See: ALERT! FULL Virginia Appeals COURT ALLOWS a single judge to be a DICTATOR who can target appellants with unconstitutional CONTEMPT CHARGES to have Appeals THROWN OUT by USAGE OF LAWYERS APPOINTED by the same judge – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; S.O.S. Brian D. Hill USWGO IN DANGER!!!! USAF Veteran grandpa targeted harassment, CIA targeting ops
Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News had threatened to file a defamation lawsuit against the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (VIDC) including William Efird of the Standards of Practice Enforcement Attorney (SOPEA) in 30 days for dismissing his complaint against Attorney Fred D. Smith under what Brian argues was dismissed under “false pretenses”. Brian considered this defamation, making false statements that Brian provided no evidence proving any of the elements of Brian’s complaint. Brian even attempted to leave a voicemail in anger letting them know that he isn’t going to take being lied about anymore, being lied about by the U.S. Probation Office (calling him a danger to the community for having autism spectrum disorder, never murdered, never assaulted, never raped, never molested), and Brian said that he will file an array of lawsuits against those who lie about him. Brian even filed additional evidence with the SOPEA lawyer William Efird. Evidence that makes Brian felt that Fred had committed misprision of a felony by not reporting a threatening email to any law enforcement while Attorney Sue Basko reported every threatening email to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
1. NOTICE OF LAWSUIT TO SOPEA February 21, 2024(8) w_evidence.pdf – Notice of lawsuit warning document which was emailed to them by Brian’s family.
2. 20240222012904-O-18046627249.wav – Voicemail left by Brian D. Hill with the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (VIDC) on his lawsuit threat. Brian sounded very angry in that voicemail that he introduced who he was (journalist) before being framed with child porn. He said he used to be working with the alternative media including his involvement with Infowars and FederalJack before the alternative media had shunned him after Brian was set up. Claimed he knew Virgil Goode, Roger Stone, and Tulsi Gabbard.
3. NOTICE OF LAWSUIT WARNING TO SOPEA VIDC.pdf – Email containing the notice of lawsuit document.
4. 2ND EMERGENCY LETTER TO SOPEA February 18, 2024(13).pdf – Separate letter. Brian is mailing additional evidence to the Standards of Practice Enforcement Attorney. Additional evidence of threat emails Brian had received throughout the years. Threat emails of a criminal nature threatening that Brian would be raped, killed, set up with child porn again, his family being threatened with being killed, and threats of witnesses being killed. Brian reported that the Virginia State Police did absolutely nothing about any of them and named the two special agents who visited him. Brian says he has had enough of the games. Brian is getting more and more angry now.
5. Binder1.pdf – The evidence which was printed, sorted, and sent to the SOPEA. EVIDENCE: One threatening email after another and Attorney Sue Basko emails as well as an email from Eric S. Clark. All talking about reporting threatening emails to the U.S. FBI while attorney Fred Dempsey Smith did nothing about the threatening email, never reported it to the FBI.
6. File listing directory1.pdf – Brian appeared to have printed this and have it as a marker of different printed files. See Binder1.pdf.
7. photoscan of Brian Hill mailing VIDC SOPEA February 20 2024.pdf – Photocopy of what was being mailed to the Standards of Practice Enforcement Attorney on February 20, 2024.
8. USWGO_20240220_203409(OCR).pdf – Acceptance of mailing by the U.S. Post Office.
9. Declaration on State Police visit – March 18, 2023(3)_Redacted2.pdf – Redacted affidavit about State Police visit which demonstrates that they did take notice of the seriousness of the threatening email which was reported to law enforcement. Identities were redacted, Emails and names were redacted. This is just to validate the seriousness of the threat email.
10. USWGO_20240218_203612(OCR).pdf – Letter from William Efrid dismissing Brian’s complaint against Attorney Fred Dempsey Smith. Envelope is USWGO_20240218_204636(OCR).pdf.
11. USWGO_20240218_204636(OCR).pdf – Envelope which that letter from William was contained in. See USWGO_20240218_203612(OCR).pdf.

Brian D. Hill is escalating his counter-legal-warfare against the U.S. Government’s legal warfare (LawFare) against Brian. Yesterday, Brian Hill produced a video statement saying that the U.S. CIA and Deep State is out to get Brian Hill and his family including his U.S. Military Veteran Grandpa.
Brian also produced the documentary The Deep State can Frame You – the Documentary, last year.
1 thought on “VIDC dismisses Brian D. Hill’s complaint against Attorney Fred Smith; Brian threatens LAWSUIT against them for DEFAMATION, Brian says he will not take any more lies against him”