Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill’s family has filed two complaints on Brian’s behalf. Brian D. Hill formerly ran and founded USWGO Alternative News before he was framed and wrongfully prosecuted during the Obama Administration in 2013-2014. Brian filed a complaint against a Rocky Mount based business entity named as “The Chimney Sweep” for allegedly causing the carbon monoxide poisoning of Brian D. Hill and his mother after allegedly placing “metal tin” on top of the chimney flues of the apartments where both Brian and his mother had lived in. According to a copy of an arrest warrant against Brian Hill in 2018 exhibited in the complaint, the prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide led to the abnormal situation where on the night of September 21, 2018, from midnight to 3AM, Brian was acting paranoid and was walking on a deserted trail naked and not making any sense when he was questioned by law enforcement. The first responders couldn’t even figure out why Brian was out there like that. They just assumed Brian was lying and charged him with intentionally making an obscene display despite the fact that no evidence is in support of this claim. The only reason Brian was wrongfully convicted was, again, by a Public Defender just like Eric David Placke in Brian’s federal case, nicknamed as slackey Placke. The evidence is overwhelming, even though the levels were not found due to incompetence and medical malpractice, but the evidence in the second filed complaint shown that the levels in Brian’s blood were not tested due to the alleged misconduct of Dr. Brant D. Hinchman of Sovah Health Martinsville, a hospital in Martinsville, Virginia. Still enough evidence exists which prove that Brian D. Hill was innocent of his state charge of indecent exposure. His charge needs to be OVERTURNED, THROWN OUT, SUBJECT TO ACQUITTAL IMMEDIATELY. This is publicly put on his blog to ensure readers that Brian Hill is in fact innocent. There is enough evidence where a reasonable pack of jurors would need to find him not guilty due to the carbon monoxide gas exposure and poisoning. This further proves the theory that Brian D. Hill may have been a target of the Deep State, CIA, who are angry at Brian for not ending his fight to be found actually innocent in federal court. They are very angry at Brian so great care should be taken by good police and good government employees to look out for Brian throughout this entire process.
The complaints are being posted here with redactions to social security numbers. Since his address is all over every pro se federal court filing, it would be pointless to redact publicly known addresses shown in his federal court filings including the U.S. Supreme court filings. The complaint was referenced in a 1-star rating on Google reviews of this business by reviewer Stanley Bolten, and the review against The Chimney Sweep. Review was posted on behalf of Brian since he cannot go online to file the complaints himself to all online review places. Brian has asked for all criminal litigation expenses and legal fees to be paid for by The Chimney Sweep for their incompetence and cause of the carbon monoxide gas poisoning which had led up to the indecent exposure charge. Brian has not had a history of this before and afterwards, so Brian’s claims based upon evidence should lead to an acquittal in a non-corrupt court of law. Brian had asked for the ARREST of Dr. Brant D. Hinchman of Sovah Health Martinsville for lying to police officer Robert Jones of Martinsville Police Department that Brian was medically cleared when truthfully the evidence had shown the opposite. Brian has accused this doctor of fraud, neglect, malpractice, destroying biological evidence, insinuated in one portion of complaint that it may or may not have been due to influence by Martinsville Police Department, and that complaint had also accused Dr. Brant of lying to the police officer who arrested Brian for indecent exposure. These complaints are documenting the crimes of the City of Martinsville, possible crimes of an individual who worked at Sovah Hospital, and crimes of Glen Andrew Hall, Esq. who his erroneous and misleading prosecution against innocent man Brian D. Hill. Glen Andrew Hall is corrupt, doesn’t care about any evidence disproving his entire prosecution, and should also be arrested and impeached from his service as the Commonwealth Attorney in Martinsville city.

I will show you the documents of both complaints. It appeared that The Chimney Sweep may be censoring or hiding our review of how bad their business had allegedly been in 2017 with their terrible mistake. Screenshots will be uploaded below of the bad review they may have wanted censored or hidden.
1. Complaint against Brant D. Hinchman-May-23-2022_reduced_Redacted.pdf – Complaint against Sovah hospital doctor Brant Hinchman and the complaint calling for his arrest and sanctions.
2. Xfinity Connect COMPLAINT against Dr_ Brant D_ Hinchman of Sovah Hospital Martinsville – May 23, 2022 Printout(2).pdf – Complaint email with evidence. PDF email printout of the complaint email with evidence attachments noted.
3. Xfinity Connect Read_ COMPLAINT against Dr_ Brant D_ Hinchman of Sovah Hospital Martinsville – May 23, 2022 Printout.pdf – Acknowledgement read receipt of filed complaint against Dr. Brant D. Hinchman
4. Intake Form3.pdf – Evidence of submission of complaint
5. Complaint against The Chimney Sweep asking response-May-23-2022.pdf – Complaint has been created and a case number, asking The Chimney Sweep for a response in ten days.
6. OAG Consumer complaint May 17, 2022 Brian Hill(reduced size) without exhibits_Redacted.pdf – Split pdf file of complaint against the Chimney Sweep. Here are the ones with the chimney service who had allegedly placed metal tin on top of the chimney flues.
7. Exhibits OAG Consumer complaint May 17, 2022 Brian Hill(reduced size)_Part1.pdf – Split exhibits due to uploading PDF file has limits. Exhibits in support of complaint against The Chimney Sweep.
8. Exhibits OAG Consumer complaint May 17, 2022 Brian Hill(reduced size)_Part2.pdf – Split exhibits due to uploading PDF file has limits. Exhibits in support of complaint against The Chimney Sweep.
9. Exhibits OAG Consumer complaint May 17, 2022 Brian Hill(reduced size).pdf – Reduced size exhibits in whole.

The chimney Sweep is scared here. My review gets hidden or disappears from the review section on Google within a short period of time posting. If you share the review link, nobody can see the review. If they had already received the complaint, they are probably panicking. Why not? They only allegedly placed metal tin on top of the chimney causing improper ventilation of gas fumes further causing carbon monoxide damage, brain damage, and mental health abnormal misbehavior of Brian Hill on September 21, 2018, but that behavior was caused by the influence of a drug or substance known as CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. Anybody who thought Brian was guilty of his state charge in Virginia is wrong when the overwhelming evidence, again proves the actual innocence of Brian David Hill. A target of the deep state swamp and was wrongfully convicted, twice. Two crimes he is not guilty of, wrongfully convicted. What are the odds of that??? When you piss off the minions and pedophile grand-masters of the New World Order, this is what happens to you. You get set up on charges like indecent exposure or drugs planted on you, you may get drugged, you may get killed, or child porn gets planted on you. When you go after the New-World-Order, bad things happen to people who fight the NWO. That is why we need to arrest the elite. To put an end to their political persecution manhunts and dirty games against their political opposition and spiritual opposition.
Here is the complaint screenshots in regard to filed complaint against Dr. Brant Hinchman.

Time for investigations and arrests to be made, NOW. ACQUIT BRIAN DAVID HILL.
10 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill v. The Chimney Sweep; Complaint against Dr. Brant Hinchman of Sovah Health Martinsville (Hospital); Learn about the Carbon Monoxide poisoning which led to Brian’s state charge, he is innocent of his charge”