by Laurie Azgard
Note: Image of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump is a White House photo, therefore is public domain and holds no copyright liability, and I still hold that it is protected under Fair Use Doctrine.
Brian D. Hill formerly of USWGO alternative news had mailed out a letter to Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, a associate Justice who was appointed to the bench by U.S. President Donald John Trump in 2018. Brian had asked this Justice under the ‘rule of 4’ to consider his petition for writ of certiorari, and to drain the swamp as Donald Trump instructed people to do.
I received three files from Brian’s mother, one containing a signed scanned document of the letter which was mailed to the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. The second document containing the typed version of the letter without a signature and is easy to search up text. The third document is the scans of a certified mail ticket and return receipt. Document downloads below the images.

Letter to Justice Kavanaugh
Letter to Justice Kavanaugh – Scanned
Certified mail receipt, return receipt
The letter to Justice Kavanaugh at the Supreme Court has some interesting paragraphs:
“I have proven my case, I have proven my claims. Under the Local Court
Letter from Brian D. Hill to Brett Kavanaugh – dated July 21, 2020
Rules concerning civil cases which encompasses the 2255 Cases, the
other party in a case has three weeks to respond to a motion or it is
uncontested. Assistant United States Attorney Anand Prakash
Ramaswamy did not respond to a single allegation of Fraud upon the
Court against him in those motions in the district court record. It is
only by corruption and fiat that I lose. In a legitimate Article III Court I
should never have been convicted.”
“When the game is rigged, I always lose, no matter what evidence or
Letter from Brian D. Hill to Brett Kavanaugh – dated July 21, 2020
case law I offer, none of it matters, the law doesn’t matter. A rigged
game shouldn’t be in any legitimate Article III courts of our
Constitutional republic, yet in my case it was rigged from the start,
rigged for my conviction, rigged for either 20 years in prison inflating
beyond the statutory 10 years of imprisonment or I falsely plead guilty
to get time served, my only choices given to me by my so-called defense
lawyer Eric David Placke. How pathetic. That is ridiculous. The whole
case was a fraud from the beginning to get me shut down, to
permanently not allow me to use the Internet to permanently prevent
me from operating USWGO Alternative News at, violating
my First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of press
by local judicial fiat. Probation is not meant to help me and neither is it
meant to be operating under it’s guise to deter crime, it is meant to put
me in the system and allow the frauds to continually come after me and
make me repeat that I am guilty of a crime that was fraudulently
constructed against me by contradictory evidence and a contradictory
basis. A system that wants to end my freedom of speech and freedom of
press forever.“
That is scary what Brian is saying. If he is correct then the entire federal court of appeals of the fourth circuit in Richmond Virginia and the entire federal court district in Greensboro, North Carolina has become a “rigged game” where criminal defendants always lose and can never be allowed a criminal defense. Sounds similar to the claims of Roger Stone, a Donald Trump confidant and ally. That sounds totally unconstitutional to even be subject to a rigged trial, a rigged game. That is like being compelled to play a pinball game tournament and you aren’t given a metal ball while your opponent is given 5 metal balls to rack up serious points against you. You can’t win a rigged game. Even in casinos in Las Vegas, NV, those that know of the rigged casinos know that the house always wins and is skewed that way.
“The Honorable President Donald Trump appointed judges and Justices
Letter from Brian D. Hill to Brett Kavanaugh – dated July 21, 2020
to protect our Constitution, law and order, to punish the wrongdoers
and bring back the lost Rule of Law. He appointed people like you to
Drain the Swamp as QAnon talks about. We are all sick and tired of the
blatant corruption within the DOJ and the FBI and the CIA. The
corruption that is ruining lives, causing suicides and murders, and are
holding our economy hostage with Covid-19, that is Certificate of
Vaccine Identification 2019, if that is even the truth, whatever the case
may be.”
As to what Brian said about being forced to repeat his alleged guilt, Brian is referring to his false guilty plea where one of his supervised release conditions of federal probation were that Brian D. Hill must attend a offender treatment provider where he must tell them that he is guilty of the crime and wants to victimize the alleged unknown no-victims. When he refused, they attempted to revoke his probation on that offense of not making another false admission of guilt, which violates the 5th Amendment constitutional right against self incrimination. When Brian is innocent, it is even ridiculous that Brian has to explain to the Supreme Court that he was being forced by federal probation to falsely admit guilt or his probation would be revoked.
Luckily his probation officer Jason McMurray vouched that Brian be allowed to continue his federal supervised probation despite his refusal to accept responsibility for the crime that he kept claiming that he was innocent of but had a bad lawyer, the public pretenders who only want plea agreements. The facts alone that Brian was able to prove to the Court system that Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, federal prosecutor, did not contest the allegations of fraud against him show that his guilty plea was caused by a perpetuated fraud of false evidence from the very beginning. Brian contends that he was innocent all along and was fraudulently convicted over fraudulent elements of guilt that were fabricated.
That sound familiar to the case of Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn, where he was told that his son would be investigated or charged with a crime [presumably by usage of prosecutorial fraud like with General Flynn] if General Flynn does not falsely plead guilty to lying to the FBI
Coercion, false threats, or real threats or even promises are some of various reasons why criminal defendants falsely plead guilty in court according to the Innocence Project [mirrored here].
Brian Hill had proven with the publishing of his medical records via the TEACCH papers that he had a mild form of autism spectrum disorder since he was a child. People with autism are more vulnerable to giving false confessions and misleading statements.
It will be interesting to see what Justice Kavanaugh plans to do after reading Brian’s letter. Will he vote in favor of granting Brian’s petition for writ of certiorari under the rule of four?
According to the rule of four, at least four justices must agree to review over the petitioned case in order for the petition to be granted in the United States Supreme Court. After a petition is granted, it normally will be more thoroughly investigated and the original court records of the case may be demanded by the clerk of that court. Once the entire record of the case is transferred to the Supreme Court, it will take time for the staff of the Supreme Court to review over the evidence, arguments, and any other relevant pleadings or paperwork. After the paperwork and materials is reviewed, the Court may schedule oral argument and may even render an opinion as well as precedential case law which will affect all courts throughout the United States in some way, shape, or form. In some cases the court may order and remand back to the lower court and not give an opinion. There are also the majority opinion and even dissenting opinions which could affect future cases and arguments at a later time. At least 5 Justices are needed for a favorable decision when there are a total of 9 Justices sitting on the bench.
My hopes and prayers go out to Brian and his family. Hope that his hard work pays off. God bless America.

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