ALERT: Images are NSFW as they may contain blood. Viewer Discretion Advised. We reviewed over enough evidence to think this is appropriate for release. The Deep State has been after Brian Hill and his family, and the attacks have increased against Brian and his family. This must be released in case this is a Deep…
Tag: FBI
LEAK: Corrupt FBI Office in Roanoke, VA refused to investigate obstruction of justice committed by Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andy Hall of Martinsville, Virginia who illegally destroyed evidence subject to U.S. Probation Office investigation in 2018 and was subject to three court orders
Author: Stanley Bolten Brian’s family leaks more things to the internet. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, contacted the FBI Office in Roanoke, VA by phone. Recorded the phone call legally under one party consent (they record your calls too…). Explained to them that he had evidence of federal obstruction of justice (which…
Yet another CIA officer admits that the Feds can set people up with crimes and throw anybody they want in jail
Author: Stanley Bolten Sound Investigations has revealed a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent/employee Gavin O’Blennis who became a contracting officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that: “You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.” Journalist says: “How?” and this CIA officer says: “You set ’em…
With Donald Trump wrongfully convicted by Kangaroo Court Judge, he now understands about being WRONGFULLY CONVICTED as an innocent political target, targeted by the CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI/DHS/MOSSAD/MI6
Author: Stanley Bolten With the wrongful conviction of Donald J. Trump, being found guilty by a rigged jury as orchestrated by a corrupt kangaroo court judge, a judge who could likely be blackmailed with child rape and murder or any other blackmailable crime. Look at John Roberts the blackmailed chief justice. Now Donald Trump understands…
Tucker Carlson/Monkey Werx seems to be acknowledging that U.S. Intel agencies can plant/upload KIDDIE PORN on people’s COMPUTERS/CELL PHONES; likely to set up and BLACKMAIL/compromise individuals
URGENT: It is clear at this point and our position on this is clear. The CIA and NSA are our enemy. DHS is our enemy. The U.S. Intel agencies are our enemy. They are an enemy of the American people. The U.S. Intel agencies are orchestrating a coup d’état (coup) against the U.S. Constitution and…
Sen. Chuck Schumer: “You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”
Author: Stanley Bolten This clip was not used in the documentary: The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. It should have been. It’s too late to change that, but we post this clip of corrupt U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer warning Donald John Trump…
Sex allegations and character assassination operations by CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ Deep State all are ESCALATING like never before such as the attacks on Tim Ballard, Russel Brand, Rudy Giuliani, Owen Shroyer, etc etc
Author: Stanley Bolten The sex allegations and character assassination operations by the Deep State ($hadow government, intentionally added dollar sign since the shadow government is about money, control, enslavement, and power) are escalating like never before. Used to be such character assassinations were conducted more secretly, slowly and delicately so that such criminal allegations would…
Flyers and cards to share this documentary: The Deep State Can FRAME YOU – the Documentary (Don’t let the CIA or Shadow Government set you up. Show them that YOU WON’T STAND FOR IT!!! Shut down the Federal Frame Up Operations)
Author: Stanley Bolten We are pleased to provide to the people, the American people, the business cards and flyers in PDF Format (and .avery format) to promote and share the documentary: The Deep State Can FRAME YOU – the Documentary. Also links to download and be able to burn the MPEG-4 file into a Video…
Is there yet another child porn set up attempt on Alex Jones?????? More and more, Commies, FBI, DOJ, Deep State starting to use CHILD PORN AS WEAPON OF CHOICE against political enemies
New rounds of child porn frame up attacks have come from the Mainstream corporate media. Child porn is a political weapon of choice for the deep state to use and by the deep state to use. Articles surfacing claiming that Alex Jones is text messaging child porn, MARCA claiming (Wayback Machine archive): “The lawyers affirmed they received child pornography documents on the leaked text messages. Consultants found sensitive images and alerted the FBI about the situation. “The FBI advised counsel that its review located numerous additional illegal images, which had apparently been sent to Infowars email address,” the filing states.” Even though he ignores Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News who has evidence he was framed with child porn, it is still wrong for the deep state political regime enemy to try to frame Alex Jones with child porn. Won’t say by name or organization of who that enemy is as we don’t wish to be sued by the lawyers. Whether Alex Jones is MOS or not, whether Alex Jones is a backstabbing traitor or not, it does show how much child po
USWGO Alt News reporter mails remaining 2nd joint letters to Congress
Stanley Bolten, I have checked the certified mail tracking numbers, and it appears that Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has mailed the remaining two 2nd joint letter to Congress to U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and U.S. Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC). This is in regards to Brian catching lies by the U.S. Federal…