Now we are receiving more attacks, likely by the Biden DOJ — Department of INJUSTICE. For six years I have never been accused of abuse or fraud by ProtonMail. Even Attorney Lin Wood and Tracy Beanz takes interest in the emails we send out about the information war against the deep state pedophile Federal Judges and corrupt DOJ Federal prosecutor demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. ProtonMail disables me sending emails telling me “Message sending disabled due to abuse or fraud”. There are a few suspects of who reported for committing the HEINOUS ACT OF EXERCISING FREE SPEECH. It may be Anand Prakash Ramaswamy of the Middle District of North Carolina U.S. Attorney Office or John Alsup of the Middle District of North Carolina U.S. Attorney Office. We may be under CIA or NSA or U.S. Attorney coordinated Deep State Assault campaign against us!!!!!!!!!! They are out to get us after the critique email as well as the two latest articles we typed up: (1) The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; (2) Dishonorable Judge Joe Webster disregards all evidence; disregards credibility of Attorney L. Lin Wood not being delusional – U.S. Attorney Asst. Ramaswamy may lie about Br
Tag: Judicial corruption
The USWGO Federal Court case archives are now available on Mega, Mediafire, and Google Drive for your convenience, as far as April 23, 2022, archives of Hill v. USA
Now download the Federal Court archives of Brian David Hill v. United States of America as of April 23, 2022. Grab them all and share them on Bittorrent before the corrupt Federal Judges come for our throats at some point and eliminates our website and covers up the Federal Court documents. We fear that the evil demon U.S. Attorney asst. Anand Prakash Ramaswamy may push for another motion for a pre-filing injunction like in 2018, and push to cover up and destroy all evidence proving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News innocent of child porn, and the frame up set up scheme by USPO Kristy L. Burton of Danville., Virginia or the higher ups by bullying Brian into having an autism meltdown. Then the state charge set up operation caused by both Carbon Monoxide poisoning and a man in a hoodie threatening to kill Brian’s mother Roberta Hill, back in 2018. Now they may move to cover up and lie about Brian Hill and his whole family. They lied about attorney Susan Basko and will lie about attorney L. Lin Wood. They will all be lied about by this demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Don’t let them cover up his case files. Don’t let them succeed and DEFY THESE LAW-DISOBEYING FEDERAL JUDGES. These Federal Judges don’t follow any law anymore, they don’t even follow the Supreme Court, they think they are gods, they don’t even follow or enforce their own local rules because they are OUT TO GET Brian Hill if they cannot have him killed in their jails by withholding of insulin. Defy their illegal Court Orders to censor and destroy evidence. Do not let them get away with this. Defy them now before they even enter their corrupt unlawful unconstitutional dictatorial orders by the demon Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. Defy them by DOWNLOADING THEM NOW, DOWNLOAD THE CASE FILES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not wait for their minions with guns and terror, the corrupt U.S. Marshals under Pedophile Dictator Joe Biden. Now is the time to download the case files and share them on BitTorrent and other P2P file sharing websites and networks before they come for this website and other websites, Do not let the Feds make it disappear.
Dishonorable Judge Joe Webster disregards all evidence; disregards credibility of Attorney L. Lin Wood not being delusional – U.S. Attorney Asst. Ramaswamy may lie about Brian, Lin Wood, Stella and Kenneth Forinash in 9 days
The corrupt U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster gets even more worse than before. Not only has he labeled the Brian’s Hill’s fears and suspicions mirroring Lin Wood blackmail claims as “delusional” and “frivolous” basically insulting this attorney as just an “attorney from Georgia”, he being a lazy tyrant had his law clerk deny (through two simple text orders) Brian’s uncontested motion to reconsider and asking for an extension of time for the U.S. Attorney to respond to Brian’s 2255 motion. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Judicial tyranny from this puppet minion of Dishonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder. Thomas Schroeder appointed by George W. Bush who is a Skull and Bones ex President of the USA.
Somebody from “Anonymous” supported Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News after he was arrested by Department of Homeland Security in December, 2013
Now we assume that it was Anonymous back in 2013 because of the guy using a text to speech generated voice and the V-for-Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask. Anyways, somebody who appeared to have been “Anonymous” and did not use his real voice had uploaded a video on YouTube publicly supporting Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News who was framed and thrown into a constitutional crisis by the corrupt Federal Courts. See the link:
Brian D. Hill (USWGO News) files appeal brief and Letter on U.S. Government not contesting Motion to Reconsider Federal Court’s position on Attorney Lin Wood blackmail claims
Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed his appeal brief opposing U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster (Durham, NC Federal Courthouse) claiming that Brian’s fears of judicial blackmail mirroring the tweets of Attorney L. Lin Wood claims of “child rape” and “murder” blackmail videos concerning judges and politicians was labeled by a Court order as entirely “delusional” and “frivolous”. However, the U.S. Attorney had 21 days to respond to Brian’s “MOTION TO RECONSIDER” that Judge’s order but they did not respond. They did not contest or dispute the additional evidence regarding the credibility of Lin Wood. As well as a copy of Brian’s fax to Lin Wood dated January 20, 2021. Brian’s claims of Lin Wood’s credibility were undisputed, uncontested, as a matter of law under Local Rule 7.3(f) & (k).
Federal Judge labels Brian’s BLACKMAIL allegations as well as Attorney L. Lin Wood statements as “DELUSIONAL”, Brian Hill fights back with credibility of Attorney Lin Wood; more evidence blackmail claims are credible
The cowardly U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster who refused to acknowledge the actual innocence claims of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, despite his fraud on the court claims against Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Assistant U.S. Attorney being uncontested, had labeled Brian D. Hill’s blackmail scheme claims (child rape and murder blackmail videos) mirroring Attorney L. Lin Wood’s Lizard Squad claims on Twitter as “delusional” and “frivolous”. However, Brian Hill fights back and accuses Magistrate Joe Webster of acting in conflict of interest in violation of federal law, was biased in violation of federal law, and is making a premature fact finding regarding Attorney Lin Wood without pointing to any actual evidence or proof. IT IS GAS LIGHTING, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster is gaslighting rather than asking for the blackmail videos to be thoroughly investigated which was easy for him to do. Brian submitted exhibits and exhibits of evidence proving Attorney Lin Wood as a credible witness, a letter to Lin Wood about the Jeffrey Epstein blackmail videos, and acting as a protective proxy for his client’s blackmail evidence and/or claims who submitted the information about the alleged blackmail video evidence to him. That information and his source’s identity is protected under attorney/client privilege as Brian further argued in federal court document. Attorney Lin Wood said that he doesn’t have possession of the actual alleged blackmail videos, it is highly likely the client who went to him who had the “NUCLEAR LEVEL BLACKMAIL” videos. See Lin Wood’s tweet.
U.S. Fourth Circuit Judicial Council OKAYS child rape and murder by JUDGES in the Federal Courts – refuses to even investigate or subpoena Attorney L. Lin Wood; friends of Isaac Kappy, re: Lizard Squad hacktivist alleged blackmail videos
U.S. Court of Appeals, Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit had made the grave mistake of dismissing and denying the entire Judicial complaint by Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, without verifying the identities of the child rape and murder blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood. They dismissed and denied the Petition for Review asking to reopen the complaint and review over each and every child snuff blackmail videos to confirm the identities of those in the child rape blackmail videos. Asking to thoroughly investigate before making a disposition. They refused. They will forever be known as the “Pedophile Protectors” of the Fourth Circuit of Federal Courts.
Brian D. Hill files Petition for Review to Judicial Council for wrongful dismissal of BLACKMAIL complaints against Federal Judges; Judicial Complaint may be revived with new evidence; Emails from Lin Wood in response to Brian’s inquiry
Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO Alternative News, angry that his Judicial Complaint with evidence suggesting blackmail of Federal Judges was dismissed. Brian filed his Petition for Review with recent emails directly from Attorney L. Lin Wood sent to myself, Stanley Bolten, and forwarded to Brian’s mother Roberta Hill. Lin Wood corrected Brian assuming that Lin Wood somehow possessed the videos and made sure he was aware that he only had the encryption key password to the encrypted blackmail videos. It’s okay for Brian to assume Lin Wood may had possessed the videos as his tweets in January of 2021 sounded confusing, but Lin Wood clarified his earlier claims on Twitter which probably confused many as to who actually possessed the alleged blackmail videos. Now it all makes sense. The blackmail was given by The Lizard Squad to American Actor Issac Kappy and then he was murdered. However before Isaac Kappy’s unexpected death, his trustworthy friends who had the blackmail videos gave the key to Attorney L. Lin Wood and the blackmail video evidence encrypted to another person who this source has yet to be made public. Brian renewed his complaint with additional evidence to focus on the fact that the investigators need to actually watch the blackmail video files in order to know which Federal Judges inside of the United States of America is on the alleged child rape and murder videos. Lin Wood told Stanley Bolten and Brian D. Hill to “keep fighting”. The emails from Lin Wood verify the existence of the alleged child rape and murder blackmail videos and that Lin Wood doesn’t actually possess the videos but he and his trustworthy associates all has the encrypted password as was said in his tweets. Brian also had written Secretary James Ishida of the Fourth Circuit’s Judicial Council. That letter is being published here on public record for the court of public opinion. Brian is begging the Judicial Council to investigate the blackmail videos and take action on any Federal Judges caught in the blackmail videos of child rape and murder as alleged on Twitter.
BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Petitions for Rehearing from Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk actually obeyed 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time
This time, the Clerk, Scott S. Harris actually filed everything in an envelope which was received in the U.S. Supreme Court. Good deal not violating 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time. Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed three Petitions for Rehearing requesting reopening of his trio Supreme Court petitions requesting relief from his wrongful conviction on the basis of Actual Innocence, Fraud on the Court, and Judicial corruption aka the Judicial rebellion going on by the inferior Court Judges.
Clerk to Judge Norwood Carlton Tilley Jr. files Brian’s NOTICE with evidence of Attorney L. Lin Wood blackmail videos Tweets concerning The Lizard Squad; Brian D. Hill asking for U.S. Marshals to subpoena Atty. Lin Wood for the alleged blackmail videos
me alleging that they were forced to do what the blackmailers wanted until the blackmail was no longer holding any value. Lin Wood had been under increased attacks in the mainstream corporate media by who Lin Wood describes as the “deep state”. The Clerk’s Office covered up or refused to file this letter containing this evidence a few months ago for whatever the reason may be. Brian kept being persistent and filed a copy of that covered up letter a second time, this time it was filed.