Article was censored either by We Are Change or was censored on We Are Change (possible due to threats by the Government, or threats by the Pedophile Rings). So it is posted here, hopefully for all time. So the article is posted here in it’s entirety and can be accessed on Wayback Machine.
Posted by Aaron Kesel | Jun 29, 2016 |

Brian D. Hill is an activist, writer, and the founder of USWGO, an alternative political news site. He has also worked with We Are Change North Carolina, writing various alternative media articles under different aliases. Brian was involved in a huge petition to push the nullification of NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) in the town of Mayodan, NC.
Hill confronted Senator Phil Berger with a petition to nullify the NDAA. Now Brian Hill says this is one of the many reasons he is currently being targeted falsely for child pornography possession.

Hill says he is innocent, and that a virus he calls the e-mule virus infected his computer. Hill has filed an appeal to the courts to allow a forensic investigator to examine his computer to prove his claim that he is innocent and being framed.
Either through a virus accidentally infecting his computer – or purposefully implanted by law enforcement through using some type of software like hacking teams Galileo.

In 2014, we learned that governments worldwide were paying for a Remote Access Trojan (GALILEO) which seemed to have attributed the source code in possibly forging child pornography. It’s interesting to note that prior to being charged with possession of child pornography, Brian wrote several stories on various websites about others in the alternative media being setup with child porn, including, Melissa Melton (article to her story, this text wasn’t in original article but was added due to link rot), Luke Rudkowski, Dan Johnson and Stewart Rhodes.
Hill received threatening emails in 2013 from with the statement “Brian is going to be a sex offender, he was set up with child porn, the police would never believe a word he says, and his friends are next.”
The emails Brian Hill was sent were provided to We Are Change, and Hill also talks about them in a video he made that his family sent to We Are Change.

Additional evidence that supports Brian’s claim of being setup is the fact that his computer was downloading the image’s of child pornography while in the custody of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) in August 2012 and 2013.

This is evidenced by documents titled “the Joy Strickland emails,” in which Joy Strickland tells Agent Rodney White that “Brian might be innocent.” The Joy Strickland emails, provided to We Are Change by Brian’s family, provide proof that Joy Strickland was provided a prior warning that Brian might be innocent before the DHS arrest.
So why then is Brian still facing the charge of unlawful possession of underage material of a minor? Hill was forced to falsely confess under intimidation when a Mayodan police officer threatened him and his family by saying that if Brian didn’t confess that his mom would be held responsible. Therefore Brian’s confession was pure coercion and not a choice made by free will.
Leading up to all this, the Mayodan Police Department and U.S. Government were very aware of Brian’s Political presence. On March 13, 2012, Hill’s organizations USWGO/WAC-NC attended the Mayodan Town Council to speak on Agenda 21. A few days later, on March 18th, USWGO is documented having an increase in viewers which Brian attributed to surveillance by the US government.
In April, Brian gave a speech on NDAA , and he urged Rockingham County Sheriff Samuel S. Page to not endorse NDAA. A month later in May, Senator Phil Berger received the nullify NDAA petition at the Mayodan Town Hall. Then in June, Brian met with Stewart Rhodes, Alex Jones, and Aaron Dykes at the Hyatt Place hotel in Chantilly, VA to cover the Occupy Bilderberg protest. Brian also published a special report on the Bilderberg group . Three days later, Brian asked Rockingham to end the Media Blackout on his Nullify-NDAA resolution. Then on June 18th, Senator Phil Berger refused to take action on the Nullify-NDAA bill.
Brian then published an article he titled “The only way to change the system is by opting out of it.” A month later, on Aug 29, Brian was accused by the police of being a “Sovereign Citizen” after asking people to peacefully separate themselves from government authority. Hill then began to write various articles about Seantor Phil Berger’s campaign contributors. On July 8th, the Mayodan Town Council refused the nullify NDAA resolution. A day later, Brian was intimidated and kicked out of the Town Council, an incident captured on video. Brian then prophesied his own demise as he posted on Prison Planet forums warning that his mother, family and him were being harassed.
So the question must be asked — WHY would Brian be downloading child porn on his Laptop after he knew they were after him? If he was guilty and knew he was targeted, then why leave child porn on his laptop when he knew he was being targeted? Why not just destroy the hard drives? These questions are referenced in this court document.
On August 28, 2012, police raided Brian’s residence in Mayodan, North Carolina. Brian was charged with possession of child pornography and threatened into confession as police told him his mom would be held responsible if Brian didn’t confess. Brian was then taken to four different jails and held for 11 months. He was given only half of his required dose of insulin, causing a dangerous drop in body weight.
Brian is now facing the charges for child pornography, a crime he adamantly denies. He has been through hell and says he is not properly represented in court by the public defender.
No one deserves this, and if Hill’s allegations are true, this could happen to anyone alternative media community.
Brian is emotionally broken down, a matter exacerbated by a form of autism he suffers from. Hill also suffers from anxiety and diabetes, but has received no help.
It is undisputed that Brian Hill’s computer has a virus that constantly downloads illegal material — even while it remains in the custody of the SBI. Brian’s hope for exoneraton now lies with you — the public.
If you are an attorney who will take on this case or a computer forensic expert, please contact We Are Change to get into contact with Brian and his family. The evidence of Brian’s innocence is clear – you can access it all below.
FILES:!dlRgkTbB!s1UU-N8i7pVzxvG-gLbE7w (Link not available, this text not in original article but link to the files are posted here due to link rot:
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About The Author
Aaron Kesel
I am an Activist a writer, blogger and an investigative journalist writing for We Are Change. My Sources are everywhere, enemy of the New World Order.
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