Judicial corruption needs to be exposed and brought down. We need true reform. All of those in the #BlackLivesMatter movement need to think about not just peacefully pushing for police reform but a peaceful movement to reform the judicial system and hold judges accountable for breaking the criminal laws.
Tag: Judicial corruption
Solicitor General files waiver of response to the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in U.S. Supreme Court on issues of fraud upon the court, failure to act on pending motions
by Laurie Azgard Update dated June-22-2020-11:22PM: EMail to U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco on Fraud upon the Court brief in U.S. Supreme Court, asking him to “Drain the Swamp” – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News The solicitor general of the United States, Noel Francisco had filed a letter to the U.S….
New Meme to promote the first QAnon Ally/Supporter before the U.S. Supreme Court – Where We Go One We Go All
by Laurie Azgard A new meme is being created, that is a public campaign to bring to the attention of the entire internet that a QAnon supporter and ally of QAnon [because he wants to defeat the deep state corruption that broken so many laws to get him wrongfully convicted on fraudulent evidence] is to…
The #BlackLivesMatter #ANTIFA protesters need to see this MEME, this is truth #GeorgeFloyd #IcantBreathe #BLM Corruption affects all races
by Laurie Azgard All of the #BlackLivesMatter and #ANTIFA protesters need to understand something. The corruption in our federal and state courts, the corrupt in our federal and state and local law enforcement, is not a race issue but a CORRUPTION ISSUE. #AllLIVESmatter here. Wrongful convictions encompasses white people, black people and even Asian people….
The #BlackLivesMatter ANTIFA protests should focus on all judicial corruption, which affects all colors of skin
by Laurie Azgard Brian’s mother had emailed me photographs of the ANTIFA #BlacksLifeMatter protests going on in Martinsville, Virginia. Here is what doesn’t make sense. The protests are all focused upon just the police officer who had killed George Floyd, a suspect. However the protests need to be focused upon all state and federal judicial…
Corrupt US Judge Jackson L. Kiser Strikes again, quickly dismisses Social Security Garnishment Lawsuit not protecting Autistic man
by Laurie Azgard Note: UPDATE FROM OLDER ARTICLE: Federal Lawsuit filed to prevent Circuit Court from Garnishing SSI disability of Brian D. Hill [USWGO] The corrupt and disHonorable federal judge Jackson L. Kiser strikes again by allowing the corrupt Virginia Commonwealth attorney Glen Andrew Hall and the dishonorable Giles Carter Greer [Circuit Court for the…
Petition for rehearing on both appeals revives Appeals dismissed by Deep State Assassins
by Laurie Azgard See post: Corrupt Richmond U.S. Court of Appeals Rubber-Stamps ruling allowing Corrupt Federal Judge to remain in Case; Doctor Transcripts at will! The corrupt federal appeals court judges [puppets] in Richmond, Virginia, that are doing the bidding of Langley, VA the Deep State assassins of the Swamp have failed as Brian Hill’s…
Corrupt Richmond U.S. Court of Appeals Rubber-Stamps ruling allowing Corrupt Federal Judge to remain in Case; Doctor Transcripts at will!
by Laurie Azgard The epitome of corruption is at an all-time high at the U.S. court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond, Virginia. Corrupt federal judges who were appointed by globalist Presidents have shown their true colors in the case of United States of America v. Brian David Hill. That is the criminal…
U.S. Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer agrees to tackle Federal Judicial Corruption!!!!!!!
Note: Please vote for Laura Loomer for Congress if you live in her district in Florida. All we need is one good congressperson willing to stand up to judicial tyranny to help drain the swamp. Disclaimer: Laura Loomer did not endorse writing of this article. This article was written by me as I support Laura…
The campaign to IMPEACH federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder for high crimes and misdemeanors
by Laurie Azgard The campaign has now begun to impeach the United States district judge Thomas David Schroeder for high crimes and misdemeanors. A petition has been set up asking Congress to impeach Judge Schroeder. The report was just issued to all staff members of both the United States House of Representatives and the United…