by Laurie Azgard
Update dated June-22-2020-11:22PM: EMail to U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco on Fraud upon the Court brief in U.S. Supreme Court, asking him to “Drain the Swamp” – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
The solicitor general of the United States, Noel Francisco had filed a letter to the U.S. Supreme Court waiving the right to file a response to Brian D. Hill’s petition for writ of certiorari/review where it’s issues are centered on actual innocence, frauds upon the court, jurisdictional challenges, and a judge failing to act upon pending motions for months after they were filed in the United States district court.

The letter [mirrored] filed by Noel Francisco himself, as counsel of record for the United States government, stated that “The Government hereby waives its right to file a response to the petition in this case,unless requested to do so by the Court.”
I can understand that Mr. Francisco doesn’t want to get involved in this case as it is rife with fraud, lies, perjury, and misconduct entirely from the corrupt attorney Anand Prakash Ramaswamy and others from the United States attorney office in Greensboro, North Carolina.
However the DOJ must own up to the wrongdoing that was done by the witness or witnesses of the United States attorney office in Greensboro, North Carolina when perjury was done, and the lies and frauds committed by that very same office. It makes Greensboro, North Carolina look bad to be engaging in this level of open corruption and legal terrorism against those who are political opponents including alternative media bloggers.
QAnon needs to step in and investigate those creeps. I hope the United States Department of Justice under John Durham and William Barr will conduct an investigation into the criminality of the government prosecutors that had worked against Brian David Hill with an egregious criminal behavior, egregious criminal attitude, and egregious criminal defamation with the kind of lies that can cause Brian David Hill to be murdered in his own home by a vigilante thinking whether or not that the lies against Brian in federal court are in fact true or false without conducting a thorough investigation into Brian’s criminal case. If the Supreme Court dismisses this, this will be the end of Brian being allowed to prove his actual innocence, in fact he will be barred for the rest of his life from being allowed to prove his innocence, it will be like what the anti-Christians did to Job in the bible, the attacks against Judge Samson, and the attacks against people like Jesus Christ or anyone else who ain’t perfect but follows God and doesn’t bow down to Lucifer.

5 thoughts on “Solicitor General files waiver of response to the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in U.S. Supreme Court on issues of fraud upon the court, failure to act on pending motions”