Author: Stanley Bolten Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court has still refused to recuse himself from the case of Brian David Hill v. United States of America (USWGO Alternative News founder) despite two separate filings asking for recusal due to Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims about a blackmail scheme of child rape…
Tag: U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court dockets EMERGENCY MOTION for recusal of Chief Justice John Roberts over the rape blackmail scheme whistleblower information alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood, Clerk confirms EMERGENCY MOTION for the U.S. Solicitor General to respond will be distributed to the chambers of the Justices
Author: Stanley Bolten U.S. Supreme Court dockets the EMERGENCY MOTION for Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself, and has filed the entire appendix this time. Which includes the exhibit with the radio patriot blog entry about John Roberts and the pedo blackmail tapes. As this was filed, we are still waiting on whether or…
U.S. Supreme Court mail room receives EMERGENCY MOTIONS asking for CORRUPT U.S. Government to respond and for asking Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself from the case of Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO Alternative News asking for a Special Master to review over alleged BLACKMAIL SCHEME VIDEOS claimed by Attorney L. Lin Wood
Author: Stanley Bolten The EMERGENCY MOTIONS filed by mail, filed by Brian D. Hill of formerly USWGO Alternative News last Friday, has been confirmed to have been received by the mail room of the U.S. Supreme Court on December 5, 2022. By employee Kevin Hackerson. Hackerson is confirmed to be a “Assistant Property & Supply…
In U.S. Supreme Court, Brian D. Hill files EMERGENCY MOTIONS against Corrupt U.S. Solicitor General waiving filing a response, again asking all justices to compel Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself for his name mentioned by Attorney L. Lin Wood in alleged blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
Author: Stanley Bolten In the U.S. Supreme Court new filings were being mailed, Brian D. Hill who was the founder of USWGO Alternative News before he was wrongfully set up and politically persecuted, had finally taken a political jab at both the U.S. Attorney Office and at Chief Justice John Roberts. Both in two “EMERGENCY…
AGAIN, POPULAR TELEGRAM CHANNEL Joe M the storm is upon us boosts visits to article on the U.S. Supreme Court finally filing Brian’s filings regarding Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims alleging a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
For a second time, Joe M (the storm us upon us) on TELEGRAM has posted one of our articles about the ongoing battle in the U.S. Supreme Court in Brian D. Hill’s fight for a Special Master to review over alleged blackmail scheme videotapes as claimed by Attorney L. Lin Wood on Twitter. As of November 29, 2022, around 1 AM, the second posting has received over 4,600 views, 40 likes on the inner article, 18 likes on the Joe M post itself, as well as hearts a few other smileys. I am sure John Roberts did not want this to get as popular as it has. We will keep fighting until he recuses himself. Our goal is WE WANT ALL BLACKMAILED JUDGES AND JUSTICES OUT OF BRIAN HILL’S CASES NOW. Brian D. Hill can be acquitted once the corrupt blackmailed judges and justices are recused from any further involvement with Brian’s federal cases. We will keep fighting until Brian David Hill is acquitted. Brian David Hill = Innocence.
Brian D. Hill verbally hints at U.S. Supreme Court Clerk’s office that he will soon file emergency motion asking Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself from Certiorari Petition case (case no. 22-6123) referring to Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claim of blackmail scheme concerning child rape and murder
Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, a politically persecuted set up victim who was victim of the Deep State sanctioned set up operation since August 2012, has phone called the U.S. Supreme Court clerks around November 28, 2022 and hinted around that he will soon file emergency motions for Chief…
Stanley Bolten on Truth Social: The Raland J. Brunson case (No. 22-380) may be dismissed, Writ of Certiorari petition denied because we have seen six cases in Brian Hill v. United States being denied after each U.S. Solicitor General’s waiver of right to respond; John Roberts is compromised, blackmailed, and corrupt, he will never allow this case to proceed
The case of Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al., case number 22-380 before the U.S. Supreme Court, risks being denied for Writ of Certiorari Petition and the case could be dismissed. This blog has covered every Supreme Court case of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. The petitioner should act now to try to compel the U.S. Government to respond and force them to lie their way (because the corrupt U.S. Government usually lies in Court) into trying to get the case dismissed. This will further expose the corruption in the U.S. Department of Justice, and would compel the Supreme Court not to deny the petition but instead consider it or prove that the entire Supreme Court is corrupt and illegitimate. As they bring in Communism and end the republic with puppet politicians and puppet judges. We fear that Chief Justice John Roberts is compromised, so we are discussing this issue with as many as possible on Truth Social following the Brunson case.
Supreme Court files on Docket the Petition and Emergency Application regarding alleged BLACKMAIL SCHEME of Judges and Officials including allegedly JOHN ROBERTS citing Attorney Lin Wood claims and letter to Attorney Lin regarding alleged blackmail videos of child rape and murder
Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, has put enough pressure on the Deputy Clerk to stop blocking the Certiorari Writ Petition and Emergency Application regarding the alleged BLACKMAIL SCHEME of “Judges” and “Officials” engaging in acts of child rape and murder according to the Attorney L. Lin Wood claims last…
USWGO Alt News Brian D. Hill faxes letter to U.S. Supreme Court escalating issue to supervisor on Deputy Clerk Clayton Higgins blocking EMERGENCY APPLICATION and CERTIORARI PETITION on Attorney Lin Wood’s claims on blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
Brian D. Hill, former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News, files a faxed letter (two times) with the U.S. Supreme Court demanding resolution to the Deputy Clerk Clayton Higgins blocking the Writ of Certiorari petition and Emergency Application appealing the judge denying motions asking for a Special Master to investigate over the alleged blackmail scheme video recordings of “judges” and “officials” engaging in child rape and murder as claimed by Attorney L. Lin Wood, last year on Twitter. The article on the illegal/unlawful blocking of Brian’s petitions has received over 5,700 views on TELEGRAM, thousands of views as reported by visitor stats, and has been syndicated by a fellow journalist blogger at Clever Journeys. We are the new media. Last year Lin Wood had publicly released a photograph of an unnamed letter he received from the person or persons who allegedly gave Lin Wood the information about the Lizard Squad hacked blackmail video recordings of allegedly child rape and murder.
A POPULAR TELEGRAM CHANNEL boosts visits to article on the U.S. Supreme Court illegally blocking Brian’s filings regarding Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims alleging a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder
The U.S. Supreme Court has been put on notice that they will not get away with illegally blocking a valid Certiorari Petition filing and Emergency Application petition. It is clear that the Clerk has unlawfully blocked the filing likely to protect the Chief Justice John Roberts, at least we assume as such, and we dare John Roberts to file a lawsuit against Attorney L. Lin Wood for defamation for his claims made against John Roberts. It is up to John Roberts whether he wants to defend himself against the allegations by Attorney L. Lin Wood, of Chief Roberts allegedly being blackmailed with child rape and murder. See the emergency application that John Roberts does not want in front of his face and didn’t want the Clerk to file in HIS U.S. SUPREME COURT.