Author: Stanley Bolten
We are late on writing this article, but we do like to document every child porn set up attempt we are aware of. Sharyl Attkisson, a non-partisan journalist testified at a FreedomWorks Congressional hearing (not a hearing which C-SPAN covers, but can be found at their YouTube channel). She claimed that the FBI had a plan to plant child pornography/child porn on her husband’s laptop computer. I do believe this is true because of the attempted frame ups on Alex Jones, Stewart Rhodes, Luke Rudkowski, Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes, Millie Weaver, Ian Freeman, Andrew Rose, Jeff Lewis of The Patriot Coalition, VAULT-7 whistleblower, and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Even Attorney Susan Basko was threatened by the deep state to shut up and walk away from Brian’s federal case.
The child porn is a official WEAPON for CHARACTER ASSASSINATION as Brian Hill warned last decade in 2013. Now, SINCE 2012, child porn is a weapon to plant on anybody. The Obama Administration loves making his political enemies into sex offenders through the corrupt DOJ and FBI. America Livewire has disappeared forever but posted an article in 2013, pushed behind-the-scenes by Brian D. Hill talking about: “The Government Is Planting Child Porn On Your Computer | American Live Wire“. Tried to get whistleblowers to expose the child porn set ups since 2013 because: “Child porn can be used as a powerful weapon to ruin somebodies life since all someone needs is one or a few more child porn images and their computers are seized forever as evidence in a criminal trial, the person risks a lifetime permanent and mandatory sex offender registration, and prison time.” See article: The FBI Plants Child Porn in Computers and Uses it to Blackmail People (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News.
Sharyl Attkisson is “an American journalist and television correspondent. She hosts the Sinclair Broadcast Group TV show Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson is a five-time Emmy Award winner, and a Radio Television Digital News Association Edward R. Murrow Award recipient. She was formerly an investigative correspondent in the Washington bureau for CBS News and a substitute anchor for the CBS Evening News and then went to The Daily Signal, a conservative political news website.” See Wikipedia.
So she was another public figure to mention about an attempt to frame her by framing her husband with child porn. Just like in Brian Hill’s case, the lower level Mayodan Police Chief threatened to hold Brian’s mother responsible if Brian didn’t “fess up”.

11 thoughts on “U.S. FBI tried to frame up Sharyl Attkisson’s husband with child pornography/porn according to her testimony in FreedomWorks Congressional Committee hearing – May 11, 2022”