Stanley Bolten, I received word from my source who was in contact with Brian, that Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News may have leaked his criminal case court documents and material to Wikileaks, likely in a bid to prevent the U.S. Attorney Office from covering up their criminal activities. I received a message on…
Author: justiceforuswgo
Will U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster bust the US Attorney for “Fraud on the Court”?
Stanley Bolten, The scales of Justice is out of balance. The question is, whether U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster (Durham, North Carolina) will bust up the U.S. Attorney Office (Middle District of North Carolina) for “Fraud on the Court” including (#1) subornation of perjury and perjury by the Government’s witness, (#2) false allegations and/or conclusory…
“We need to reform our Federal Judicial System” Comment on Reddit!
Stanley Bolten. This comment I made on a Reddit post regarding the Federal Courts. I made this opinion because I have seen the riskless abuse of Judges, as with those who have followed my blog. Some may agree with me, some my disagree with me, but that is okay. We have free thought, freedom of…
Can rogue law enforcement or politicians plant child pornography? #PizzaGate
Disclaimer: All material here is protected under Fair Use doctrine under the U.S. Copyright Act, First Amendment under the United States Constitution. Image titled “Police Officers Will Plant Drugs On You” is not by Stanley Bolten but is sourced from This image was reposted under fair use for the purpose of educational and political…
#JIF Journey into Freedom with Host Red Gypsy & co-host Scarlett Anonymous 04/23 by FreedomizerRadio | Spirituality Podcasts
NOTE: Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO Alternative News has been interviewed again on Freedomizer Radio and this time admits that he is working with a law enforcement officer or agent to get ready to prove his case then push for an indictment of U.S. Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton of the Danville, Virginia United…
Evidence/Arguments of Journalist Brian D. Hill’s innocence are found in his 2255 Brief
Stanley Bolten, For those that think Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News isn’t innocent in his criminal case but may be ignorant of the facts of innocence brought out in his Habeas Corpus petition, I felt the need to publish links to his 2255 motion and brief filings for everybody to review. The facts…
Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI?
Stanley Bolten, This is the day I have feared for the worst of all to happen to good patriots and alternative media. The child pornography set up attacks continue while Brian sits wrongfully convicted and ignored by the FBI. Now somebody or maybe even a group of people, has sent child pornography to Alex Jones,…
Download the Court Documents of Brian D. Hill’s criminal case from TORRENT now
Note: Don’t let the U.S. Attorney corrupt S.O.B. cover up and destroy the evidence of his actual innocence and evidence of the criminal behavior by the Feds criminal enterprise. Share that Torrent, post the court documents on places like scribd, Google Docs, everywhere. Email these court documents to whistleblowers and members of the media. GET…
News Reporter’s additional evidence motion referred to U.S. Magistrate Judge
Stanley Bolten, USWGO Alternative News reporter Brian D. Hill’s “additional evidence brief” and motion asking the U.S. District Court for permission to admit evidence has been referred to the Magistrate Judge as of Apr 10, 2018. It is concerning falsification of evidence by the Prosecution and the threatening email that Ian Freeman of Free Talk…
USWGO News Brian Hill files response to Government’s Pre-filing Injunction Motion
Stanley Bolten, Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News, has filed a response in opposition to the Government’s motion for pre-filing injunction that also requests massive sealing of public court filings in his criminal case concerning evidence of his actual innocence needed to overturn his wrongful conviction. Brian’s filing constitutes of…