When it rains, it pours. After Alex Jones had fired Millie Weaver [Millennial Millie] and declared that her entire channel on Banned.video will be deleted, now Kaitlin Bennett or a imposter account appears to be on Twitter attacking a whistleblower associated with Millie Weaver’s documentary “ShadowGate” and stating that the whistleblower is married to a child molester, yeah a pedophile. The attacks have now escalated to calling the enemy of Infowars, a connection to an alleged pedophile.
Alex Jones announces he will scrub Millie Weaver content from Anti-Censorship platform Banned.video, contradicting himself; saying Bon Voyage Millie!
Alex Jones, a prominent alternative media activist who decried censorship of Infowars material on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube has now shown his true colors, and vows to delete all Millie Weaver content including her documentary Shadowgate on Banned.video.
Alex Jones terminates career of Millie Weaver; treats her exact same way as Brian D. Hill of USWGO; Millie Weaver of Infowars FIRED
Alex Jones has fired news reporting contractor Millennial Millie aka Millie Weaver who did news reports for Infowars and also does her own news reporting which makes her competition to Alex Jones. Millie Weaver put out a tweet confirming that Alex Jones has turned his back on Millie Weaver over criminal charges stirred up from a domestic family dispute during the Covid-19 lockdowns and fear mongering by the mainstream media.
Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it; Can QAnon be framed now?
by Laurie Azgard The Connecticut Supreme Court had made a recent statewide case law decision against Alex Emeric Jones of Infowars.com [backup pdf mirrored] and anybody else who received child pornography set up emails, who in 2019 had been attacked by the legal system for being framed with child pornography emails coming from an anonymous…
Opinion: U.S. District Court in Greensboro and Winston-Salem, NC is acting outside of it’s Constitutional authority; lack of jurisdiction
Is the U.S. district court in Greensboro and Winston-Salem in North Carolina acting outside of it’s original authority delegated by the Constitution of the United States of America?
Letter from Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO alternative news had mailed out a letter to Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, a associate Justice who was appointed to the bench by U.S. President Donald John Trump in 2018. Brian had asked this Justice under the ‘rule of 4’ to consider his petition for writ of certiorari, and to drain the swamp as Donald Trump instructed people to do.
ActivistPost website hacked in 2019, told reporter not to cover the Federal Court corruption involving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Author: Stanley Bolten, Note: I am sorry to Aaron Kesel and ActivistPost but I have decided to go public with this information. I cannot stand to see Brian D. Hill being thrown in Federal Prison over and over again under constant probation violations over his autistic behaviors and the Federal Prosecutor keeps making up more…
Email sent to new U.S. Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall about picking up envelope, go after the fraud
Author: Stanley Bolten, Hello everyone, It is time to go ahead and show my email to the new U.S. Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall about the Supreme Court case of Brian Hill v. United States Corrupt District Court for the Middle Communist District of North Carolina. Also don’t forget OFFENDER Anand Prakash Ramaswamy who is at…
U.S. Solicitor General in Supreme Court case Brian Hill v. U.S. District Court had changed to Jeffrey Wall
by Laurie Azgard Disclaimer: Photo remixed from original photo posted at law.com, credit goes to Diego M. Radzinschi / ALM, photo remixed for political free press purposes for his post and is protected under fair use Doctrine of the U.S. copyright act. Photo remixed for political purposes and social justice purposes are exempted from required…
Uniting Against Court Corruption
The Supreme Court needs to hold all frauds upon the court accountable and must be mandated to act upon all pending motions. SCOTUS needs to hold all courts accountable when they aren’t following their ministerial duties as required by law and oath of office.