Being back-stabbed by supposed-patriots like Jarrin Jackson. In his chat a group chat user was reporting witness statements on child pornography set up attempts against her and this is probably orpossibly other patriots on Telegram. I assumed that it was a targeting campaign, what else could it be? All I did was try to investigate this and make articles on the new alleged FEDERAL DEEP STATE SWAMP child porn set up plots and schemes. Instead, I get stabbed in the back figuratively possibly by Jarrin Jackson and his chat group on Telegram. I got kicked out and booted from the group for simply posting an article about the set up attacks on patriots by the Deep State Swamp. I posted in his groups in the past but never got the boot. I even made regular chat messages with other people, so I don’t just post links, I am a real person. Maybe Jarrin Jackson is a FAKE PATRIOT. He is on notice about this article asking him for comment. He will be notified of this article about his group chat censoring me, Stanley Bolten. Wonder why I got booted from his group over this specific article but not over others in the past posted to his Telegram group??? This article: ALERT! WARNING! Alleged CHILD PORN SET UP ATTEMPT ON TELEGRAM USERS!!! Alleged by a Telegram user – EXCLUSIVE STORY – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News –