melissa Melton uh post before she became Melissa Dykes truth stream media she used to work for Infowars and there was a child pornography setup attempt on0:17:00.1 –>
her she talked about the political hacker Squad I read the I read the emails in 2013. the you know what I mean is she put the screenshots of the email you know the email stuff and you know because I mean it’s it isn’t emails because from what she showed it was given to different people in different alternative media and so you know it said they tried to set her up and I mean I mean I’m gonna have to check you know I’m gonna have to go back to check you know because I got to make sure that you know that I’m not seeing anything that’s you know that’s not a fact you know because I’m trying to stick with the facts here and not conspiracy theories but according to Melissa Melton there’s a group called the political hacker Squad who tried to set people up with child pornography and work with the Obama Administration allegedly you know because Obama has never uh never they’ve never asked the Obama Administration hey0:18:00.2 –>
did you try to set people up with child porn well I know they tried to do it to Cheryl Atkinson’s husband I mean I saw the video it’s on it’s on C-Span I mean you know where they’re where she’s like yeah they tried to put they threatened to plant child porn on my husband’s computer sure watkinson so you know I do believe the political hackers Squad whoever they are they probably did work with the Obama Administration that’s when the oldest child pornography set up crap had started when after Obama had became president so I blame Obama for this even though Alberto Gonzalez that the attorney general for George W bush uh made a big deal out of child porn saying we need to spy on everybody we need to have data logging because of child support on the internet we need to dialogue everybody and I knew right then and there and then Kerry Sherman said child porn is being shared on file sharing networks we need to go and we need to go after the file share networks0:19:01.7 –>
it wasn’t about child part it was about going after music pirated music pirated software but see when I when I was hearing stuff like that I’m like are they gonna plant child porn on people are they gonna upload child porn to the file share networks to try to shut down the file sharing Networks well they did um they did it to um to Andrew Rose he was the teenage boy who was downloading music uh I found this out in 2013. he was downloading music at the time uh and the music had nude photos of teenage girls and then they raided his house he has all he had autism and they tried to set him up with child pornography so I am aware that they they do try to set people up the feds have a history of setting people up with child pornography they’ve done this to Andrew Rose they’ve done it to me and they’ve tried to do Dallas Jones they’ve tried to do it to0:20:00 –>
Melissa Melton they tried to do to Luke rodowski uh or Luke Luke and they tried to do it Steward Rhodes who’s facing a jury trial over January 6. and so you know I’m a real setup victim and I am a genuine child pornography frame-up victim because I know what it’s like being on the sex offender registry for a crime I didn’t do because I falsely took the guilty plea because they said I would face 20 years Alex Jones said he could face 20 years if they had charged him with child porn isn’t that interesting he probably got that from me he probably got that from my statements where I talked about I could face 20 years in prison if I didn’t take the plea agreement or plaque said I have nothing for you you’re going to be found guilty by a jury for child porn they’re going to look at you into disdain they’re not going to feel you’re telling the truth0:21:00.8 –>
they’re not going to think you’re genuine well the download dates would that be genuine enough for the jury uh download dates 11 months I didn’t have my computer I also looked at the entire State Bureau of Investigation report there was no confirmation of child pornography they never said in any affidavit or no oath or affirmations saying I Rodney V White had found child pornography on Brian Hill’s computer and I verified it with the national Center for medicine and exploited children there is none of that none of that and that’s true there was none of that it was all fraud and I can prove all that and I’ve proven all that my family Stella fornash kid of fournash Roberta Hill my mother they all went to the State Board of investigation report uh John Scott Coulter uh probably went through it all that ineffective lawyer as he is he knows0:22:02.2 –>
they’ve never verified every foul of interest of being a verified child pornography with the victims names and ages and genders there’s none of that I tried to look for the Blurred thumbnails of the of the of the of the child porn I couldn’t find a single photo or blurred thumbnail or anything there’s not it doesn’t say who the victims are none of that my whole case was based on a fraud and so that is why I’m standing up for Alex Jones I’ve had my issues with him him turning against me uh Darren mcbrain saying oh I’m blocking your number he didn’t want to talk to me anymore he blocked me in 2018 you didn’t want to he didn’t want me talking to him anymore and Rob do turn against me and uh Infowars and they all turn against me however I’m here to tell the truth0:23:02. –>
I am not these people are so despicable for setting me up a child porn and the U.S attorney office you know with the download dates and the uh they never confirmed that was that it was verified child porn they didn’t verify and confirm all that and then the national Center for missing an exploited children can never verify whether I had confirmed child pornography and victims or not they couldn’t even verify anything that is all fraud and I’m on the sex registry for [ __ ] for a crime I did not do so yes I saw the video of Alex Jones when he attacked Chris Manny when he did this saying oh Chris Mighty I think he set me up for child porn oh you know one million dollars on a pike [ __ ] one million dollars and0:24:02.6 –>
he’ll put your head on a pike when Alex Jones said that I believe it was out of emotion you saw emotional I just got like a minute ago or 30 seconds ago I was angry it’s still angry it still angers me to this day being set up with child support it angers me being set up with child pornography on the sex registry my name on a public registry or anybody could look me up and think I’m a danger to society I’m not I’ve never raped I’ve never molested I’ve never been charged with assault the only thing where photos were allegedly on my computer and the whole case is a fraud and I falsely pled guilty to a fraudulent prosecution ramswami fraudulent prosecutor anyways I’m angry at you ram sawami you know I’m0:25:01.9 –>
angry at you because you knew I was innocent of child pornography and you knew I was innocent now I could now I can verbally attack you on video because I have the proof I was innocent of child pornography Ram sawami so go ahead and defame me go ahead and keep lying about me this is different from Chris Maddie because Chris Maddy didn’t prosecute Alex Jones with a fraudulent child pornography prosecution but here are my issues I have for Chris Maddie and that woman judge you know the problems I have with that Connecticut judge I don’t like the fact that they are using his plight or somebody tried to frame Alex Jones with child pornography by planting it in his emails use a malware as he said this is his words not mine I don’t know any more than what he said you know so don’t you go and say anything you know but0:26:02.5 –>
the thing is I was set up by malware when 32 moly vampire a emu virus and Alex Jones was not set up with an email virus but malware put it in his email and and then somehow when he had to turn it over through discovery they found the child pornography and they were going to call the FBI and Alex Jones and it sickens me I don’t like seeing this Alex Jones is innocent the FBI one of the most corrupt agencies that was going to set up Cheryl Atkinson’s husband with child porn Alex Jones of any misdoings like like Luke rodowski talked about you know where if he was like if they had set him up and it worked that he would have to go through most before he was0:27:00.1 –>
clear of any misdoings Alex Jones had been cleared of any misdoings like the like the term Luke radowski talked about when they tried to say him up the Deep State I mean the Deep State when I mean they um Alex Jones was cleared by one of the most corrupt agencies of the United States of America one of the most corrupt agencies other than the department of Injustice and they’re still attacking him even to this day saying oh you said chalkboard on a technical use of teleport to the side of the victims lawyers or Sandy Hook parents lawyers and I’m like they do not need to be bringing this up during the defamation suit they should not be bringing this up during the trial that is not right that is not relevant and that should be staying out of the trial in my opinion it should be staying out of it because I am a genuine child pornography set up victim and I’m on the0:28:00.2 –>
sex registry because I was forced to plead guilty I was forced to play guilty you understand me understand feel what I feel fill my heart see how I see feel how I feel know what I know I want you to know what I know I want you to see what I see I want you to feel how I feel and so put yourself in Alex Jones’s shoes and in my shoes and people are like you’re a child pornographer you need to be killed you need to be right you need to go to prison you need to be on a registry you need your house burned down by vigilance you need to be executed you need your penis chop da that is the kind of crap I’ve had to0:29:01.5 –>
deal with you know in 2013 you know when after what happened with mega Dan I had you know I looked up about you know what happens if I get on the registry people burning down houses and crap like that and I was like I was gonna almost kill myself I was I mean I I would I mean after I found after attorney susabasco told me there was a warrant for my arrest I went on Facebook under usw O’Brien Hill in 2013. uh December and I actually posted in writing that I was going to kill myself and I was put under a temporary detention order emergency custody ordered Martinsville Police Department uh by the uh I think it’s either General District Court or or Circuit Court it was one of those courts and um I was sent to one North uh Martinsville Memorial Hospital which is now serve a health uh Health Martinsville I know what Alex Jones is feeling I feel0:30:02.9 –>
how he feels I know how he feels that’s why I’m defending Alex Jones because I I’ve almost I almost killed myself I’m gonna be honest with you with everyone who sees this video I almost did it I almost cut my throat with a knife foreign because I was afraid that they were going to rape me in prison I thought they were going to rape me and at one point I was kind of like maybe maybe this is just rape me I mean I’m I’m I mean anyways that it’s it’s all emotional but I understand Alex Schultz bills when he said there couldn’t be a trouble that’s right Alex Jones Chris buddy I mean that is emotional because I’m emotional understand how I understand feel what I feel know what I know I know how Alex Jones feels0:31:00.5 –>
and I have to show you how I feel like he feels because I know what it’s like being set up with child pornography I know what it’s like being falsely accused of being a sex offender I know what it’s like and when they sat there in the courtroom and brought up like oh child porn was sent to the Sandy Hook appearance lawyers when you know you turn over child pornos oh I was like it’s disgusting me it made me want to vomit I have autism so if you’re like oh this guy’s acting kind of weird on video well I bought him some you know I’m emotional I have every right to be emotional I’ve been on the sex registry for eight years now for a crime I didn’t do here are my final words I think Alex Jones I believe he is innocent the FBI cleared him the most0:32:00 –>
corrupt agency in the United States of America one of the most corrupt uh political persecution government agencies ever one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies ever and they cleared Alex Jones of child porn and I believe the FBI on this one because I’ve been set up I know what it’s like I know how it feels when he when he’s when he was like saying Chris Maddie go to hell Chris Maddie and when he said that I was like he’s emotional I don’t think he should be doing that because now that makes Chris Maddie look bad well not really it it makes him actually look good because then you know now the judge is like you you bang your fist on Chris Manny’s picture well that’s emotions when someone gets set up with child pornography like me you get emotional you you think thoughts like should I kill myself I like women0:33:00.5 –>
with big tits and big asses you know I don’t blame him for saying I like women with that I like women too I’ve wanted a girlfriend I’ve wanted to have a woman to be able to hold her close to me to be able to kiss her on the lips and and you know and see a woman smile at me and saying how much she loves me I can’t have any of that because I’m a sex offender I can’t have any of that foreign so understand how angry I am you saw angry I just got you know you might say that’s a death threat oh Brian made a death threat oh look because he did this he got all Angry you know what I’m saying so yeah Alex Jones maybe said a little too much against Chris Maddie when someone’s someone tried to sum up with child porn the political hackers Squad you know and all that was in the it was in the uh threatening email I received and things like that or they said we set you up0:34:01.7 –>
Brian they succeeded with the download dates 11 months I didn’t have my computer that torment was sent to me while the child porn was downloading to my computer at the state Bureau of Investigation makes me think they sent the tour mail and then they’re like Alex Jones was next and you saw what happened [Music] eight years later no way no no no seven or six uh whatever the years they finally tried to set him up and the Deep state has been using child pornography as a weapon it is a weapon child porn is a weapon and I’ve been you know Federal Jack had warned about it years ago because I’ve tried to warn people that child porn is a weapon I’ve tried to warn people but back then people thought oh Brian your Uncle Fester the child molester people were0:35:00.8 –>
calling me that Uncle Fester the child molester people were calling me all kinds of dirty names and saying look he looks like a clown uh well Neil is Cheryl Atkinson the clown when she said they tried to set up her husband with the filth are you gonna say Luke rodowski is a clown are you going to say Alex Jones is a clown when they tried to set him up the FBI admitted he’s he’s innocent here’s the thing I believe Alex Jones is innocent Chris Matty is in the wrong for bringing this up he should stay out of this because it offends me he does have free speech and I he has the right to say what he wants but I feel like he needs to stop the crap he needs to stop trying to bring up about Alex Jones and child porn he’s been cleared of this and the only reason he’s bringing this0:36:00.4 –>
up at the Sandy Hook defamation trial in Connecticut is to make the jury feel weird once you start using the words child porn people’s brains shut off people start thinking I want to kill this person you know people start start thinking thoughts like oh I want to kill Alex Jones you know people start saying stuff like that because they hear the words child porn Alex Jones Senate there you go that’s all it takes you just utter a few words teleport someone said it you did it and that’s it people’s brains shut off and people are ready to burn down your house and kill you and cut your penis off and want to choke you to death and rape you multiple times in a federal or state prison so you know that’s what you know the the one threatening email said I am going to get raped in prison luckily I didn’t and anyways um Alex Jones doesn’t deserve this he does not deserve any of this I mean0:37:01.9 –>
I’ve had my disagreements with him him turning against me Darren mcbrain blocking me not wanting to talk to me Rob dude turning against me um and that’s personal grievances between all of us I don’t know why they hate me ever since I was set up with child porn Alex Jones turned his back on me that’s true I’m telling people the truth however I know what it’s like being set up for child porn I know what it’s like being called a child molester Uncle Fester the child molester I know what it’s like being called all these terms I’ve never raped I’ve never molested it’s into court it’s you know if I was a rapist or a child molester that would have been my charge I would have been charged with that too I was not because that is not true I’ve never raped I’m never molested I’ve never murdered I have never been charged with assault believe me somebody has autism0:38:00.7 –>
who uh has meltdowns and he has not been charged with assault understand that I’m innocent of child pornography I approve of my innocence and so my judgment is this Alex Jones is innocent that Judge and Chris Manning needs to stop bringing that up they need to stop rehash in 2019 saying oh they tried that the child poor was given to the Sandy Hook lawyers they need to stop that they need to stop that because it’s wrong it’s morally wrong they should not be telling the jury this stuff because they’re going to be jurors that might think he’s guilty and say oh he just got off because the FBI is protecting uh uh pedophiles like Hunter Biden who has uh videos of him having sex with his niece you know raping raping his niece and so since the FBI0:39:00.9 –>
protects pedophiles I think Alex Jones is guilty you know that’s what the jury might do they might think he’s guilty and so a hundred billion of dollars judgment Alex Jones will be a judged a billion dollar judgment because I think he’s a child pornographer you see what what scares me about all this you think I want to see Alex Jones set up with child porn you think I want to see that knowing that they’re going to do this to any of us no I don’t want anyone set up with child pornography I don’t think anybody should be set up with this fail I don’t think anybody should it scares me to see Alex Jones being treated like this because I got called a pedophile there have been people that wanted to kill me they wanted to cut my penis off and I wanted to murder me they wanted to write0:40:00.3 –>
me there was people that wanted to write me because I was accused of child porn so luckily I was protected by God and so you must understand being set up with child porn is not fun when Alex Jones made those angry remarks attacking Chris Manny I don’t think it was 100 directed at Chris Maddie he was just upset because someone tried to set him up with this film and I don’t think kyuna did it either why would they go and have some some some you know because I saw I saw the letter from John Durham that you know my family found the letter that he posted on Infowars and and it mentioned Q Anon Q Anon I don’t think would do this because they’re against pedophilia that you know I mean that that’s that’s it’s just like the tormail stuff where somebody could say oh Brian Hill at here’s the child porn email0:41:01.1 –>
from Brian Hill at you know what I’m saying or here’s the news I mean this is what they do they set people up they they set me up with a malware they tried to set him up with a malware this whole tour mail stuff is probably all malware they set me up with with win32 moly vampire a and so and then they have uh shoot what’s that shoot remote control system by Galileo uh Vault seven volt 8 fall planting uh tools that the CIA has they can plant child support on your computer with fall planting tools and they can they can put email on your computer and operate it remotely you know and things like that so that you know they could get somebody with child porn or they can you know use you as a Fall Guy saying you know they can have your computer like a zombie computer where they share child porn through your computer and then you get busted so it protects the real child0:42:02. –>
pornographers because they will never go to jail because they went after you instead the Fall Guy the zombie computer and so either my computer was a zombie computer for the real child pornographers or the whole thing was a fraud and so I believe the same thing with Alex Jones I think he was set up with child part that is my belief and so I hope that I clarified all this that you know the last video I was angry at Alex Jones for turning his back on me but I don’t think it is right I don’t think it is right I don’t think it is moral I don’t think he is guilty of that I don’t think he is and the FBI cleared him so I’ve had my disagreements with him I’ve had my personal you know personal anger you know that I felt because he turned0:43:01.8 –>
his back on me he thought I was a pedophile he thought I was guilty um you know Dan Salazar thought I was guilty and Derrick Bree must have thought I was going Rob dude was like if you can prove the government f’d up then we’ll then we’ll write an article but here’s the thing I don’t think he should have gone through this I mean as somebody was set up his back turned against me I don’t think he should have gone through any of this it’s not moral it’s not right so I have to defend Alex Jones on this one I have to defend him it is my moral obligation to go on a video have my family uploaded to YouTube and they need to tell people that I personally feel Alex Jones should not have gone through this the Sandy Hook trial they should not have ever brought up child pornography at all that’s not what his uh charge was his0:44:00 –>
charge was lying about about the Sandy Hook parents being the crisis actors or actors you know or that was a or that was just that they were just acting for some false flag operation or you know it was about that it was about defamation they should never have brought up the context of Alex Jones and child pornography because the wrong jurors are going to hear those words they’ll be like oh catch him then all of a sudden the jury’s like I’m mature Alex told us yeah the jury’s just gonna be like teleport I’m gonna give him a hundred thousand dollar judgment and so it’s gonna take the jury I know it is it’s gonna take the jury in the Sandy Hook defamation case it’s gonna make the jury push for the maximum0:45:00.5 –>
penalties against him in the Sandy Hook defamation suit I don’t think that was right Chris Manny’s in the wrong for this he should never have brought that term up because it taints the jury it taints the jury that’s my final verdict on this Chris Manning is in the wrong and that that woman judges in the wrong two she knows better than that she’s supposed to be a judge of Justice she’s not doing Justice she should never have allowed child pornography to be brought up in that instance when the FBI cleared above it and so I think that judge should be disbarred I think Christmas should be disbarred they never should have brought that up because they should just stick with the facts the facts and not bring up anything that can Prejudice a jury because even if someone’s cleared of child born you don’t want to bring it up you don’t want to tell people hey man0:46:01.4 –>
hey bud I will spray with child porn you know that’s not something you just want to tell your friends on the street that’s not something you just want to tell your family hey family I just got set up a child porn that’s the kind of thing or if you just mentioned those words someone might look at you the wrong way and so and you know when they don’t know the whole story so yeah it takes the jury a prejudices them and I think it’s a bad idea ethically morally legally I think Chris Manny’s in the wrongness God bless you God Bless America Justice for brindy Hill of usw alternative news I was set up a child porn I have proven it um I’ve proven it to Roger Stone that’s why I tried to help me Roger Stone he tried to get me a pardon because he knew I was set up with child porn I knew I was set up my family knew it and0:47:00 –>
I hope Justice be done for my case I hope I could be acquitted one day or pardoned by the president I hope it’s not going to be pardoned somehow and I hope I could be out of this because I’m innocent and I prayed for Alex Jones that I pray that Chris Maddie stop trying to Prejudice the jury I pray to God now I pray to Jesus Christ that they stop trying to Prejudice the jury against Alex Jones stick with the facts
3 thoughts on “Brian Makes a Statement about Alex Jones child porn set up used by Sandy Hook defamation trial – YouTube, Doesn’t think Chris Mattei was moral in bringing up the child porn set up attempt on Alex Jones during Sandy Hook defamation Trial”