A news hit piece type propaganda was recently released and published online entitled “Hacker collective Anonymous reveals ‘QAnon’ controlled by “hardcore pedophiles” – The Internet Chronicle”. It is attempting to insinuate that QAnon is full of pedophiles at the top of the group, that of course comes out after a year ago when Alex Jones had also claimed QAnon may had been responsible for sending him child pornography files through an email address “qanon@onionmail.info”.
Tag: Pedophile Rings
More political character assassination attacks on Millie Weaver and Whistleblowers, dipping into pedophilia
When it rains, it pours. After Alex Jones had fired Millie Weaver [Millennial Millie] and declared that her entire channel on Banned.video will be deleted, now Kaitlin Bennett or a imposter account appears to be on Twitter attacking a whistleblower associated with Millie Weaver’s documentary “ShadowGate” and stating that the whistleblower is married to a child molester, yeah a pedophile. The attacks have now escalated to calling the enemy of Infowars, a connection to an alleged pedophile.
Corey Feldman’s documentary “My Truth: The Rape of the 2 Coreys” possibly hacked to cover up the truth?
by Laurie Azgard – Disclaimer: The image in this article is just a parody but the 403 forbidden and the black screen did really happen. The hacker image is just a representation of what could have happened. Many have noticed that anybody trying to watch the documentary film of “My Truth: The Rape of the…