BitChute has now decided to engage in CENSORSHIP of Political Videos they don’t like. Videos that don’t break any laws and do not threaten anybody but simply inform people of Judicial Corruption and Political Corruption. So now BitChite has gone the route of censorship, a response was made in appealing their decision threatening them with exposure of their censorship if they don’t cease and desist their pointless censorship of the videos “Brian D Hill of “USWGO Warns Feds will Frame Up People with Child Porn – July 13, 2021”, and “Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court
Tag: Judicial corruption
Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court System (VIDEO)
The corrupt Federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Middle District of North Carolina had denied uncontested motions which would have ended the illegal fraudulent criminal sentence of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Brian is ACTUALLY INNOCENT and had been proven with the uncontested motions of Brian’s actual innocence. It may take a lot of time to review over the Federal Pleadings but all prove Brian’s innocence. Brian was entitled to remedy and relief as a matter of law aka Local Rule 7.3 and Due Process Clause. Even the U.S. Supreme Court said Actual Innocence overcomes procedural time bars. Fraud on the Court and proven fraud perpetuated by the U.S. Attorney Office which are Government lawyers mean that Brian David Hill is innocent of his charge possession of child pornography.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news WARNING: Corrupt Feds will Frame Up Patriots and Activists to ASSASSINATE CHARACTERS
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had made a audio statement on July 13, 2021, warning all Patriots and Activists of what the Feds can start doing to them. He warns they got control of the FBI, DOJ, and they can start framing more patriots and activists with child pornography if the Swamp isn’t drained and the pedophiles aren’t removed from Government offices of the United States of America. We need to drain the swamp and soon. We need to stop the Drag Queen story times. We need to stop the pedophiles in High Offices of Power because they have the child porn, they diddle the kids, and they will diddle us all with child porn frame ups and have us raped in prisons. They are out of control and must be ARRESTED and Military Tribunal Nuremberg trials.
Britney Spears being forced to have a Court Appointed Lawyer, no Different than what Average Criminal Defendants receive in Courts all over America
Now is the time to question the legitimacy and Constitutionality of court appointed lawyers all across America. They don’t just force criminal defendants to take Guilty Plea Agreements, they forced Britney Spears into an almost-permanent lifelong Conservatorship until she dies of old age even though it’s clear she is competent enough to be a celebrity which has a lot of potential stressors such as paparazzi, constant media coverage, no privacy, and having to work many hours in the entertainment industry to satisfy the Executives of the RIAA, MPAA, or whatever corporation in the entertainment industry. Celebrities can work hard, make a lot of good pay, so why would they even need to be under a human liberty depriving conservatorship?
CORRUPT U.S. Supreme Court throws out Actual Innocence Appeal without Comment
Author: Stanley Bolten The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court threw out Brian’s third Petition for a Writ of Certiorari. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. This appeal to SCOTUS was based upon the Virginia Supreme Court claiming that Brian has no right to overturn his wrongful conviction on the ground of ACTUAL…
Federal Courts stall USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s cases after allegations of CHILD RAPE and MURDER against the Judges!!!
the source. Ever since those allegations were brought up, his Federal and State criminal cases have stalled without explanation, no judicial decisions are being made at this time, whatever the case may be. Bringing forth allegations that Judges involved in Brian’s criminal and/or civil cases may have done heinous acts such as raping kids and being videotaping doing such heinous acts, and those type allegations of a criminal nature regarding our Judges in our Courts would cause an internal investigation if not FBI and DOJ investigations if the source is credible. Even informed his Probation Officer of the blackmail and a possible suspect of who may have the motive to frame Brian with child porn to ruin his character with character assassination or the child porn set up may have been a revenge plot against Brian in 2012 over something of Brian having evidence in 2012 against somebody in regards to something involving Brian, but Brian is not at liberty to bring up the suspect’s name until he/she has been charged and convicted in Court in the future. The only Court not stalling Brian’s case is the U.S. Supreme Court unless allegations of child rape and murder are made against the Justices of SCOTUS. The letters not being released are not being released in case the Feds want this kept secret or prefer that it be kept secret until all matters are sorted out. This may be good news for Brian depending on if our suspicions are true, and Brian’s suspicions are proven true.
We are releasing Screensavers to attract more attention to these important political issues of political prisoners, being held HOSTAGE to POLITICAL CORRUPTION
The Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News political action blog has released two fully functional and high quality screensavers for free, of waterfalls as of right now. This is being done at our labor to raise awareness of Brian D. Hill a victim of political corruption, a victim of judicial corruption and being held hostage to it.
Brian isn’t the only political prisoner being set up or framed with a crime. It is likely happening to hundreds to thousands of political activists that are against the New World DisOrder. By bringing awareness to Brian’s federal case, it can bring awareness to others left in the shadow of darkness with little to no hope.
Virginia Appeals Court unlists USWGO news Brian Hill’s two Petitions for Appeals; holds him HOSTAGE to corrupt Lawyer who is likely compromised or threatened or blackmailed
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news filed two petitions for appeal with the Court of Appeals of Virginia. They disappeared days later and he is now being held hostage to his corrupt compromised defense attorney John Jones who is refusing to file any pleadings with the Court which is a plot to dismiss Brian’s direct criminal appeals. Brian is being held hostage to a corrupt court appointed lawyer who was caught not filing any pleading with the Court before Brian’s appeals were dismissed by the Court for no filings by the deadline. This blog forgot to include Brian’s other appeal. Brian filed three petitions for appeal with the Virginia Appeals Court. Two of them had been disappeared by the Clerk’s office without explanation. The Clerks are putting Brian in a position of a second legal hostage situation where Brian is being held hostage to his court appointed lawyer holding Brian’s fate in his hands and that lawyer failed him and is refusing to even communicate with his client, yet is being held to be forced to do what this lawyer wants and this lawyer is wrecking his appeals without explanation. Another situation of being held hostage to corrupt Federal Judges and now corrupt lawyers that is supposedly representing him. The treason keeps stacking up high and the Judicial Corruption continues on as usual against Brian.
Report of California Judicial Corruption – April 7, 2021
Brian D. Hill of USWGO news files the Petition for Rehearing in the Fourth Circuit US Appeals Court in dismissal of his 2255 Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal; citing Actual Innocence – Your opinions: @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 ?
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news, files his petition for rehearing in the corrupt “Fourth Circuit” “U.S. Court of Appeals”, in their bid to wrongfully dismiss his writ of habeas corpus through his 2255 motion, again citing that actual innocence overcomes any procedural bars including the one-year statute of limitations. This petition was timely filed. The opinion of this corrupt panel of appellate judges proves that they have completely ignored the very issue and the merits of Brian’s “ACTUAL INNOCENCE” claim, and their case law only replies upon the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act [AEDPA] strict limitations law forbidding Brian from filing his writ of habeas corpus after one year from the final judgment of criminal conviction. However Brian filed in both his appeal brief and in his 2255 motion case that “actual innocence” is not subject to a one year time-bar. The “Fourth Circuit” judges have completely ignored Brian’s actual innocence and dismissed his appeal case by claiming it was procedurally dismissed as time barred.