Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News and his family/friends legal team have fought hard to make sure that Brian’s Supreme Court trio petitions are not thrown out of the Supreme Court, at least not disposed of until the Corrupt Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar files a proper response or opposition brief as Brian had argued before his emergency Motions. His emergency motions cover all three of his Supreme Court cases including his Mandamus action.
Tag: U.S. Supreme Court
Email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar: “This has to come to a resolution., In Re: Brian David Hill; you should respond or file opposition brief”
It is clear that the three Supreme Court petitions by Brian David Hill should not just be denied and the Judges should not be getting away with their injustices. Brian Hill’s petitions should have it’s merits checked by the Justices and given Oral Argument. It is clear that justice cannot be obtained otherwise.
Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court requesting that the U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge SSchroeder and U.S. Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the laws
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News took the initiative to compel the U.S. Solicitor General’s office and the Corrupt Federal Judges incl. Chief Judge Thomas David SSchroeder and William Lindsey Osteen Junior to file a response in opposition to his trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions requesting vacatur of his criminal conviction or acquittal or both. The acting U.S. Solicitor General Brian Fletcher had filed the standard usual waivers of response in all three of Brian’s petitions hoping that all of Brian’s trio petitions would all be denied by the Justices of the Supreme Court.
USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions docketed, response deadlines set for November 22, 2021; Judge SSchroeder to have to respond to Brian’s assertions of them bucking the Supreme Court
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court had docketed the trio of petitions filed by Brian D. Hill , formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Trio of petitions asserting that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the U.S. District Court in Greensboro/Winston-Salem, North Carolina had inappropriately refused to follow the case law precedents set by the Supreme Court. The case law authorities such as the Constitutional right to a Jury Trial for supervised release violators who are charged and accused but not yet convicted of a supervised release violation. Constitutional rights such as the inherit powers of Federal Courts to vacate fraudulent begotten judgments when a judgment is grounded upon fraud. Constitutional rights such as the right to prove factual innocence to a criminal conviction that your actually innocent of. That the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act shall not abate actual innocence claims. All of that had been docketed today, on October 21, 2021. All were considered filed on October 8, 2021, because that was the date when the UPS label was generated by Roberta Hill, Brian’s mother. All three petitions were mailed in the same box with the USWGO Logo affixed to the box with the words: “JUSTICEFORUSWGO.WORDPRESS.COM – GOD – JESUS – COUNTRY – JUSTICE – FREEDOM – LIBERTY – NO CORRUPTION”.
USWGO News Brian D. Hill files Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions to Nullify Criminal Conviction; curtail Fraud on the Court; asking to impose Mandate/Prohibition on Autonomous Federal Courts ignoring Actual Innocence Exception to Anti-Terrorism AEDPA
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News (after he was framed on August 28, 2012 in the Town of Mayodan) has filed three/trio Petitions within the U.S. Supreme Court to throw out the null and void criminal judgments in Brian’s Federal criminal case. Not just that but is pushing the SCOTUS to curtail the U.S. Attorney’s repeated pattern of fraud on the court under it’s leading assistant U.S. Attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy of the Middle District of North Carolina.
CORRUPT U.S. Supreme Court throws out Actual Innocence Appeal without Comment
Author: Stanley Bolten The corrupt U.S. Supreme Court threw out Brian’s third Petition for a Writ of Certiorari. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. This appeal to SCOTUS was based upon the Virginia Supreme Court claiming that Brian has no right to overturn his wrongful conviction on the ground of ACTUAL…
U.S. Supreme Court dockets Virginia Habeas Corpus appeal of Brian D. Hill
USWGO alternative news reporter Brian D. Hill’s third petition in the U.S. Supreme Court has been docketed and filed. This is regarding the Supreme Court of Virginia throwing out Brian’s appeal of his writ of habeas corpus petition being quickly denied because Brian was not in state custody at the time he filed his petition. Brian asserted that he has a constitutional right to prove factual innocence to his state charge and wrongful conviction. He said that decision by Virginia’s highest court conflicts with the SCOTUS decisions that “actual innocence” can overcome any procedural bar or defect. It conflicts with well-settled issues of law and puts America backwards sense the Innocence Project had won a lot of cases of those actually innocent of crimes they were convicted on and were exonerated by DNA evidence.
Brian Hill of USWGO news files third Supreme Court petition and State Appeal for Writ of Error Coram Vobis/Nobis
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news has filed his third U.S. Supreme Court petition for Writ of Certiorari asking SCOTUS to protect his actual innocence rights in his State criminal case. As well as filing a “Petition for Appeal” for the Court of Appeals of Virginia to undo a decision to throw out…
Federal Courts pick and choose who gets TRIAL BY JURY: A serial child pornographer gets a JURY TRIAL right but not a former news journalist
The U.S. Supreme Court has made a grave error yesterday on February 22, 2021. They deprived an innocent man Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News of his Constitutional right to Trial by Jury but that right was given to a serial child pornographer named Andre Haymond. He gets his case heard before the Supreme Court, his case makes precedent in 2019, establishing that the serial child pornographer when he was caught twice with what appeared to be child porn, his appeal argued that he was deprived of his right to a jury trial. The SCOTUS agreed and overturned his case on that Constitutional ground. He has now become a serial child pornographer when he was found multiple times, and SCOTUS was sympathetic to him. SCOTUS was not sympathetic to an innocent man named Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. They get to pick and choose who gets the Constitutional right to Trial by Jury when accused of a crime including a new charge of Violating Supervised Release. They get to choose based on a particular statute paragraph or subparagraph. What the Supreme Court has done to Brian is laughable at the face of true justice, and the hypocrisy.
No RIGHT to TRIAL BY JURY: U.S. Supreme Court throws out second Certiorari Petition in USWGO news Brian D. Hill’s criminal case
The U.S. Supreme Court had thrown out Brian’s second petition requesting relief in his federal criminal case, that he was deprived of trial by jury. That is Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news. In this appeal case he had a lawyer named Edward Ryan Kennedy and was not done pro se, yet the Supreme Court treated the petition as if it doesn’t even mean anything and isn’t worthy of review. This finalizes the second supervised release violation against Brian D. Hill, and deprives him of the Constitutional right to a trial by jury. Yes this should scare any American. The Supreme Court had ruled last year that all Supervised Release violators are entitled to a trial by jury which gives them more Constitutional protections such as proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt or a conviction should not be made by the Jury.