NOTE: If we can prove the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD framed both Alex Jones and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News with child porn, we want the 1 Millions Dollars. Brian D. Hill wants that reward for the misery and torment, and suicidal thoughts that the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD done to him. The corrupt FBI knows who they are. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE. They know who sent the child porn. They know who hacked into Brian’s computer. We also want the ONE MILLION DOLLARS REWARD Alex Jones had offered in 2019.
Author: Stanley Bolten
In 2019, Alex Jones got very emotional and angry about the child porn set up attempt on him. The corrupt Supreme Court of Connecticut used Alex’s emotional angry rants (over the child porn frame up in 2019) to claim that he was a threat to the judicial administration of justice, took away his anti-SLAPP motion as a sanction plus attorney fees, I believe. This allowed the Sandy Hook defamation trial case to continue in both Connecticut and in Texas. Alex Jones lost and may be forced to pay 2.75 Trillion dollars. This is ridiculous, even if he did defame people. This is no longer about defamation. This was I believe the intent of the “political hackers squad”, to use child pornography as a weapon to ruin people by usage of child porn or direct criminal charges of child pornography like in the case of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News.
Article 1: Alternative Media Attack: Attempt to Frame Truthstream Media | Truthstream Media (Wayback Machine)
Article 2: Political Hackers Squad claims responsibility for tormail attacks on liberty activists, threatens more attacks | Planet Infowars (Wayback Machine)
See embedded video:
See the threatening email for yourself, against USWGO Alternative News in 2013, just like the tormail emails attempting to set up We Are Change head news journalist Luke Rudkowski. All of these go hand-and-hand with the frame up of Brian D. Hill with supposed child porn which wasn’t confirmed by the National Censor for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The NCMEC said the supposed child porn allegedly possessed by Brian Hill in his federal case, was of an “unknown series”, according to the Pre-sentence Investigation (PSI) report in federal court filings referencing this report. That completely contradicts the single-officer ROBERT BRIDGE who allegedly worked for the Internet Crimes Against Children task force claiming files were downloading known to the officers. Yet the federal government and the NCMEC said “unknown series”. They also said Brian had no victims, no victims needed to be notified about Brian’s imprisonment or release in 2014, BECAUSE THE VICTIMS DO NOT EXIST (page 29 and 30), pages 19 and 20 of Document 134. The only victim of Brian Hill on record was the “State of North Carolina”, see page 6 of Document 71-2. They were victimized by the truth telling news reporting of Brian D. Hill, A JOURNALIST. These truths and facts were reported in the Pete Sanilli show article about Brian calling into Pete Santilli’s show who was another victim of Feds trying to frame up Pete Santilli with something else. So he knew how dirty the FBI and DOJ is.

Brian has the proof he was set up. See the leaked SBI document photos. It was reportedly downloading for 11 months after the computer was seized from Brian D. Hill. Brian filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to obtain a photocopy of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) report with those download dates. His lawsuit was dismissed because the U.S. Attorney Office admitted to destroying the SBI forensic report. The Feds know it was downloading for 11 months after the computer was seized by Mayodan Police. This is all by the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD, they knew from that tormail message that the SBI were setting up Brian Hill, they KNEW IT WAS DOWNLOADING AT THE SBI LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY to Brian’s laptop. The threatening emails received by Brian Hill of USWGO news email server, the threats against Attorney Sue Basko. They were all confirmed true with the discovery materials being destroyed by the U.S. Attorney Office. With download dates. The two threatening TORMAIL.ORG emails received by Brian D. Hill, they were sent during the time period of download dates admitted by Special Agent Rodney V. White of the North Carolina SBI, in the forensic case file. That is from July 20 2012, to July 28, 2013. The U.S. Attorney never refuted those dates, but instead they won the FOIA lawsuit by destroying evidence and documents which would have proven Brian Hill innocent of child porn. Doesn’t matter that Brian’s on the Sex Registry, BRIAN HILL HAS PROVEN HIS INNOCENCE. Brian is being held hostage by these people.
The set up attempt on Alex Jones had succeeded with the anti-SLAPP motion failing due to Alex’s rants in June, 2019. The same playbook. Child porn was used to ruin alternative media. Now Alex Jones owes anywhere between billions of U.S. dollars to trillions, reportedly. He never would have lost the Sandy Hook lawsuit if somebody or group of people had never attempted to set up Alex Jones with child porn in the first place. The intent of the “POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD” appears to be true. Barack Obama wanted any criticism against his administration silenced by using child pornography as a weapon. The FBI and DOJ are extremely corrupt.
The leaked SBI photos:

What exactly did the Political Hackers Squad claim? Here are those claims about them bragging that the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION pushed for people to frame alternative media heads and political activists with child pornography. They are the culprits. They knew the North Carolina SBI was framing Brian Hill with child pornography using Win32/MoliVampire.A. One of the agents who framed other people with other crimes such as for example: victim Dr. Kirk Turner framed by the SBI, was by the misconduct allegedly by SBI Agent Gerald Thomas, who was also involved in the Search Warrant Affidavit by Detective Robert Bridge and Christopher Todd Brim. The threatening email did say: “we know some people in the SBI who will make sure you are convicted”. Was responsible for the set up attempt on Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change. Also involving the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD.

Brian D. Hill was set up with child porn by the POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD. They ruined Alex Jones and he lost the Sandy Hook defamation suit because of Alex Jones’s anti-SLAPP motion was denied due to Alex’s emotional rants in 2019 over the attempted set up. They have succeeded in ruining both Alex Jones, and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. That is a fact.
5 thoughts on “OPINION: Possibly the “POLITICAL HACKERS SQUAD” framed Alex Jones with child porn to destroy and deny anti-SLAPP motion in Sandy Hook lawsuit, evidence they framed Brian D. Hill into wrongful criminal conviction, same group of proclaimed perpetrators”