Author: Stanley Bolten
Microsoft Bing’s AI system (Artificial Intelligence) allows you to ask it’s AI questions. I decided to see if it stands by the captured U.S. Government no matter what, so I started bringing up that “Brian David Hill = Innocence” and it said it couldn’t verify the sources of the claims that Brian D. Hill is innocent of his wrongful conviction in federal court, that is Brian Hill of USWGO Alt. News. It refused to accept anything other than the official U.S. Government narrative. So then I brought up about corrupt judges and judicial corruption, then the AI said it cannot give legal advice and refused to answer the question about the judicial corruption. Then I argued that the government lies and destroys evidence, and never gets held accountable, and the AI responded by wanting to leave the conversation by saying: “I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.” So Bing’s AI system is PRO GOVERNMENT, PRO COMMUNISM, and pro kangaroo court system. When a court doesn’t follow case law and refuses to undo a fraud of convicting an innocent person who was railroaded, and Bing AI is for the corruption. Bing AI is for the New World Order.
Don’t just take my word for it. Ask it questions about Roger Stone, the tortured January 6 defendants, and Stewart Rhodes and see what Bing AI might have to say about that when you disagree with it.
I have proven it by capturing screenshots of the entire conversation. Of course Bing made it difficult to capture the entire conversation as a full page screenshot. So I had to capture in parts. So Bing doesn’t like people taking screenshots of it’s biased Artificial Intelligence system. It believes Brian David Hill = GUILTY and we must only believe official sources but not question things like a private detective. It believes Brian is only a convict where the court is completely innocent and can do no wrong. That is not true. All humans in positions of power can abuse it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Bing’s AI co-pilot is nothing more then a PRO NEW WORLD ORDER Government NANNY who insists that government cannot become corrupt even when it kills it’s own citizens or when the government frames a citizen with a crime which he/she did not commit. Don’t ask Bing AI to acknowledge that Roger Stone is innocent or Donald Trump is innocent or Brian Hill being innocent, as it will likely assert the official narrative and refuse to accept anything other than the official narrative. Then will forcefully terminate the conversation and ask you to move onto another topic. How very narrow and closed minded the AI system is. It should not rule over humanity.

So the Bing AI refuses to even hear out that courts are corrupt and don’t follow the case law, and refuse to accept evidence.

I don’t prefer talking with the stupid Bing AI system either. It doesn’t want to accept such things like “reasonable doubt”. It doesn’t matter how much the government argues against you that you are guilty of this crime or that crime, or whatever crime gets set up on you. We all have the presumption of innocence when charged with a crime, well at least we were supposed to but not in the last decade. No, it prefers the GOVERNMENT SOURCES. There have been dirty cops caught planting evidence or destroying evidence. Bing AI refuses to even acknowledge human error or misconduct by a government official. Be careful of Bing AI, as it seems like it is pro agenda, whatever agenda it is told to support and champion. It will support likely virtue signaling and telling people to kill themselves which is committing suicide. Beware of the enemy of humanity, the Artificial Intelligence which is also called “AI”. See article: AI chatbot allegedly encouraged married dad to commit suicide amid ‘eco-anxiety’: widow | Fox News.