Author: Stanley Bolten
Being back-stabbed by supposed-patriots like Jarrin Jackson. In his chat a group chat user was reporting witness statements on child pornography set up attempts against her and this is probably orpossibly other patriots on Telegram. I assumed that it was a targeting campaign, what else could it be? All I did was try to investigate this and make articles on the new alleged FEDERAL DEEP STATE SWAMP child porn set up plots and schemes. Instead, I get stabbed in the back figuratively possibly by Jarrin Jackson and his chat group on Telegram. I got kicked out and booted from the group for simply posting an article about the set up attacks on patriots by the Deep State Swamp. I posted in his groups in the past but never got the boot. I even made regular chat messages with other people, so I don’t just post links, I am a real person. Maybe Jarrin Jackson is a FAKE PATRIOT. He is on notice about this article asking him for comment. He will be notified of this article about his group chat censoring me, Stanley Bolten. Wonder why I got booted from his group over this specific article but not over others in the past posted to his Telegram group??? This article: ALERT! WARNING! Alleged CHILD PORN SET UP ATTEMPT ON TELEGRAM USERS!!! Alleged by a Telegram user – EXCLUSIVE STORY – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News –
WHAT THE HELL JARRIN JACKSON????? I thought you were a American patriot like Attorney L. Lin Wood?????

So Stanley Bolten is now permanently blocked from Jarrin Jackson char group Telegram. How sad.
This is why the ban had been initiated. Because of this one article. Such CENSORSHIP!!! Patriots stabbing other patriots in the back. There is no loyalty anymore, Americans are just stabbing each other in the back for whatever the reason is.

I have his Telegram contact information if you want to contact him and criticize to him about the censorship from his own group chat. His username is @DBRHomestead. Contact him and ask him why he pulled this stunt???
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