Being back-stabbed by supposed-patriots like Jarrin Jackson. In his chat a group chat user was reporting witness statements on child pornography set up attempts against her and this is probably orpossibly other patriots on Telegram. I assumed that it was a targeting campaign, what else could it be? All I did was try to investigate this and make articles on the new alleged FEDERAL DEEP STATE SWAMP child porn set up plots and schemes. Instead, I get stabbed in the back figuratively possibly by Jarrin Jackson and his chat group on Telegram. I got kicked out and booted from the group for simply posting an article about the set up attacks on patriots by the Deep State Swamp. I posted in his groups in the past but never got the boot. I even made regular chat messages with other people, so I don’t just post links, I am a real person. Maybe Jarrin Jackson is a FAKE PATRIOT. He is on notice about this article asking him for comment. He will be notified of this article about his group chat censoring me, Stanley Bolten. Wonder why I got booted from his group over this specific article but not over others in the past posted to his Telegram group??? This article: ALERT! WARNING! Alleged CHILD PORN SET UP ATTEMPT ON TELEGRAM USERS!!! Alleged by a Telegram user – EXCLUSIVE STORY – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News –
This is an ongoing journalist-type investigation. However information is coming within the Jarrin Jackson Telegram group, on Telegram chat systems. Many patriots are using Telegram including Attorney Lin Wood, Alex Jones, Pete Santilli, and many others. This person alleged that she was added as an admin to a “child porn” group. With hundreds to thousands of images of “child porn” as she had allegedly claimed. This matter is being investigated, watch for any further articles over this matter. Jarrin Jackson is a popular christian military vet. Doesn’t hide the fact on his Telegram (referring to Jarrin) that he knew or knows Attorney L. Lin Wood. Child pornography aka sexual abuse images are being used as a WEAPON right now and has been used since 2013 because of the Deep State and their blackmail operations. Child porn is a WEAPON which communists, pedophile ring scumbags, or any soulless dirty trickster will use to destroy their political enemies, their political targets, have them permanently stigmatized, and ruined forever causing either suicides, imprisonment, probation, Sex Offender Registration, and a life of HELL. It is the perfect weapon to ruin somebody. That is why the dirty corrupt Deep State Feds keep using child porn because it is effective when they prosecute people over simple possession which is easy to fabricate. All they need is to plant one photograph of a naked child abuse photo and that is it, charged with possession can happen, easily fabricated by the prosecution. It is coming and patriots need to take precautions if they haven’t already.
Federal Judge labels Brian’s BLACKMAIL allegations as well as Attorney L. Lin Wood statements as “DELUSIONAL”, Brian Hill fights back with credibility of Attorney Lin Wood; more evidence blackmail claims are credible
The cowardly U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster who refused to acknowledge the actual innocence claims of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, despite his fraud on the court claims against Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Assistant U.S. Attorney being uncontested, had labeled Brian D. Hill’s blackmail scheme claims (child rape and murder blackmail videos) mirroring Attorney L. Lin Wood’s Lizard Squad claims on Twitter as “delusional” and “frivolous”. However, Brian Hill fights back and accuses Magistrate Joe Webster of acting in conflict of interest in violation of federal law, was biased in violation of federal law, and is making a premature fact finding regarding Attorney Lin Wood without pointing to any actual evidence or proof. IT IS GAS LIGHTING, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster is gaslighting rather than asking for the blackmail videos to be thoroughly investigated which was easy for him to do. Brian submitted exhibits and exhibits of evidence proving Attorney Lin Wood as a credible witness, a letter to Lin Wood about the Jeffrey Epstein blackmail videos, and acting as a protective proxy for his client’s blackmail evidence and/or claims who submitted the information about the alleged blackmail video evidence to him. That information and his source’s identity is protected under attorney/client privilege as Brian further argued in federal court document. Attorney Lin Wood said that he doesn’t have possession of the actual alleged blackmail videos, it is highly likely the client who went to him who had the “NUCLEAR LEVEL BLACKMAIL” videos. See Lin Wood’s tweet.
Brian D. Hill files Motion for Judgment of Acquittal in Virginia case, files Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News has filed a Petition for the Writ of Actual Innocence and a Motion for Judgment of Acquittal. Both to overturn the wrongful conviction in Martinsville Circuit Court over his state charge, and to show proof of his innocence. The charge can be researched for themselves. However for those who know about Brian’s conviction, they may not know that Brian was under Carbon-Monoxide (CO) poisoning. They may not know that on the night morning of September 21, 2018, Brian was alleging in Federal Court Affidavit that he “may have been drugged” when he was found naked by Martinsville Police Department, at night. Sounding confused. Doesn’t that sound similar to Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton being drugged after they had quit infowars. Brian also was diagnosed by a forensic psychiatrist as to exhibiting a “psychosis” (a symptom of CO poisoning) at the time of the alleged offense but that evidence was inadmissible in Virginia Courthouses until the newly passed law of Virginia Code § 19.2-271.6. Brian had no clear intent as to why he was in the situation which had gotten him arrested on September 21, 2018. The evidence is settled that he had no intent and no new evidence suggests otherwise. There is no intent, Brian was likely drugged just like Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton were. Laboratory tests were cancelled by the Hospital after Brian was arrested by police. Evidence was destroyed and covered up. So anybody thinking Brian was guilty of indecent exposure at night, does not know that nobody claimed being a victim, the one who called 911 claimed that they saw a naked man running, likely out of concern thinking he was in danger. That does not sound normal at all. Brian claiming he was drugged and laboratory tests were cancelled and blood vials destroyed without ever conducting a drug test. They never disproved Brian’s claim that he may have been drugged, and it may be possibly by a DEEP STATE TEAM. The blood vials were destroyed by law enforcement, so evidence was destroyed, not by the criminal defendant Brian Hill but destroyed by the police. Brian was a target of the CIA, the Deep State, the Black Ops. For running USWGO Alternative News a long time ago. For defeating copyright mafia cartel Righthaven LLC and Steve Gibson who knew the Obamas.
Brian D. Hill files new 2255 Motion in Federal Court, again on Actual Innocence; directly accuses Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder of being blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” using the L. Lin Wood statements on twitter and his emails with statements; asks for Special Master to investigate and review alleged videos
The time has come. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, is challenging CORRUPT Chief U.S. District Court Judge Thomas David Schroeder with a new 2255 Motion filed with the U.S. District Court. It was filed on January 27, 2022. He has now directly accused this Judge of being possibly one of those in the alleged blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood on Twitter last January in 2021. Brian has asserted why he believes this Judge “may or may not be” blackmailed with “child rape” and “murder” as alleged by Attorney L. Wood on Twitter. He had accused this judge of being a possible blackmail target in his Judicial Complaint filed last year but the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit had refused to review over the alleged blackmail videos to determine if this Federal Judge is in one of those or if Brian was mistaken. Brian will apologize if he is wrong, but Brian feels certain that Federal Judges are being blackmailed with child rape and murder. Brian files a copy of a threatening email (TORMAIL?) as evidence in the Federal Court. That email details a threatening email that Attorney Susan Basko had received in 2015 which claimed that they would have this Chief Federal Judge set up to be the presiding Judge and would make this Judge convict Brian after another attempt to frame Brian with child pornography in 2015, that attempt had failed as Brian promptly and in good faith reported the child porn set up attempt attack against Brian D. Hill to his ex-Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton. Brian could not have been charged under that law due to the affirmative defense of reporting a frame up attempt to a Law Enforcement officer. That threatening email insinuated that the child porn frame up artist or artists have control of particular Federal Judges to do their bidding, not just email child porn and malware to patriots. See article: Alternative Media Attack: Attempt to Frame Truthstream Media | Truthstream Media
They couldn’t frame Stewart Rhodes with child porn, so they framed him with INSURRECTION or SEDITION!!!!! 18 U.S.C. § 2384, 18 U.S.C. § 372, 18 U.S.C. § 1512(k)
The Feds couldn’t frame Stewart Rhodes with child pornography back in 2013 with the TORMAIL attacks. They couldn’t fabricate his identity good enough with child porn PDF email or emails to indict him back in 2013. So now they are framing Stewart Rhodes with insurrection. It is here, it cannot even be accessed on PACER.GOV and isn’t available at CourtListener but the Mainstream media has a copy of the secret indictment. Isn’t that interesting. Anybody who uses PACER.GOV to even try to access the indictment is hit with some kind of error, so the Feds don’t want it available to the public until the mainstream corporate media covers his indictment and shows the actual document. The corporate New World Order media can cover the indictment but not PACER.GOV. Just like with Roger Stone when he was indicted years ago, Roger Stone cannot say anything because of the secret indictment but CNN can be told about the secret arrest of Roger Stone years ago. They have framed Stewart Rhodes with insurrection because they failed with the Pedophile Ring’s favorite weapon of child porn files.
U.S. Fourth Circuit Judicial Council OKAYS child rape and murder by JUDGES in the Federal Courts – refuses to even investigate or subpoena Attorney L. Lin Wood; friends of Isaac Kappy, re: Lizard Squad hacktivist alleged blackmail videos
U.S. Court of Appeals, Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit had made the grave mistake of dismissing and denying the entire Judicial complaint by Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, without verifying the identities of the child rape and murder blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood. They dismissed and denied the Petition for Review asking to reopen the complaint and review over each and every child snuff blackmail videos to confirm the identities of those in the child rape blackmail videos. Asking to thoroughly investigate before making a disposition. They refused. They will forever be known as the “Pedophile Protectors” of the Fourth Circuit of Federal Courts.
BREAKING: Federal Court seals December 29, 2021+, possibly further days on up of Ghislaine Maxwell Federal Court Records including the Jury Trial verdict
It has been discovered that those who have access to Federal Court records at PACER.GOV and, the Federal Court records of United States of America v. Ghislaine Maxwell have been sealed or disappeared for the day of December 29, 2021, the same day as the guilty verdict and likely the records will not be made public at this time until some further notice in the future. Ghislaine Maxwell who was involved in a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein a serial pedophile and child sex trafficker was found guilty today by a jury which was reported in the media.
Backup of Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News on BitTorrent and Media sharing networks such as MediaFire, MEGA, and Internet Archive
The entire website articles and postings being backed up and shared on BitTorrent and other file sharing websites. This is in case something bad happens to Brian D. Hill or in any case he is raided or they arrest the Blog Administrators. The entire contents and PDF files and everything, all images, everything is being shared to prevent it all from disappearing. Last backup is December 29, 2021.
Brian D. Hill files Petition for Review to Judicial Council for wrongful dismissal of BLACKMAIL complaints against Federal Judges; Judicial Complaint may be revived with new evidence; Emails from Lin Wood in response to Brian’s inquiry
Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO Alternative News, angry that his Judicial Complaint with evidence suggesting blackmail of Federal Judges was dismissed. Brian filed his Petition for Review with recent emails directly from Attorney L. Lin Wood sent to myself, Stanley Bolten, and forwarded to Brian’s mother Roberta Hill. Lin Wood corrected Brian assuming that Lin Wood somehow possessed the videos and made sure he was aware that he only had the encryption key password to the encrypted blackmail videos. It’s okay for Brian to assume Lin Wood may had possessed the videos as his tweets in January of 2021 sounded confusing, but Lin Wood clarified his earlier claims on Twitter which probably confused many as to who actually possessed the alleged blackmail videos. Now it all makes sense. The blackmail was given by The Lizard Squad to American Actor Issac Kappy and then he was murdered. However before Isaac Kappy’s unexpected death, his trustworthy friends who had the blackmail videos gave the key to Attorney L. Lin Wood and the blackmail video evidence encrypted to another person who this source has yet to be made public. Brian renewed his complaint with additional evidence to focus on the fact that the investigators need to actually watch the blackmail video files in order to know which Federal Judges inside of the United States of America is on the alleged child rape and murder videos. Lin Wood told Stanley Bolten and Brian D. Hill to “keep fighting”. The emails from Lin Wood verify the existence of the alleged child rape and murder blackmail videos and that Lin Wood doesn’t actually possess the videos but he and his trustworthy associates all has the encrypted password as was said in his tweets. Brian also had written Secretary James Ishida of the Fourth Circuit’s Judicial Council. That letter is being published here on public record for the court of public opinion. Brian is begging the Judicial Council to investigate the blackmail videos and take action on any Federal Judges caught in the blackmail videos of child rape and murder as alleged on Twitter.