by Laurie Azgard
The Connecticut Supreme Court had made a recent statewide case law decision against Alex Emeric Jones of [backup pdf mirrored] and anybody else who received child pornography set up emails, who in 2019 had been attacked by the legal system for being framed with child pornography emails coming from an anonymous source using the TOR network. This sets dangerous case law precedent in the state where if your framed with child porn, the COURTS WILL COME AFTER YOU, THEY WILL TAR AND FEATHER YOU. They will target you and not give you any right to defend yourself or the court will punish you as if they are the Lone Ranger. The state Supreme Court basically allowed a victim of a child pornography set up operation to be smeared as a child pornography distributor and when you complain about it the Court will have the inherit right to sanction you for complaining about it, trying to find out and accuse who you think tried to set you up. Courts will show no mercy to the child porn set up victims, they showed no mercy to Brian David Hill, they will show mercy to nobody who the corrupt Deep State enemy targets. If your a possible child molester like the accused Michael Jackson, your let off and found innocent, if your OJ Simpson and he likely was guilty then he is let off and acquitted. However if your target of the Deep State then you the Courts and the people will act as though you deserve to get raped in prison, rot in prison, and then be placed on federal probation where they can keep throwing you in prison over and over again when it can be over any little blip or mistake. Email is the same as a mailbox. Anybody can walk by a house and plant child porn photos inside of a mailbox and then make a prank phone call to initiate a police raid and boom the child porn is found in possession and then the person is interrogated and threatened into making a false confession to protect their family from having the charge pinned on them just like Brian D. Hill had done in 2012 by falsely confessing. Anybody can plant child pornography through malware or through email addresses. Anybody with any email account can send any file that they want to and can send it to another email account and there is nothing the recipient can to do prevent receiving these kinds of messages. They can use spam blockers but the hackers can find ways around them. It is not the silver bullet. I still receive a ton of spam emails despite the spam filters. The courts are having more and more overbroad and overreaching powers through usage of civil or criminal discovery and subpoenas to demand your emails and not allow you to delete emails that can potentially have you framed with child porn. It opens up everyone to being a potential victim and to have your life ruined, to scare everybody into shutting their mouths and not speaking out, a massive chilling effect on freedom of speech and freedom of press.
This is very dangerous for the United States of America. The evidence is clear that Alex Jones never intended to distribute child pornography to the lawyers of the Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit filed against Alex Jones. Last year he was ordered by the Court to turn over hundreds of thousands to millions of emails and their content including the metadata as part of a discovery request, knowing that the Court and law enforcement could use that against him. It is in sheer deprivation of the fourth amendment Constitutional right to privacy. Then they twist emails that Infowars had unintentionally received which contained child pornography material that they never sent but their email servers received the anonymous child pornography set up messages from anonymous TOR email services after the writer of this blog was taking screenshots last year of the video broadcast showing the emails that was being made public on air during his radio broadcast.
Review over article post: Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI?
Review over article post: QANON possibly being framed with new Set Up Attempt on Alex Jones
Review over article post: CAN OF WORMS: Infowars Targeted By Child Porn And MSM, Not The First Time Alternative Journalists Set Up – Activist Post

and of course the email address happens to be “”. Looking up the domain name of the provider of the email sender and it happens to be a TORMAIL based email provider where emails can be sent anonymously through encrypted nodes using “the onion router” network. Same tactic used originally against Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news and Luke Rudkowski of Wearechange.

So it doesn’t just frame Alex Jones but also frames the term “QAnon” as an anonymous sender who could be sending child pornography. However QAnon on 8chan/8kun never endorsed usage of TORMAIL services for official QAnon operations and never gave out a contact email address which would pertain to usage of, and never gave out any campaign email address. Anybody can sign up for an email address, so this wrongfully implicates QAnon as a child pornography distributor. Go ahead and access and search up the term “onionmail” and see they had ever made any post with such email service. No posts ever turn up, so they never endorsed usage of such service. This is a frame up attempt, that is what it looks like, like identity theft and stolen identity.
QAnon had made multiple posts however claiming that Alex Jones was MOS or MOS backed referring to Mossad intelligence. It is also ironic that Alex Jones was in a photograph with Brian D. Hill who also claimed he was set up with child porn, as well as Stewart Rhodes who also claimed he was being almost set up with child porn, review Sue Basko’s blog entry. Brian was set up with child porn allegedly a month after he met Alex Jones and Stewart Rhodes in person. The timing that Brian was ruined was suspiciously too close to when Brian had met Alex Jones as a once proud listener of Alex Jones. Is Brian proud of Alex Jones now after Alex’s back was turned against Brian and Brian was left to the wolves to have his flesh picked apart symbolically?

Here are the posts by QAnon about Alex Jones being an intelligence person, either an asset or Mockingbird, who knows how deep Alex is in the intelligence clown world but QAnon had hinted around that Alex Jones was intelligence connected and is intelligence connected. It would benefit the corrupt elements of intelligence and the Deep State to frame their enemies with child pornography or other crimes as they have access to the NSA and surveillance of all technology including cell phones and computers. All computers and cell phones have backdoors for the NSA and CIA. This was revealed by Edward Snowden a whistleblower. They can frame anybody they want with child porn with ease.
Here are the QAnon post quotes:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d87d5f No.2887813
Sep 5 2018 11:39:27 (EST) Anonymous ID: 527673 No.2887228
Sep 5 2018 10:52:39 (EST)
ClipboardImage.png Wait…wut?
…you’re telling me Q just posted again.
Bu-bu-but Micro told me he was ending the LARP.
I feel so used….so ass-fucked (wipes tears)
Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…
Why are the majority of ‘Q’ attacks by “PRO_MAGA” supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?
Why are we a threat to them?
Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?
Why was this done in the past?
We knew this type of “attack” was coming.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.230
Sep 12 2018 15:45:33 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fd0a4a No.2950820
Sep 9 2018 17:55:52 (EST) Anonymous ID: 4508e2 No.2950600
Sep 9 2018 17:38:09 (EST) I love shills now at this point. Even when this is over some Mossad/Clown asshole will still be typing useless division tactics out of his frayed handbook on to an empty board. Some people just don’t know when they have lost…
Last and final comment(s) re: AJ & Associates [attempts]
Logical thinking.
Breitbart article linked [2 days prior] to the article being published?
Note the time?
Note Apple’s stock image(s)?
Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL.
We are a threat to their livelihood [+CLAS].
Do not let their attempts corrupt GOOD organizations.
Think OANN.
They want you DIVIDED.
“Division keeps them in power.”
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c3b95b No.2909418
Sep 6 2018 18:08:46 (EST) Anonymous ID: 23f371 No.2908723
Sep 6 2018 17:22:54 (EST) >>2908527
>There is a lot more to this than you realize.
>Think ‘collective’ attacks v. ‘Q’
They ‘attack’ AJ to give him fake credibility amongst POTUS supporting Patriots, thus poisoning the water and directing narrative of the ‘opposition’ through a MOS supported asset aka AJ.
All team effort, coordinated ‘collective’ attacks with pawns and actors serving black hat agenda and attempting to control/divide the Patriots.
>Attacks will come from ALL sides.
Control & Divide.
Think Mueller.
Who is testifying before Mueller tomorrow?
Forensic data analysis on phone(s) and/or computers?
This is not about Guccifer 2.0.
What happens if Mueller ‘proves’ ‘Free Speech Systems LLC’ aka ‘InfoWars’ is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity?
How can the ‘LEFT’ use that information to DIVIDE and CENSOR the RIGHT?
Why are affiliates of InfoWars constantly attacking ‘Q’?
Who is pulling the strings?
[ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]
That is an interesting twist from QAnon regarding Mueller. It is ironic that anyone associated with Alex Jones who is a major threat to the Deep State is arrested, thrown in prison or targeted in some other way. Yet Alex Jones is never arrested while live in air, he is never raided by the FBI. Alex Jones has never been federally indicted. However Roger Stone who was a frequent guest on the Alex Jones show had been arrested after being investigated by the Mueller team, SWAT Teamed, and gag ordered by Judge Amy Jackson, as well as not being allowed to delay his surrender date during the Covid-19 pandemic period.
People that had met Alex Jones who are individual activists are being arrested, almost set up/framed or any other attacks from the Deep State. Is Alex Jones meant to attract and lure patriots like a HONEYPOT to become targets?
Here are the list of people associated with Alex Jones who were targeted, arrested, indicted, and/or convicted and/or almost set up with a crime but not limited to just child pornography:
- Brian D. Hill
- Melissa Melton/Melissa Dykes
- Aaron Dykes
- Luke Rudkowski
- Stewart Rhodes
- Roger Stone
- Dan Johnson
Why are some of the hardest fighting activists and patriots being targeted after being associated with Alex Jones of Infowars?
Even Darrin McBreen was nasty to Brian D. Hill in 2018 and blocked him from calling his phone number, yes that Darrin McBreen of Infowars. Darrin could have exposed the download dates and the fraud by the assistant U.S. attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy as well as Rob Dew but none of them wanted to get involved in exposing the connected child pornography set up victims and operations presumably by the Deep State corrupt intelligence people. Why does Alex Jones not help Brian D. Hill? Why did Roger Stone really get arrested when Roger Stone was on the Alex Jones broadcast with Alex Jones on election night in 2016 when Donald Trump got the electoral college votes to win the election?
Is Alex Jones involved with corrupt intelligence? Is Alex Jones parroting what the Deep State may intend to do with the world just like Alex Jones claims when he says that they have to publicly state what they are going to do before they do their crimes as some kind of ritual to carry out their operations? That the Deep State cannot commit mass crimes without having to admit to it hidden in plain site as a way to get implied consent from the victims they plan to target? Is Alex Jones a honeypot to target patriots like they are Winnie the Poo?
What is the truth? Is Alex Jones cointelpro? Did Alex Jones knew that Brian D. Hill was going to be framed with child porn and then be left out to dry like discarded flesh from a hungry wolverine? A lot of questions need answering here.
17 thoughts on “Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it; Can QAnon be framed now?”