BitChute has now decided to engage in CENSORSHIP of Political Videos they don’t like. Videos that don’t break any laws and do not threaten anybody but simply inform people of Judicial Corruption and Political Corruption. So now BitChite has gone the route of censorship, a response was made in appealing their decision threatening them with exposure of their censorship if they don’t cease and desist their pointless censorship of the videos “Brian D Hill of “USWGO Warns Feds will Frame Up People with Child Porn – July 13, 2021”, and “Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court
Tag: censor
StanleyBolten new Twitter account suspended along with @GenFlynn and @SidneyPowell1
The attacks against us have increased after revealing that Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO alternative news had written Defense Secretary Chris Miller at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Twitter suspended my account without warning and claimed I tried to sway the platform or some garbage. I was banned around almost exactly or exactly around the same time that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were all suspended from Twitter, even Praying Medic. Even Attorney L. Lin Wood a day before was suspended on Twitter.
Infowars begins purging Millie Weaver videos from, Alex Jones a hypocrite for decrying censorship from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube
There you see, then you don’t, Infowars founder Alex Jones had kept his promise to start purging the Millie Weaver content from her old channel at, after a disagreement with Millie Weaver’s documentary film ShadowGate which had led to her being fired. Now Alex Jones is a hypocrite when he bashes Google, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and Twitter for censoring Infowars content. Now Alex Jones has engaged in the very censorship that he decries by deleting content from his very own platform of A double standard where he decries liberals censoring conservative content when the liberals claim fake news but is okay with deleting and purging the content of journalist Millie Weaver who formerly worked for Infowars. That is as if all the years of news reporting she had done for Infowars doesn’t matter anymore. Even if Millie got down on her hands and knees and begged Alex Jones to stop, he cannot undo the damage he had already done, those video links will never come back, they are gone forever, down the memory hole. Alex Jones committed the ultimate hypocrisy worthy of being documented and exposed on the entire internet.
Is 8chan/8kun censoring posts asking Qanon about Deep State setting up people with child porn, like with Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski, Brian Hill, Stewart Rhodes?
by Laurie Azgard A post was placed onto 8chan/8kun to simply ask Qanon a question that this person felt that Qanon needed to answer. The question was in regards to whether the deep state swamp and corrupt elements of the feds have been setting people up with child porn images. It has happened to Alex…
Don’t let the Feds CENSOR these Federal Case Files!!!!!!
by: Laurie Azgard Don’t let the Feds, the federal RATS, the federal THUGS attempt to censor and cover up Brian’s post-2255 filings on federal court record [middle district of North Carolina, case # 1:13-cr-435, Brian David Hill versus United States]. The case files had been uploaded onto Bittorrent and Mediafire, so please download them and…