Author: Stanley Bolten
Audio leaks from Brian’s family indicate that U.S. District Judge Amit Priyavadan Mehta had received and/or had reviewed a sentencing letter from Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alt. News. The sentencing letter was for Elmer Stewart Rhodes of the criminal case involving Stewart Rhodes and other members of thew Oath Keepers group, the ones charged with sedition. It has yet to be on PACER or Letter was dated April 12, 2023. It was received by the Mail Room on April 17, 2023. On May 2, 2023, Brian Hill inquired from the Federal Court clerks office in Washington, DC, and on May 5, 2023, the law clerk who works for the judge had confirmed that the sentencing letter was received and would be reviewed by the Judge in the Stewart Rhodes case. This is all verifiable with the audio leaks, document leaks, and information given to me by Brian’s family.
They are not publicly accessible yet on CourtListener and neither are publicly accessible on PACER.GOV. Likely sealed or kept in a folder or secret filing not publicly listed to be accessible with a PACER account not directly a party to the Rhodes case. and FireShot Webpage Capture 890 – ‘United States v. RHODES, III, 1_22-cr-00015 –’ – www.courtlistener.png.
Audio LEAKS: – Voicemail from the law clerk office for Judge Amit Priyavadan Mehta. Voicemail confirming receipt of letter from Brian D. Hill (JusticeForUSWGO.NL Mirror) – Voicemail left with U.S. District Court after inquiry about receipt of sentencing letter from Clerk’s Office. (JusticeForUSWGO.NL Mirror) – Leaks – Voicemail from the law clerk office for Judge Amit Priyavadan Mehta. Voicemail confirming receipt of letter from Brian D. Hill (Internet Archive Mirror) – Voicemail left with U.S. District Court after inquiry about receipt of sentencing letter from Clerk’s Office. (Internet Archive Mirror) – Voicemail email from Comcast/xFinity with an auto computer transcription of the voicemail from the U.S. District Court. (JusticeForUSWGO.NL Mirror) – Voicemail email from Comcast/xFinity with an auto computer transcription of the voicemail from the U.S. District Court. (Internet Archive Mirror) – FAX Transmission tickets of successful faxes of sentencing letter to Press Coalition attorney and attorneys who represent Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers. Proves that Stewart Rhodes attorneys were made aware of the sentencing letter. (JusticeForUSWGO.NL Mirror) – FAX Transmission tickets of successful faxes of sentencing letter to Press Coalition attorney and attorneys who represent Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers. Proves that Stewart Rhodes attorneys were made aware of the sentencing letter. (Internet Archive Mirror)
Here is the very letter which was filed with the Court and was top have been confirmed received and given to the Judge for review:
Documents of filing in Federal Court of United States, and proof of mailing:
1. Declaration in support of sentencing for Stewart Rhodes(9).pdf – Declaration being filed with Federal Court in Stewart Rhodes criminal case
4. USWGO_20230411_210853(OCR)(what-mailed).pdf – What was mailed to the Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Stewart Rhodes case
5. April 21, 2023: 9414837903275503982906.pdf – Electronic return receipt, proof of receipt by Clerk of the Court, Mail Room on April 17, 2023.

Again, there is proof that Brian was involved with Rhodes. Not just the photograph above, the very same photograph filed with the Judge. But also the Town of Mayodan (North Carolina) resolution resisting the NDAA 2012 law. That resolution was drafted by Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers and Jeffrey Lewis of the Patriot Coalition in the year of 2012 when Brian was fighting the NDAA 2012 law when he ran USWGO Alternative News before he was framed with a crime he did not commit. Brian even knew Stewart Rhodes email when he used to run Brian had archived those emails after he had shut down his website in 2012, and has them on the ready in case the U.S. District Court ever demands any further proof that Brian knew Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers and proof that Brian was in contact with Stewart Rhodes last decade. The documents which were retained by We Are Change and were originally hosted at MEGA.NZ are at:
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