Author: Stanley Bolten
Evidence has been gathered that online information has been purged and censored by unknown assailants or assailant by being removed and purged off of the Internet permanently after the sentencing letter of Brian D. Hill in the Stewart Rhodes federal criminal case in Washington, DC, in the U.S. District Court. Information within that filed sentencing letter on such as any of the links and QR Code does seem to have been suppressed by censorship of where the links point to online, and it may be by the direction of the United States Department of InJustice (DOJ) in it’s war against Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. That is to create dead links and link rot for anybody who wants to do any kind of investigation and research into the sentencing letter filed by Brian D. Hill as an outside party in the Oath Keepers case.
This article will point out what has been targeted for censorship by suppression and purging of information online in response to the federal sentencing letter at Document #599. Also pointing to the federal filing areas of what exactly was purged for censorship. Showing what was censored and possibly when.
First the censorship of the YouTube videos referenced in that sentencing letter. Marked in red.

See the link and QR Code, both of them filed in the sentencing letter which was made publicly accessible on PACER.GOV on the date of May 23, 2023. It was actually received on the date of April 17, 2023, and was authorized by the federal judge to be filed on May 10, 2023. If you access the QR Code or link, both have been taken down by YouTube (another article on the ongoing censorship war campaign).
Screenshots were taken of a phone attempting to access the QR Code in the federal filing, and it went to a black screen because that video was censored on May 22, 2023. That video was taken down a day before the federal filing went public on CourtListener and PACER.GOV. Accessing the link only leads to a webpage or warning saying that the video has been taken down for allegations of “violating community guidelines” page. Interesting how all of it has been taken down after the filing of the letter and that letter was approved by the democrat federal judge in charge of the Stewart Rhodes jury trial and sentencing hearing. That judge was appointed by Barack Hussein Obama. Maybe Obama saw the letter, and didn’t like the links which were in that letter. Somebody doesn’t like where the links pointed to that they wanted to censor the things linked in that letter. To get rid of anybody having a chance to investigate what was discussed in that letter,

Now second of all, the documented censorship of the article at a certain url link was also referenced in that sentencing letter. That same url shows a 404 not found page after the article was purged from the website. So that was censored too around the time that the filing was made publicly available on
So there is the purge of the We Are Change article about Brian D. Hill being set up with a crime he did not commit. Right after May 15, 2023, after the last Wayback Machine archive, at some point that article had disappeared from See article: Exclusive: WE ARE CHANGE scrubs/deletes article about Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News being framed without explanation. Has Luke Rudkowski betrayed us??? Betrayed Brian Hill???

Then without warning, the article was removed from the website without explanation, and instead had shown a 404 not found page.

They were contacted by email asking why the article was taken down. I have reached out to them for comment, and none of them had responded. So as for the reason why the article was taken down and the exact date when the article was taken down, we don’t know. All we know was that before the date and on the date of May 15, 2023, the article had been active and available to the general public. Now it is not. It could have been censored anytime after May 15, 2023. It was censored but there is not an exact date on when it had happened.
Here is the screenshot of the page and area of the federal court filing which had contained that very same We Are Change article link. A link to the article about Brian D. Hill being set up. The very same article which was purged from the internet and was replaced with a 404 not found page instead. 404 is an error code which HTTP/HTTPS web servers give to web users when content cannot be found at a certain website link. When content is found, it gives a OK 200 code, and when content is not found it gives a 404 not found error code. When content is removed, it becomes a 404 not found error code.

Now we did an investigation and found that the article was purged, BUT NOT the files attached to that article. Meaning that images which were in that We Are Change article were not censored and can still be accessed at the website, but you need the exact link pointing to those files which are still active on the web server. So they censored the article but not the images which were uploaded to We Are Change and was used in that article by Aaron Kesel. So they only censored the article but not the photos embedded in that article. This tells any reasonable person that this censorship is odd, it is not making any sense to only censor the article but not the images in the same censored article.
Image of Brian, Alex Jones, Stewart Rhodes is still hosted at We Are Change website and has yet to be censored after the article was censored:
1.1: – Wayback Machine reports the date of July 18 or 19, 2023, and has not been taken off despite the article being removed.
1.2: – It is still there, but if the file does get removed at some point, the proof with the date and time stamp is at Wayback Machine.
Image of the threatening email, the same threatening email referenced in the sentencing letter. That was not removed from website server yet which is interesting.
2.1: – Wayback Machine says archived on July 18, 2023. The article is already purged from We Are Change website but this file is still available on the website.
2.2: – It is still there, but if the file does get removed at some point, the proof with the date and time stamp is at Wayback Machine.
The photo of Brian D. Hill and Gregory Lance of We Are Change North Carolina at the 2012 Occupy Bilderberg protest when Brian was operating USWGO Alternative News as a journalist. That photo is still found at the website and was not removed from the server, yet. Expect it to disappear at any time once this article is published.
3.1: – Wayback Machine says archived on July 19, 2023. The article is already purged from We Are Change website but this file is still available on the website.
3.2: – It is still there, but if the file does get removed at some point, the proof with the date and time stamp is at Wayback Machine.
This proves that multiple links and a QR Code were in the sentencing letter filed by Brian D. Hill. The QR Code linked to Federal Porn Wars Part 3: BLACKMAIL. That was censored by YouTube right around May, 2023, around the time the filing was uploaded to PACER.GOV and uploaded to CourtListener. Then We Are Change also censored and purged the article about the filer, Brian D. Hill, about being set up with child porn. So two url links and one QR Code inside the federal court filing was scrubbed from the internet, meaning that people who decide to research those links end up with dead links (links which no longer work correctly, the content of such internet links are gone forever). Not scrubbed from the federal court document filed in the Stewart Rhodes (Oath Keepers) case but was scrubbed from the internet so nobody can research what those links were indeed about.
Did the Feds threaten or put pressure on We Are Change and YouTube??? You may file a FOIA Request if you want to investigate, or if you are working inside of the Department of inJustice (DOJ) then you may confirm this information and admit whether the Feds caused the censorship and purging of information on the internet which was referenced in links and in a QR Code in Brian’s federal court filing. That is all the information and evidence we have right now.