Author: Stanley Bolten
See also: Roger Stone tried; failed to have President Trump pardon Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Brian has been angry for a few days since Roger Stone texted Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News on January 20, that he wasn’t in the pardon list of President Donald J. Trump before he left office, presumably for good. So he is demanding that Attorneys Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide any evidence of Judges and Politicians being blackmailed. Faxed the letter to Attorney L. Lin Wood. Family gave us the documents and was also emailed to Attorney Sidney Powell. L. Lin Wood confirmed receiving the letter from Brian D. Hill.
Emergency Letter to Sidney Powell asking for the evidence of judges and politicians being blackmailed, stating that he will have his lawyer subpoena her if necessary – Wayback machine mirror
Emergency Letter to L. Lin Wood asking for the evidence of judges and politicians being blackmailed, stating that he will have his lawyer subpoena him if necessary – Wayback machine mirror
Fax transmission record proving transmission to Attorney Office of L. Lin Wood – Wayback machine mirror
Addendum to LETTER TO ATTORNEY L. LIN WOOD – USWGO INVESTIGATION(1) – Wayback machine mirror
Fax transmission record proving transmission to Attorney Office of L. Lin Wood of Addendum – Wayback machine mirror
2nd Fax transmission record proving transmission to Attorney Office of L. Lin Wood of Addendum – Wayback machine mirror

Sounds very emotional in his letter to both Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood. Brian even spoke of trying to kill himself in 2013 and was Hospitalized over it before forcefully being arrested by Department of Homeland Security Agent Brian Dexter and was perp walked in chains like GIMTO Terrorists. This does not sound normal for any child pornography case.
They made a nasty example out of him for owning and operating USWGO.COM and running USWGO Alternative News from 2009 to 2012.
Brian has even came forth and told her that he suspected that North Carolina Assistant of the State Bureau of Investigation Cheryl King was murdered in Georgia for whatever she knew about Brian being framed with child pornography. He says he is willing to die to prove his innocence, he is willing to be “murdered” as he wrote it with emotional and anger.
If Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News is never acquitted, will he kill himself? Already we get nasty comments calling Brian a SICKO. If he was really a pedophile, why would he want to kill himself over it when he is a virgin who never raped anybody?
I wish President Trump would have pardoned Brian D. Hill, this may be the end of the road for Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Stay tuned and continue watching the articles of this blog.
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22 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill of USWGO news ANGRY that President Trump didn’t pardon him; demands Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide evidence of Judges being BLACKMAILED; threatens to Subpoena Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood”