See article: Stanley Bolten to Truth Social: “The Deep State has weaponized the United States Probation Office and Homeland Security. They have weaponized the entire U.S. justice system.”; Why is the U.S. Probation Office working for or with U.S. Department of Homeland InSecurity (DHS)??????? Weren’t they supposed to be independent and impartial?????? What happened to separation of powers doctrine by U.S. Constitution???.
Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News has created an EMERGENCY REPORT VIDEO of what allegedly is a potential plot by individual or individuals within the U.S. Probation Office in Roanoke, Virginia, to set up Brian for multiple non-compliance probation violations over matters already approved by Brian’s former supervising officer, Jason McMurray, Senior United States Probation Officer. He has reportedly been placed on “EXTENDED LEAVE” according to the claim of the supervisor Probation Officer who also visited Brian on April 25, 2024. His family has authorized this information to come out under the reason set forth: Brian feels his life is in danger, he feels unsafe, and has compiled a video primarily for his safety. This photo is being released in hopes that this protects Brian Hill from this alleged set up scheme being cooked up or whatever this is. It is clear, Brian’s new probation officer works for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as clearly shown on her shirt. It is illegal to wear a law enforcement shirt when it is to impersonate as a law enforcement officer (18 U.S. Code § 912-913 et seq). So, that means she does have involvement with DHS, otherwise it would be illegal for her to wear such a shirt and then engaging in searches while wearing the Department of Homeland Security insignia.

Evidence including the emergency video of Brian Hill has been uploaded to us by Brian’s family, as well as the video being uploaded to Rumble and Internet Archive. As well as conversation recordings by Brian D. Hill which he secretly recorded these conversations but are legally recorded for his safety. Legal under one party consent statute under Virginia law. The conversation recordings between his probation officer, and the supervisor, and Brian Hill, as well as Brian’s mother.
Feb 28-454068.wav – Conversation recording of probation officer visited dated February 28, 2024. | 2024-04-30 02:28 | 110870k |
Apr25-881581.wav – Recording dated April 25, 2024. | 2024-04-30 01:24 | 194006k |
Apr25-229120.wav – Recording dated April 25, 2024. | 2024-04-30 01:20 | 55784k |
Apr25-942869.wav – Recording dated April 25, 2024. | 2024-04-30 01:19 | 41217k |
20240425185523-O-12022623034.wav – Brian calling Roger Stone to notify him about the probation DHS invader situation. | 2024-04-30 01:17 | 661k |
20240425162530-O-127622445275.wav – Recording of Brian calling his grandma during the probation situation, dated April 25, 2024. | 2024-04-30 01:17 | 1697k |
20240425160418-O-12762244527.wav – Recording of Brian calling his grandma during the probation situation, dated April 25, 2024. | 2024-04-30 01:17 | 538k |
Brian says he and/or his mother were being told by the supervisor of his current supervising probation officer that Brian was in non-compliance with his probation conditions regarding what he described as “internet capable devices” (not devices actually using the internet at all but are considered capable of going on the internet, even though the devices are offline) even though Jason McMurray had already given permission/approval for Brian to use certain devices including video game/gaming consoles, as long as they are not using the internet. His former probation officer Mr. McMurray even reportedly gave permission to watch shows on Disney+ by and through his mother’s/grandparent’s Disney+ account. Disney+ is on Roku devices. His probation officer had approved everything which the “bald headed” supervisor had claimed was a violation by non-compliance.
Brian informed him that Tucker Carlson acknowledges that the government can plant child porn to discredit people, but the supervisor appears to be considering any such notion as conspiracy theories during the probation visit on April 25, 2024. During the conversation recording on February 28, 2024, it appears Brian’s mother was explaining about the “set up scheme” to Brian’s newly assigned probation officer but she appeared to have cared less about anything Brian and his mother claimed. Instead, then she said she would bring the supervisor. The supervisor visited on April 25, 2024, and made harsh demands and radical changes to Brian’s lifestyle within a few hours. Brian was told he couldn’t have a Smart TV even though it isn’t connected to the Wifi and Brian doesn’t have/know the Wifi password. Brian was told he couldn’t play any video games if they are considered “internet capable devices”, devices previously approved by senior probation officer Jason McMurray.
There has been no explanation why Jason McMurray was placed on extended leave and as to why Brian lost Mr. McMurray on November 2023 as Brian’s supervising probation officer.
Brian alleges that he fears being set up and blackmailed by phony baloney probation violations just as what was promised in threatening email messages. Brian alleges that he fears being raped, raped in the butt hole, wrongfully imprisoned, and being murdered.

The threatening emails had forewarned that they would orchestrate probation violations against Brian in federal court. The two emails noted above were reportedly what Attorney Sue Basko had received and Attorney Basko had reported those threatening emails promptly to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for investigation, but the FBI does not care.

Ever since this new probation officer had taken over, Brian’s grandpa was pulled over by Emerald Isle Police Department in North Carolina for allegedly not stopping at a red light on Coast Guard Road. Brian and his whole family claimed that the light changed from green to red very fast, as if the police officer was waiting for Brian’s family to be stopped. Brian’s grandpa was never pulled over by police as a U.S. Air Force veteran who had driven under good faith for many years. This was the first time that a police officer had pulled over Brian’s military veteran grandpa. Brian’s grandpa was being set up with a fake violation, AS A WARNING, just like the fake probation violations Brian may be facing. Brian’s grandpa was pulled over on the same road as the condo/resort where Brian was reportedly stayed at which that address was reported to Brian’s probation officer and was approved for travel.

More articles may come as this story develops.