Alex Jones, Darrin McBreen, and Rob Dew (2) needs to stop ignoring Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News and they need to cover his damn case. This opinion editorial article explains why Infowars needs to have Brian D. Hill on the Alex Jones Show or the War Room with Owen Shroyer. They need to quit ignoring Brian and his criminal case because it isn’t embarrassing to Infowars to cover his case when Alex Jones was personally claiming to be a victim of a child pornography set up scheme by the MSM. Heck Alex Jones, like Brian D. Hill, having to defend himself, saying on the Alex Jones Show that he likes women with big you-know-whats and big butts and started getting very angry on the Alex Jones Show after they falsely claimed that he was a child porn man. Alex Jones was so angry that he blamed QAnon simply because of the email address being a TORMAIL type email such as “”. Onionmail is a TORMAIL style anonymous email address provider.
Author: justiceforuswgo
Federal Courts pick and choose who gets TRIAL BY JURY: A serial child pornographer gets a JURY TRIAL right but not a former news journalist
The U.S. Supreme Court has made a grave error yesterday on February 22, 2021. They deprived an innocent man Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News of his Constitutional right to Trial by Jury but that right was given to a serial child pornographer named Andre Haymond. He gets his case heard before the Supreme Court, his case makes precedent in 2019, establishing that the serial child pornographer when he was caught twice with what appeared to be child porn, his appeal argued that he was deprived of his right to a jury trial. The SCOTUS agreed and overturned his case on that Constitutional ground. He has now become a serial child pornographer when he was found multiple times, and SCOTUS was sympathetic to him. SCOTUS was not sympathetic to an innocent man named Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. They get to pick and choose who gets the Constitutional right to Trial by Jury when accused of a crime including a new charge of Violating Supervised Release. They get to choose based on a particular statute paragraph or subparagraph. What the Supreme Court has done to Brian is laughable at the face of true justice, and the hypocrisy.
Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alt. News asks Donald TRUMP for HELP, at his Mar-a-Lago resort at Palm Beach, Florida
Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News is sending his 6th and 5th letters to real-President Donald J. Trump asking him for help for getting permanently ACQUITTED in Federal Court. Brian is asking that since he isn’t officially the President anymore, that Brian needs help with paying for…
CIA or Deep State WAGES WAR on US, Brian, and his family at Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News
The attacks from TOR proxy IP Addresses and now more attacks on us from dedicated attack account on The attacks against Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News are ramping up. The CIA needs to stop attacking us, I am WARNING THE CIA TO STOP. If these attacks continue, then the CIA or whoever in the Deep State is doing this is declaring and waging an ACT OF TERRORISM on us. We won’t put up with this. Brian done nothing wrong, he is a virgin and he was clearly framed/set up. These attacks need to stop. All Brian has been trying to do for years is get his life back and b e acquitted. What is wrong with that? We won’t stop posting even if the CIA attacks us. This is ridiculous!!!!
Roger Stone tried; failed to have President Trump pardon Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Brian’s family uploaded the text messages with Roger Stone where Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News made a last ditch effort to beg for a Full Unconditional Pardon from U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Roger Stone replied that he tried but failed to get Brian’s evidence and information to successfully have Brian on the pardon list of President Trump’s last pardons before leaving the White House on January 20, 2021.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news ANGRY that President Trump didn’t pardon him; demands Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide evidence of Judges being BLACKMAILED; threatens to Subpoena Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood
Brian has been angry for a few days since Roger Stone texted Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News on January 20, that he wasn’t in the pardon list of President Donald J. Trump before he left office, presumably for good. So he is demanding that Attorneys Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide any evidence of Judges and Politicians being blackmailed. Faxed the letter to Attorney L. Lin Wood. Family gave us the documents and was also emailed to Attorney Sidney Powell. L. Lin Wood confirmed receiving the letter from Brian D. Hill.
WARNING: TOR Node proxy attacks coming for Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; impersonating federal officer and former U.S. Attorney
This blog of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has now received attacks, CIA style attacks from TOR EXIT NODES, traps being set to try to entrap Brian to revoke Brian’s Probation and then Solicitor General Jeff B. Wall claiming that Brian will never get a pardon because he claims without any evidence that is a pedo, even though Brian has proven a lot of his actual innocence and is just a victim of judicial corruption. We have the evidence, we have the emails, we have the messages sent through this blog contact system.
@LLinWood L. Lin Wood’s Twitter account censored and disappeared today – Jan 7-2021, Archived Tweets still exist — Any comments @SidneyPowell1 and @GenFlynn
I have seen my Ally Attorney L. Lin Wood who followed me on Twitter being Banned from Twitter, Censored, and disappeared. Even though L. Lin Wood was right about Vice President Mike Pence betraying U.S. President Donald John Trump. He has been censored. Along with U.S. President Donald J. Trump. They are all being thrown into the Digital Ghettos before we are are marched to the digital concentration camps.
Federal Judges have become Corrupted, as shown also in Electi0n Fr@ud Cases #DigitalSoldiers @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood
Some interesting tweets have come out now about the widespread Federal Judicial Corruption. It has gotten so convincing in all of their lies, fraud, junk, and abuse against criminal defendants and civil litigants are being praised by people like Zach Vorhie with his message attacking Stanley Bolten’s secondary Twitter account @BenGate61221661, the former Google employee who claimed to have blown the whistle. Yes, Zach Vorhies, through Direct Messaging had criticized and ATTACKED our blog articles, and claiming that Laurie and I are being inflammatory against these nice little tyrannical Judges who have violated their oaths of office publicly in their actions and behavior.
If General Flynn can receive a “Pardon of Innocence”, so should Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News? (OPINION)
General Michael Thomas Flynn was pardoned by President Donald J. Trump on November 25. President Trump declared General Flynn innocent of his charges. If President Trump can do that, he should do such for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News in my humble opinion.