Author: Stanley Bolten
Note: If your wondering why Brian put a sticky notes for Clerk Scott S. Harris about referencing “blackmailed” and “Jeffrey Epstein”, Brian is referring likely to Chief Justice John Roberts who may be compromised. Even Attorney Lin Wood asserted or hinted that John Roberts is a compromised blackmailed pedophile. Brian believes Justice John Roberts being blackmailed may have a role in the cover ups or concealment or destruction of Brian’s emergency motions and Rule 15.5 letters. Brian is hinting at the Supreme Court that he is aware of the pedophilia in top positions in SCOTUS to persuade them to stop covering up Brian’s motions on behalf of the Deep State.
As promised, Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had filed a “Petition for Rehearing” in the U.S. Supreme Court accusing Clerk Scott S. Harris of neglect of duty by not filing his EMERGENCY MOTIONS FOR LEAVE OF COURT and the Rule 15 delay letters. This is in regards to his original trio petitions filed in the U.S. Supreme Court docketed in October, 2021. Scott Harris may be in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. The Clerk, Scott S. Harris has tampered with the administration of justice if he is truly guilty of concealment, removal, cover up, or concealment or even destruction of pleadings which were supposed to be filed in the record of the Supreme Court of the United States. If Scott Harris is ever charged and convicted for the cover ups, then he can face up to three years imprisonment and disqualification from clerkship in any Federal Courthouse in the United States.
If any of his three Petitions for Rehearing are granted by the Supreme Court, then any of his cases with his rehearing request granted would be reopened and set for a Merits hearing and an investigation to determine if any of the claims in Brian’s petitions actually have merit. If all three rehearing petitions are denied, then merit will not be tested, meaning that even if his petitions did have merit to their claims, the Supreme Court had decided not to even test the merits for validity. So his petitions can have merit but the Supreme Court had just decided not to investigate any of Brian’s claims and not investigate the record on appeal

Here are some photos from Brian’s filed petition and then links to the actual documents and proof of mailing, as well as proof of delivery confirmation. We provide the evidence here at Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. We don’t just write articles about the corrupt judicial system. We provide evidence to the World Wide Web.

Very powerful argument and the proof does exist. It is even published on this website. Brian’s emergency motions and Rule 15.5 letters were published on this blog.
– First Rehearing Petition in US Supreme Court 21-6038 (6) FINAL and CERTIFICATE – Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writs of Mandamus and/or Prohibition
– Second Rehearing Petition in US Supreme Court 21-6037 (3) FINAL and CERTIFICATE – Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writ of Certiorari
– Third Rehearing Petition in US Supreme Court 21-6036 (2) FINAL and CERTIFICATE – Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writ of Certiorari
– Xfinity Connect Respondents_ Petition for Rehearing, Brian David Hill v_ United States of America; U_S_ Supreme Court; case no_ 21-6036 Printout – Email service of Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writ of Certiorari
– Xfinity Connect Respondents_ Petition for Rehearing, Brian David Hill v_ United States of America; U_S_ Supreme Court; case no_ 21-6037 Printout – Email service of Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writ of Certiorari
– Xfinity Connect Respondents_ Petition for Rehearing, In Re Brian David Hill; U_S_ Supreme Court; case no_ 21-6038 Printout – Email service of Petition for Rehearing for the Petition for Writs of Mandamus and/or Prohibition
– 14d2bd2f8dca4ee1888ae0ab3bb617c9_Redacted – USPS label of mailing to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court to file the Petition for Rehearing
– gov.uscourts.ncmd.64541.290.2 – Clerk of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina filed one of the three Judges copies of the “Petition for Rehearing” on the docket. At least that Clerk understands federal law. We didn’t anticipate that the Clerk of the U.S. District Court would file it in the local criminal case number. There is no delivery confirmation because the U.S. Postal Service did not obtain a signature and proof of delivery upon receipt at the U.S. District Court but the docket filing confirms receipt and is proof of receipt, prima facie evidence.
– 70210350000097200059 – Proof of receipt for Respondent: U.S. Attorney Assistants for the Middle District of North Carolina
– 9402836895232658619569 – Proof of receipt of U.S. Supreme Court, Clerk of the Court
– 70210350000097200028 – Proof of receipt for Respondent: Clerk of the U.S. Court of Appeals
– 70210350000097200042 – Proof of receipt for Respondent: U.S. Solicitor General’s Office
– Proof of Mailing Petitions for Rehearing – Proof of mailings
– Scans of mailing to US Solicitor General of Petition for Rehearing
– Scans of mailing to US Appeals Court Clerk of Petition for Rehearing
– Scans of mailing to Assistant US Attorneys Greensboro NC of Petition for Rehearing
– Scans of mailing to US District Court Clerk of Petition for Rehearing
– USWGO_20211201_114209_OCR – Large scans size of what was mailed to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court with the Petitions for Rehearing
– USWGO_20211201_112229(OCR) – Letter scans size of what was mailed to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court with the Petitions for Rehearing
– Certificates to the Clerk US Supreme Court – All certificates together in one PDF file. Certificates of Compliance for all Supreme Court trio cases, Affidavits of Service for all Supreme Court trio cases
– Xfinity Connect EMERGENCY EMAIL TO SENATOR RAND PAUL_ Fwd_ Respondents_ Petition for Rehearing, In Re Brian David Hill; U_S_ Supreme Court; case no_ 21-6038 Printout – Email forwarded to Roberta Hill and uploaded for us to publish here of what was emailed to U.S. Senator Rand Paul.
There are a lot of documents here but documentation is proof and proofs is everything.
We will see if the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court will double down by covering up these as well or if they will at least let Brian’s petitions for Rehearing be filed and allow them to be distributed to all of the Justices of the Court.
Here are the read receipts documented:
U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster read receipt
U.S. Solicitor General Read Receipt for case no. 21-6036
U.S. Solicitor General Read Receipt for case no. 21-6037
U.S. Solicitor General Read Receipt for case no. 21-6038
Clerk of the U.S. Court of Appeals Patricia S. Conner Read Receipt
2nd Read Receipt from Patricia Conner, Clerk
U.S. Attorney Office Read Receipt for case no. 21-6036
U.S. Attorney Office Read Receipt for case no. 21-6037
U.S. Attorney Office Read Receipt for case no. 21-6038
Read receipt from Sarah Woessner, Public Information Office, U.S. Supreme Court
Read receipt from Kara Tershel, Public Information Office, U.S. Supreme Court
Read receipt from Patricia McCabe, Public Information Office, U.S. Supreme Court
Read receipt from Anita Engle, Case Manager, Judge Thomas David Schroeder
7 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News files Petition for Rehearing in U.S. Supreme Court for trio Petitions”