Author: Stanley Bolten Note: If you are a lawyer or legal organization, and you wish to file an amicus curiae with the Supreme Court of Virginia. If so, then please do so as soon as possible to support this appeal otherwise Virginia will allow judicial dictatorships where a single judge can stop an appeal by…
Tag: Opinion
Truth Social Post: “It is John Roberts fault why Trump was indicted four different times. Roberts has the opportunity to order and remand the election fraud cases and force the judges to do their ministerial duty to allow the election fraud proof to be presented in a court of law…Time to put the blame where it belongs.”
Author: Stanley Bolten NOTE: SHAME ON YOU JOHN ROBERTS. John Roberts, you are the reason why America is being ruined and converted into a Globalist Dictatorship. Posted in MAGA PATRIOTS StanleyBolten @StanleyBolten Replying to @LeonardStihlmanDobratz and @realDonaldTrump It is John Roberts fault why Trump was indicted four different times. Roberts has the opportunity to…
Stanley Bolten on Truth Social: The Raland J. Brunson case (No. 22-380) may be dismissed, Writ of Certiorari petition denied because we have seen six cases in Brian Hill v. United States being denied after each U.S. Solicitor General’s waiver of right to respond; John Roberts is compromised, blackmailed, and corrupt, he will never allow this case to proceed
The case of Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al., case number 22-380 before the U.S. Supreme Court, risks being denied for Writ of Certiorari Petition and the case could be dismissed. This blog has covered every Supreme Court case of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. The petitioner should act now to try to compel the U.S. Government to respond and force them to lie their way (because the corrupt U.S. Government usually lies in Court) into trying to get the case dismissed. This will further expose the corruption in the U.S. Department of Justice, and would compel the Supreme Court not to deny the petition but instead consider it or prove that the entire Supreme Court is corrupt and illegitimate. As they bring in Communism and end the republic with puppet politicians and puppet judges. We fear that Chief Justice John Roberts is compromised, so we are discussing this issue with as many as possible on Truth Social following the Brunson case.
John McAfee’s encrypted DATA, possibly the same Blackmail material mentioned by Attorney L. Lin Wood about Judges and Politicians being blackmailed with CHILD RAPE and MURDER (Op-Ed)
In January, 2021, Attorney L. Lin Wood bragged about having a copy of the blackmail video materials originally from the U.S. Intelligence Agencies encrypted by a password exposing that politicians and judges are being blackmailed with child rape and murder. John McAfee managed to get Terabytes [TB] of DATA compromising the U.S. Government. Also said on Twitter from his official account that he had it encrypted with a password or key and had already shared it with others with a fail-safe key before his “supposed suicide” in June, 2021. Did John McAfee provide all of that compromising DATA collected by McAfee against the CORRUPT United States Government and its corrupt criminal actors to Attorney L. Lin Wood before John McAfee died in Jail???
Interesting Video Research: Alex Jones brags about EVERGREEN, Is MOS/CIA sending Code Words and declaring WAR on Police?????
Alex Jones brags about EVERGREEN, Is MOS/CIA sending Code Words and declaring WAR on Police?????
QAnon mentions EVERGREEN twice.
General Flynn brags about Alex Jones being a great patriot even though Alex Jones attacked QAnon like a dozen times already if not more. General Flynn has a spear pin and Alex Jones had claimed many times to be the “Tip of the Spear”.
If you try to research EVERGREEN Films, it is a closed production company that was located in California in “Suite Q”, yes “Ste Q”.
“We need to reform our Federal Judicial System” Comment on Reddit!
Stanley Bolten. This comment I made on a Reddit post regarding the Federal Courts. I made this opinion because I have seen the riskless abuse of Judges, as with those who have followed my blog. Some may agree with me, some my disagree with me, but that is okay. We have free thought, freedom of…