See Articles: WARNING to Infowars; if they continue attacking Millie Weaver and ignore Brian D. Hill’s case; we will expose YOU InfoWHORES – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News and LEAK: Rob Dew of Infowars looked into innocent man Brian D. Hill case, did nothing afterwards – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
by Laurie Azgard
The text messages between Stanley Bolten and Rob Dew of Infowars were leaked on August 24, 2020 as a warning to Infowars for turning their backs on Millie Weaver and Brian D. Hill. The emails leaked on September 11, 2020 by Stanley Bolten prove that Rob Dew was sent clear and convincing evidence that Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news was innocent of his federal charge and was defrauded by the federal prosecutor. Yet Alex Jones, Rob Dew, and Infowars itself refuses to bring up the very case and refuses to cover the Supreme Court case of Brian Hill. Infowars and Rob Dew are frauds as they call themselves the “tip of the spear” but turn their backs on their fallen infowars comrades in the information war. They were supposed to leave no man or woman behind but they left a trail of tears in the intelligence war of Infowars. Justice for USWGO alternative news blog wants answers from Infowars as to why they turned their backs on Brian D. Hill when they knew that other political activists were also receiving child porn set up attempts as reported by attorney Susan Basko.
Again here are one of the screenshots of the text messages sent to Rob Dew and the response that he sent about sending him an email about what happened to Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news.

Rob Dew is the news producer and news reporter at Infowars, and he has done video presentations as well as made some appearances on the Alex Jones show broadcasts.
The raw emails and PDF files are uploaded by Stanley to the internet archive system.
Email to Rob Dew – US Attorney Fraud Upon the Court Uncontested_Redacted
Read Receipt confirm email of “US Attorney Fraud Upon the Court Uncontested_Redacted”
Email to Rob Dew – Appeal brief filed arguing Government defrauded court Judge abused discretion and ignored it
Read Receipt confirm email of “Appeal brief filed arguing Government defrauded court Judge abused discretion and ignored it”
The emails prove that Infowars producer Rob Dew did look at the two emails proving that the federal prosecutor did not contest the allegations of fraud upon the court against them when given three week response deadlines by the clerk in the CM/ECF system, in the federal criminal case of United States of America v. Brian David Hill. Despite the case being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Infowars has still refused to cover the case. So they didn’t just turn their backs on Millie Weaver, but they at Infowars had also turned their backs on Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news back in 2013-2014.
The first email that was emailed to Rob Dew said the following:
Rob Dew, Sorry for texting you instead of Brian texting you. He had lost his cell phone last year but still had your number so he had me to text you instead. Brian had also filed a affidavit in the case of Roger Stone in his favor too for the sentencing. That filing was approved by the Judge. I want to keep this as brief as possible since I understand that you all don’t have the time to sift through too many pages but want to bring up the factual points for the case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News, in regards to his actual innocence. As well as fraud upon the court by the asst. US Attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy. I also saw on the Alex Jones show in 2019 some of the pages of the emails that Alex Jones showed live on air about somebody trying to frame Alex Jones too with yucky CP files. They appear to be tormail messages as onionmail and that other provider are reportedly both TOR message providers. Brian D. Hill, Luke Rudkowski, Stewart Rhodes, Dan Johnson, Ian Freeman all received tormail messages of either a set up attempt or threat or both. Brian got a copy of the threatening CP set up threat message from his mother who received a copy from Free Talk Live who was raided by the FBI, Ian Freeman was questioned by the FBI but was never charged because Ian Freeman also received a tor mail message threatening more CP frame up action. A copy oif that message was filed in Brian’s 2255 case as newly discovered evidence. What happened to Alex Jones last year goes along with what happened to Brian in 2012-2013. One threatening message said to Brian in 2013 that Alex Jones would be next, and said beware. As to his legal case, it is publicly on Courtlistener and it stores copies of all Court filings from PACER.GOV. His appeal documents including the Writ of mandamus (19-2338) are on The brief points are as follows: Assistant US attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy did not contest any of the motions for sanctions against this government lawyer for his fraud upon the Court. Writ of Mandamus appeal was filed against Judge Thomas D. Schroeder for ignoring all motions of fraud upon the courts and for refusing to grant all of those motions for being uncontested. When a motion in a civil case is uncontested within 3 week response time, in the normal course of action that motion would be granted by the Court. The Court ignored all fraud upon the court motions and will not make a decision on any of them. Proof of judicial corruption. 2255 opens a civil case and are under both the Federal Rules of Criminal and Civil Procedures. Uncontested motions should have been granted, including default judgment. Brian has demonstrated enough of innoce3nce and the Government has f**ked up as you have asked Brian in 2018 to prove to you. #169 MOTION for Hearing and for Appointment for Counsel filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. Responses due by 2/20/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 01/30/2019) – Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! Main Document #199 MOTION entitled “Motion for Sanctions and to Vacate Judgment in Plaintiff’s/Respondent’s Favor” “Motion and Brief/Memorandum of Law in Support of Requesting the Honorable Court in this case Vacate Fraudulent Begotten Judgment or Judgments” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. Response to Motion due by 10/25/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Supplement 1, # 2 Supplement 2, # 3 Exhibit 1, # 4 Exhibit 2, # 5 Envelope – Front and Back) (Civil Case number: 17CV1036) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 10/04/2019) – Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! Main Document Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 #206 MOTION entitled “Petitioner’s Second Motion for Sanctions and to Vacate Judgment that was in Plaintiff’s/Respondent’s Favor; Motion and Brief/Memorandum of Law in support of Requesting the Honorable Court in this case Vacate Fraudulent begotten Judgment or Judgments” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. Response to Motion due by 11/5/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Supplement 1, # 4 Supplement 2, # 5 Supplement 3, # 6 Supplement 4, # 7 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 10/16/2019) – Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! Main Document Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 #213 Objection by BRIAN DAVID HILL re 210 Recommended Ruling – Magistrate Judge re 168 MOTION filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL, 153 MOTION to Appoint Attorney filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL, 141 MOTION to Dismiss Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct Sen (Attachments: # 1 Envelope – Front and Back)(Butler, Carol) (Entered: 11/04/2019)– Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! These objections talk about Brian’s actual innocence and the frauds upon the court and the Government had a few weeks to respond with a response filing and never did. Main Document Attachment 1 #217 MOTION entitled “Request that the U.S. District Court Vacate Fraudulent Begotten Judgment, Vacate the Frauds upon the Court against Brian David Hill”, filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL re: 199 Motion. Response to Motion due by 12/2/2019 (Attachments: # 1 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) Modified on 11/12/2019 to correctly link document. (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 11/08/2019) – Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! Main Document Attachment 1 #222 MOTION entitled “Petitioner’s third Motion for Sanctions, Motion for Default Judgment in 2255 case and to Vacate Judgment that was in Plaintiff/Respondent’s favor” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Supplement 1, # 12 Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 11/21/2019) – Never responded to by the Government and never contested on the record! Main Document Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 Attachment 8 Attachment 9 Attachment 10 Attachment 11 Attachment 12 Writ of Mandamus filed because Judge keeps ignoring the motions for fraud upon the court. Document #195 did ask the Judge to recuse himself and he refused but his attitude changed by getting worse and he ignored all motions for sanctions even though a Judge has a duty to dispose/resolve of all pending motions and wait for any and all pending appeals (incl. interlocutory) concerning that matter and case prior to dismissing an entire criminal/civil case and action. Appeal-19-2338-Docket-Dec-2-2019.pdf download 13.8K Appeal-19-2338-Document-1.pdfdownload 13.0K Appeal-19-2338-Document-11.pdfdownload 11.8K Appeal-19-2338-Document-12.pdfdownload 392.8K Appeal-19-2338-Document-13.pdfdownload 2.9M Appeal-19-2338-Document-14.pdfdownload 12.6K Appeal-19-2338-Document-15.pdfdownload 82.7K Appeal-19-2338-Document-16.pdfdownload 91.6K Appeal-19-2338-Document-17.pdfdownload 2.1M Appeal-19-2338-Document-18.pdfdownload 3.6M Appeal-19-2338-Document-2.pdfdownload 3.6M Appeal-19-2338-Document-3.pdfdownload 36.9K Appeal-19-2338-Document-4.pdfdownload 65.6K Appeal-19-2338-Document-5.pdfdownload 15.6K Appeal-19-2338-Document-6.pdfdownload 179.6K Appeal-19-2338-Document-8.pdfdownload 54.9M Appeal-19-2338-Document-9.pdf Writ of mandamus was responsed to by the Assistant US Attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy but made claims that were shown to be lies, so a reply brief was filed by Brian with help of his family pointing to his innocence and the frauds. There are currently 6 consecutive appeals going on his case according to PACER.GOV. Party / Attorney: Hill, Brian 19-4758 US v. Brian Hill 10/15/2019 Brian David Hill 01/07/2020 15:14:13 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro 19-7483 US v. Brian Hill 10/15/2019 Brian David Hill 12/02/2019 16:51:51 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro 19-2338 In re: Brian Hill 11/25/2019 Brian David Hill 12/02/2019 10:11:43 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro 19-7755 US v. Brian Hill 11/27/2019 Brian David Hill 12/18/2019 14:06:50 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro 19-7756 US v. Brian Hill 11/27/2019 Brian David Hill 01/09/2020 11:29:09 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro 20-6034 US v. Brian Hill 01/06/2020 Brian David Hill 01/06/2020 15:40:25 0418-2 : 1:13-cr-00435-TDS-1 United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina at Greensboro Yes, I am not joking, Brian has in his federal criminal/civil 2255 case and his regular criminal case has six ongoing consecutive federal appeals which is unheard of in the normal course of federal cases being appealed. Normally a Federal Judge respects that if at least one or two appeals are filed that the Judge will not make any further decisions on the matter or even the case until after the appeals are disposed of. Judge Thomas D. Schroeder ignored the appeals including the Writ of Mandamus where the very Judge is respondent in that case, before deciding to permanently dismiss the 2255 case, even ranted about Brian’s motion to recuse. That Judge is partial and has illegally entered the actions that he had done and may not have had valid legal jurisdiction to even have dismissed it. Online post was written about what the Judge had done. In that post, a photo of Jeffrey Epstein on the left and a photo of Brian D. Hill when he ran USWGO Alt. News was on the right of the photo asking if Brian with autism and is a virgin was more of a danger to the community than serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. That was officially put in as his meme on Federal Court record. So Brian had meme’ed the Court. – #238 Notice of appeal So Rob Dew, you have the proof. Judicial misconduct and Prosecutorial abuse and frauds. Not contesting to the allegations of fraud. If you need any further proof, Brian’s appeal brief will be docketed for the wrongful dismissal of his entire 2255 case. That will expose the corrupt Federal Judge and expose the US attorney, all of them with the facts and the cross references from the record. You can call Brian D. Hill at 276-[REDACTED][FOR PUBLIC RELEASE]. You can text message me at: (202) [REDACTED][FOR PUBLIC RELEASE] I am Stanley Bolten. The founder of the website Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog. Brian also filed a Declaration in favor of Roger Stone in his federal case too. Brian was the only one who filed an affidavit in favor of Roger Stone for his sentencing. God bless you Rob Dew and the folks at Infowars, Stanley Bolten Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. |
Here is the evidence that Rob Dew of Infowars lied to Brian D. Hill, when Brian was originally told that if he could prove that the “government f**ked up” in his case that they would write an article. They never did, Infowars has intentionally distanced themselves from USWGO alternative news just like they turned their backs on Millie Weaver over the documentary “ShadowGate”.
Rob Dew is such a liar.

13 thoughts on “LEAK: Emails to and from Rob Dew of Infowars prove that he ignored Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news over frame up”