Reposted from Lin Wood Whistleblower Interview: Danger in Supreme Court Posted on March 4, 2021 by Texans Jack & Dodie Each day, we learn new revelations in politics that startle, anger, and depress us. What you are about to read caused such emotions when I first examined this information. The contents of these interviews,…
Tag: U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. SUPREME COURT ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK FILING of Emergency Application asking BLACKMAILED Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself and Certiorari Petition for denied motions asking for Special Master to review over blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood, child rape and murder blackmail
The U.S. SUPREME COURT gone and done it now. They are attempting to reject the filings of Brian D. Hill’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Emergency Application to Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself from the case. The filings concern an interlocutory appeal of two motions being denied requesting a Special Master to review over the what Attorney L. Lin Wood had alleged to be the existence of blackmail videos of “judges” and “officials” concerning allegedly recorded acts of child rape and murder. The filings have been returned to Brian Hill with a single-page letter with an excuse that Brian’s appendix lacks a “final order”. See the PDF file of the scanned letter given to us by Brian’s family. Brian D. Hill is formerly the news reporter of USWGO Alternative News.
Stanley Bolten sends email to U.S. Supreme Court arguing that they should not cover up pleadings again in the case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News versus the United States of America
Stanley Bolten the admin of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog, has sent an email to the U.S. Supreme Court with being a citizen’s sting operation where they were put “ON NOTICE” that every pleading Brian has ever mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court was scanned and photocopied by Brian before being mailed off with the tracking number and mailing label, matching the UPS delivery confirmation along with the proof of delivery. Photographs were emailed of what was mailed and Brian’s family emailed the UPS tracking delivery confirmation proof document to the Public Information Officers of the U.S. Supreme Court. This is to ensure that nothing is covered up again like what was done last year in Brian’s trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions.
Clerk dockets Appeal Brief in Fourth Circuit against Corrupt Magistrate Judge; and also has information from Brian D. Hill trying to expose corrupt Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
Brian D. Hill is sticking with the words “Q” or “QAnon” as Alex Jones stands on the other side as Brian’s enemy. Brian D. Hill was formerly USWGO Alternative News. His appeal brief was filed by the Clerk days after being received by mail. Has a sticky note with the words “QAnon” and even went as far as starting the written/typed attacks against Supreme Court Justice John Roberts for possibly being compromised. Saying he “may” be blackmailed using Attorney Lin Wood’s claims naming John Roberts last year. Brian is angry that John Roberts is compromised and has argued in appeal that John Roberts being compromised may have negatively affected his appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court. Brian is angry at John Roberts for wrecking his appeals in the U.S. Supreme Court and wants justice against John Roberts. The Clerk of the Supreme Court factually covered up emergency motions for leave of court, those were never docketed which caused all SCOTUS petitions to have failed by being dismissed. Brian suspects John Roberts may be responsible for the Clerk violating federal law by refusing to file his emergency motions. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is Brian’s enemy NOW. Brian plans on demanding his recusal from any further involvement in his case.
BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Petitions for Rehearing from Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk actually obeyed 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time
This time, the Clerk, Scott S. Harris actually filed everything in an envelope which was received in the U.S. Supreme Court. Good deal not violating 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time. Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed three Petitions for Rehearing requesting reopening of his trio Supreme Court petitions requesting relief from his wrongful conviction on the basis of Actual Innocence, Fraud on the Court, and Judicial corruption aka the Judicial rebellion going on by the inferior Court Judges.
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News files Petition for Rehearing in U.S. Supreme Court for trio Petitions
As promised, Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had filed a “Petition for Rehearing” in the U.S. Supreme Court accusing Clerk Scott S. Harris of neglect of duty by not filing his EMERGENCY MOTIONS FOR LEAVE OF COURT and the Rule 15 delay letters. This is in regards to his original trio petitions filed in the U.S. Supreme Court docketed in October, 2021. Scott Harris may be in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. The Clerk, Scott S. Harris has tampered with the administration of justice if he is truly guilty of concealment, removal, cover up, or concealment or even destruction of pleadings which were supposed to be filed in the record of the Supreme Court of the United States. If Scott Harris is ever charged and convicted for the cover ups, then he can face up to three years imprisonment and disqualification from clerkship in any Federal Courthouse in the United States.
U.S. Supreme Court throws out Trio Petitions for Certiorari and Mandamus; Clerk covered up EMERGENCY MOTIONS and DELAY LETTERS; Violated 18 U.S. Code § 2071; formal CRIMINAL COMPLAINT; request for IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS
The Clerk got what they wanted when they violated Federal Law multiple times, all three trio Petitions in the U.S. Supreme Court were denied and thrown out. They deprived the former USWGO Alt. News reporter Brian D. Hill’s due process under the color of law. Brian called for Clerk Scott Harris to be indicted in a personal phone call made to the Clerk’s Office. That recording stored on Internet Archive. Recorded and released by family to let everyone know who the real criminals are, they have been compromised or infiltrated the Highest Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, in the United States of America. What a betrayal of one’s Oath of Office, faithfully discharging the duties of the Federal office they work under. Violation of Oath of Office. If they can do this type of criminal activities to Brian D. Hill, they can do this to any one of us who files in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Email to U.S. Supreme Court PIO: Brian D. Hill [USWGO Alt. News] will blame the Clerk’s Office for denial of his Mandamus/Certiorari Petitions; in his Petitions for Rehearing; Clerk will further violate 18 U.S. Code § 2071
The Admin of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has emailed the U.S. Supreme Court’s office of the Public Information Officer, informing them that if the Clerk’s Office play the dirty games then the U.S. Congress will be informed of this and the Clerk had violated 18 U.S. Code § 2071. The dirty games and trickery of throwing out Brian’s three petitions while refusing to delay the Conference for his three cases and refusing to file Brian’s EMERGENCY MOTIONS FOR LEAVE OF COURT to compel the U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar to respond or file an opposition brief.
The BATTLE in the Supreme Court to prevent Permanent Injustice, Forever; Clerk refuses to docket-file pleadings and disappears them from public record
There are bad guys, black hat Deep State thugs attempting to throw out (USWGO Alternative News) Brian D. Hill’s trio of Supreme Court petitions, trio of Rule 15.5 delay letters, and trio of his EMERGENCY MOTIONS received by the Mail Room of the U.S. Supreme Court on November 9, 2021. They are engaging in suppression operations where Brian’s letters which are Rule 15.5 motions are not being docketed when normally docketed in other cases before the Supreme Court.
We kept this quiet as we didn’t want to piss off the Clerk of the Supreme Court, but this article is now URGENTLY necessary as there appears to be some form of a suppression operation to not file pleadings on the dockets of the cases Brian D. Hill had filed before the Supreme Court.
Message from Stanley Bolten to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar: “When you are made aware of issues and emergency motions. . .sitting on it and allowing the petitions to be thrown out. . .you are aiding and abetting fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence” (citation omitted)
My email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar today is clear in response to the Solicitor General’s waiver of responding. That is in the trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News. That if the Solicitor General attempts to do anything to throw out Brian’s petitions, then they are just as guilty of “fraud, aiding and abetting destruction of evidence, aiding and abetting perjury, aiding and abetting all federal crimes committed by the U.S. Attorney Office in Greensboro, NC.” The warning is clear to the Corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. They are guilty of manufacturing evidence against Brian David Hill of USWGO Alternative News to retaliate against Brian D. Hill and shut him up forever and even trying to get him to kill himself. They failed. The Department of Justice should be arrested for planting child porn or allowing the State Bureau of Investigation to plant child porn and then provide manufactured evidence to the Corrupt U.S. Attorney Office of Greensboro, North Carolina. This is not the first time that the State Bureau of Investigation in North Carolina had manufactured evidence to obtain favorable criminal convictions in the Court system. They manufactured evidence in a murder case against Dr. Kirk Turner for a case which was a clear self defense. The same SBI who framed Dr. Kirk Turner for a murder charge had framed Brian D. Hill with child pornography, IT IS A FACT. Uncontested, undisputed FACT.