Stanley Bolten.
We are now campaigning to ask candidates running for U.S. Congress if they will consider the impeachment of corrupt Federal Judges including but not limited to Thomas David Schroeder.
One such candidate is Craig R. Brittain (R-Arizona 2020) who is running for United States Senate. His campaign website can be accessed at
This is the response we gotten.
Maybe I will do that if people start helping and contributing.
Brittain for US Senate • 4:05 AM
Message by Brittain for US Senate: I have to focus on the priorities of people who actually help my campaign. Sadly there are a lot of people who want things but not a lot of people who want to help, Saturday, February 8 2020, 4:08 AM
I have to focus on the priorities of people who actually help my campaign. Sadly there are a lot of people who want things but not a lot of people who want to help
Brittain for US Senate • 4:08 AM
He sounds like a good politician. Anybody in Arizona who suffers from any Federal Judicial tyranny should consider voting for Craig R. Brittain (R-Arizona 2020). It is time to impeach these corrupt Federal Judges so that President Donald Trump can appoint new constitutional judges to replace the old corrupt Swamp ones.
So if you live in Arizona and want sea change, please vote for him and get Congresspeople in office who actually care about the issues that affect Americans the most rather than agenda corporatist politicians who only care about the powers that be.

Please sign his petition to be placed on the ballot for the elections. Time is running out, please vote for him. This blog doesn’t normally promote politicians and political candidates but the issue of Brian’s criminal case, his wrongful conviction, the corrupt Federal Public Defender Office, and Federal Judges acting as Dictators and Super-congresspeople that can make laws devastating our Constitution for the Judicial Supremacy. None of those issues can be ignored.We cannot let these Federal Judges remain in office anymore. These Federal Judges will probably push for stuff, but we are standing up to them because we are tired of their tyranny and their lies and their perversion of our Constitution. Throwing innocent people into Federal Prisons like Brian D. Hill and Roger Stone. I am uploading his campaign image so that you understand that he needs signatures to get on the ballot. Please do that. Arizona voters need to vote for this man.
God Bless America!
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