Author: Stanley Bolten
Note: Miracles do happen for the protection of the children so-require. At least YouTube did the right thing in this circumstance. We want the Pedophile Rings shut down, forever. God and Jesus want to protect the children.
The mini series documentary known as Federal Porn Wars – Part 3: BLACKMAIL of Series – DOCUMENTARY was almost censored on YouTube by the famous use of “age restriction” video viewing restrictions which is one form of censorship by YouTube/Google to prevent people from viewing a controversial political YouTube video unless they sign up for an account, verify their mobile number (they cannot have a Google account with a mobile number), give their personal information such as their age, and then be allowed to view the video. The video was almost censored to significantly reduce the view counts to only those with YouTube accounts that haven’t been targeted for suspicion by the political censors. The video has no nudity, no porn, no gore, and was approved by Brighteon staff (anti-censorship video streaming platform) when reviewed for any possible inappropriate or illegal material. The documentary it not illegal. Since Brighteon approved the documentary, then YouTube should also have considered it not age restricted. The video needs to be public to ask all U.S. Marshals to go after the Pedophile Rings, go after them and “do away with them” as the documentary have said. They need to arrest all Federal Judges who are raping kids, no longer wait for impeachment. Impeachment will never work because the corrupt U.S. Senate had confirmed a pro baby raping [In]Justice to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson. So impeachment will not work at this stage. It is time for the U.S. Marshals and elected Sheriffs to declare a Constitutional crisis, martial law, and arrest all Federal/State Judges including Supreme Court Justice Jackson and John Roberts for any involvement with and/or protection of the Pedophile Rings if proven true beyond a reasonable doubt. Only the U.S. Marshals and Sheriffs if not the U.S. Military can arrest Federal Judges for baby raping and being blackmailed with child rape and murder.

The view counts for this video have gone over 11,000 more quickly within less than a week, and the like ratings have gone up significantly in the hundreds which was why there were those in the shadows, the Deep State with the Pedophile Rings with involvement of (now deceased) Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Those in the shadows wanted YouTube to lightly censor the video, not completely censor the video but attempt to lightly censor the documentary so it will more difficult for people to see this. God gets angry at those protecting the child trafficking pedophile rings. God wants this information to come to light at risk of our lives so we can attempt to stop all of this and end the International and Political Pedophile Rings. They are too powerful to prosecute and the DOJ rarely goes after the International Pedophile Rings. Only goes after little people aka the “fall guys” but with the public pressure by and through Donald John Trump did the DOJ in fact arrested Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell but they will just be replaced by other ringleaders. They need to stop this powerful ring once and for all.
The censorship had almost happened and here is the proof. They started to restrict the video.

Like an angry parent angry that this documentary meant to protect the children from the untouchable un-prosecutable International Pedophile Rings gets restricted when there is no rape in this documentary but simply documents what Attorney L. Lin Wood had said on Twitter in January, 2021, about the blackmail scheme by Jeffrey Epstein and co. of child rape and murder involving judges and politicians. Not Just Lin Wood but former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, as well as showing the statement made by (now deceased) American actor named Isaac Kappy. Video at Vimeo, the tales from the deadman himself about blackmail at the really elite levels. The testimony of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO Alternative News about his fight to expose the Pedophile Federal Judges in the Courts. Stanley Bolten who is Angry enough to say a few cuss words to YouTube in appealing the decision (the few cuss words: “bullshit” and “f you”). It apparently worked without issue. That means there are concerned parents working at YouTube who also feel the same way we do about protecting the children from Jeffrey Epstein and the international pedophile rings and Satanic Ritual Abuse.

After that, the restriction was lifted and the video back at full viewing status. We aren’t trying to harm anybody by the upload of this documentary. We are trying to stop the Pedophile Rings by showing the American people what Isaac Kappy, Brian D. Hill, Attorney L. Lin Wood, Ted Gunderson, and others tried to warn the American people about regarding Satanic ritual abuse and the interconnected international Pedophile Rings that have infiltrated both law enforcement and government. They have infiltrated our Courts as well. A miracle for the people that the censorship was reversed. God WINS and Q WINS. Gosh, they allowed sex books in elementary schools and even middle schools and promoting sexual behavior to the children which is inappropriate and is pedophilia but YouTube thought a clean documentary simply talking about the Pedophile Rings and blackmail alleged by Lin Wood should be age restricted????????

So a miracle has come for lifting the censorship. Time for the American people to watch this political controversial documentary. See what was almost being censored here. Promote it, share with everybody you know. Just in case they walk back the successful victory. This is a successful victory at this time for the children being abducted and raped by the judges and politicians being blackmailed by the International Pedophile Rings. It is also at Brighteon as well.
Share this documentary before it may be censored again:
It has been popularly downloaded at BitTorrent websites such as Concen. With downloads and completion of those downloads at over 240.

5 thoughts on “YouTube almost censors: Federal Porn Wars Series 3: BLACKMAIL (involving Jeffrey Epstein blackmail) and then uncensors video allowing without restriction! – U.S. Marshals or U.S. Military should take note to arrest the Federal Judges engaged in child rape and murder; impeachment is not necessary as Judges should not rape children”