Author: Stanley Bolten

@allidoisowen I am getting thousands of people to see the sentencing letter affidavit calling you a professional & a good person asking for a reprieve for you. I don’t know why the court is ignoring Brian & his family. That letter was timely received by the Court’s mail room on Sept. 11, 2023. Brian is angry that the court filed only the Stewart Rhodes letter and Roger Stone letter with democrat judges approving them but yet some how a RINO judge is blocking and ignoring and not even adding an entry of rejection or approval of filing or anything. I am sick of the cover ups by judges and clerks. They allowed Brian to criticize Stewart Rhodes which turned We Are Change against Brian removing their article on Brian Hill being set up. Yet they won’t allow a letter PRO OWEN SHROYER. They won’t even act like it was even received when it was signed for by express mail. The Court is not allowing Pro Owen Shroyer letter but allows a letter against Stewart Rhodes. Court has such Bias, prejudice
3 thoughts on “Public post to Owen Shroyer (Infowars) at Truth Social: I am getting thousands of people to see the sentencing letter affidavit calling you a professional & a good person asking for a reprieve for you.”