Author: Stanley Bolten
With the wrongful conviction of Donald J. Trump, being found guilty by a rigged jury as orchestrated by a corrupt kangaroo court judge, a judge who could likely be blackmailed with child rape and murder or any other blackmailable crime. Look at John Roberts the blackmailed chief justice. Now Donald Trump understands about political prisoners, political probationers who are all suffering as a result of being TARGETED by the DEEP STATE aka the Shadow Government of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies and other Intelligence Agencies around the world. This includes the CIA, DHS, DOJ, FBI, NSA, as well as MI6, CCP, and MOSSAD. Read the book by Whitney Webb about blackmail and corruption plaguing the U.S. Government. Donald Trump now knows that jury trials can be rigged, the police can be rigged to falsify evidence, and that people can be wrongfully convicted for political purposes aka political prisoners/probationers. Time for Donald Trump to consider filing FULL PARDONS for Brian D. Hill (formerly of USWGO Alternative News), Matt DeHart who was formerly of Anonymous/Wikileaks, Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks, Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, and all of the peaceful January 6 (J6) protesters. Those who have been wrongfully convicted by kangaroo courts must be set free.

Corrupt U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, sounding like some mafia kingpin on the Rachel Madcow (MADdow, that woman is mad) show talking about: “You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”. It doesn’t just insinuate possibly physical assassination (by whatever means, to cause the death of a target), but also character assassination. Using set ups by fabricated criminal evidence and one type of set ups are child porn set ups. Tucker Carlson spoke about this with Joe Rogan. Even comedian Terrence Williams acknowledged that these set ups are possible and can happen even to members of U.S. Congress.

See the documentary on Rumble about the Deep State framing people.
Stewart Rhodes was wrongfully convicted too. It shows when you’re in a rigged jury trial, you have two choices. Choice #1: Take the guilty plea and face less time in prison and serve probation, and Choice #2: a jury finds you guilty and you face a lot more prison time and serve probation. Prior to Stewart Rhodes facing a wrongful conviction himself, Stewart Rhodes wrongly thought Brian was guilty without even looking over the discovery evidence in Brian’s case, and now he has suffered what he thought would never happen to him in what was supposedly a free country with justice for all. The Political Hackers Squad tried to frame Rhodes with kiddie porn prior to the January 6 kangaroo court trials. Since he was able to foil being set up with those filthy images, they went straight to sedition type charges against Stewart Rhodes to set him up as some kind of seditious terrorist wanting to use Quick Reaction Force (QRF). So, if child porn doesn’t work, they go straight to terrorism, sedition, or some other charge.
Owen Shroyer and Roger Stone were both wrongfully convicted in a kangaroo court process.

Tucker Carlson said pretty much that Congress is BEING HELD HOSTAGE by the U.S. Intelligence agencies by being afraid of being framed with child porn.

It is clear that the Deep State are unhinged. The CIA are unhinged and unaccountable. A coup d’état is being done not by foreign military, but this coup d’état has been orchestrated by those on the inside and is being orchestrated by the shadow government overthrowing the Constitutional republic of the United States of America. They are overthrowing America like they did with the Ukraine as Vladimir Puttin had told Tucker Carlson in an interview. Putin said the CIA overthrew the Constitution of Ukraine. The CIA can overthrow America as well.