This is an ongoing journalist-type investigation. However information is coming within the Jarrin Jackson Telegram group, on Telegram chat systems. Many patriots are using Telegram including Attorney Lin Wood, Alex Jones, Pete Santilli, and many others. This person alleged that she was added as an admin to a “child porn” group. With hundreds to thousands of images of “child porn” as she had allegedly claimed. This matter is being investigated, watch for any further articles over this matter. Jarrin Jackson is a popular christian military vet. Doesn’t hide the fact on his Telegram (referring to Jarrin) that he knew or knows Attorney L. Lin Wood. Child pornography aka sexual abuse images are being used as a WEAPON right now and has been used since 2013 because of the Deep State and their blackmail operations. Child porn is a WEAPON which communists, pedophile ring scumbags, or any soulless dirty trickster will use to destroy their political enemies, their political targets, have them permanently stigmatized, and ruined forever causing either suicides, imprisonment, probation, Sex Offender Registration, and a life of HELL. It is the perfect weapon to ruin somebody. That is why the dirty corrupt Deep State Feds keep using child porn because it is effective when they prosecute people over simple possession which is easy to fabricate. All they need is to plant one photograph of a naked child abuse photo and that is it, charged with possession can happen, easily fabricated by the prosecution. It is coming and patriots need to take precautions if they haven’t already.
LEAK: Emails to and from Rob Dew of Infowars prove that he ignored Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news over frame up
The text messages between Stanley Bolten and Rob Dew of Infowars were leaked on August 24, 2020 as a warning to Infowars for turning their backs on Millie Weaver and Brian D. Hill. The emails leaked on September 11, 2020 by Stanley Bolten prove that Rob Dew was sent clear and convincing evidence that Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news was innocent of his federal charge and was defrauded by the federal prosecutor. Yet Alex Jones, Rob Dew, and Infowars itself refuses to bring up the very case and refuses to cover the Supreme Court case of Brian Hill. Infowars and Rob Dew are frauds as they call themselves the “tip of the spear” but turn their backs on their fallen infowars comrades in the information war. They were supposed to leave no man or woman behind but they left a trail of tears in the intelligence war of Infowars. Justice for USWGO alternative news blog wants answers from Infowars as to why they turned their backs on Brian D. Hill when they knew that other political activists were also receiving child porn set up attempts as reported by attorney Susan Basko.
LEAK: Rob Dew of Infowars looked into innocent man Brian D. Hill case, did nothing afterwards
by Laurie Azgard NOTE: The read receipt of the email from Rob Dew to Stanley Bolten will take time to find before being forwarded to me. Once it is located, it will be posted here or at least the screenshot will be posted here for proof. This website had warned Infowars that they will be…
WARNING to Infowars; if they continue attacking Millie Weaver and ignore Brian D. Hill’s case; we will expose YOU InfoWHORES
If Alex Jones of Infowars and any or all of it’s associates continue it’s defamation/slander campaign against Millicent Weaver [Millie Weaver], we will expose each and every step of this counter-intelligence program operation [COINTELPRO]. We will document each and every step to prove that Alex Jones is a liar and a yellow journalist, and will prove such against each and every staff member of Infowars.