Author: Stanley Bolten
Related articles: QAnon supporter Praying Medic @PrayingMedic was right: Justice John Roberts deserves Presumption of Innocence but so does ALL AMERICANS – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News – Note: People need to be careful assuming that Brian Hill is guilty. Arguably, even if you all want to just make believe that Brian is guilty, if in the future Brian the virgin never molests a single child by the time he dies of old age or an unnatural death, either way you will know Brian D. Hill was innocent all along. His actions speak louder than words. Brian D. Hill is innocent, he is a virgin, he was set up. People want to make assumptions. Praying Medic was right, even John Roberts deserves a right to a fair trial if he was ever blackmailed with child rape and murder.
On Truth Social, Stanley Bolten begs three major Q supporters: Praying Medic, Techno Fog, and eNoch. Begs for them to acknowledge that Brian D. Hill is being held hostage by the Deep State Swamp and their PEDOPHILE RINGS. Remote Control Systems by Galileo, Vault 7. Brian was clearly set up to be permanently held hostage by the Deep State Swamp. Brian is being held hostage until either Donald Trump or the military can stop these corrupt Federal Judges holding him hostage. Q or Q-ANON, whatever they are called, Brian has no hope left, he is more and more depressed, and that isn’t good. Brian cannot even have a wife or girlfriend because he is being held hostage every single day by the United States of America and it’s DEPARTMENT OF ENSLAVEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE, the corrupt DOJ. The FBI are also holding him hostage by refusing to investigate anything Brian ever faxed them. Attorney Sue Basko emailed them and the FBI just does nothing about it. They are all holding Brian Hill hostage. They are holding his man hostage. Brian wants his freedom papers, he wants his life back. He didn’t fight for 7-8 years for nothing, did he???????? Filing one pro se motion after another, filing tons of evidence in his case. Was all of that for nothing?????????????? Does innocence even matter anymore??????
@prayingmedic @techno_fog @elenochle
The Deep State Swamp is holding Brian D. Hill hostage, USWGO Alternative News. Being character assassinated then held hostage by Corrupt Federal Judges and FEDS.
They won’t let him prove his innocence, because Brian D. Hill is INNOCENT.
They won’t let him show his already-proven factual elements of innocence, because Brian D. Hill is INNOCENT.
They won’t let have a lawyer to demonstrate his innocence, because Brian D. Hill is INNOCENT.Brian held HOSTAGE!
·10mBrian is innocent, he has proven it, Brian has no victims, unknown series, downloading 11 months after his computer was seized.
Brian is being held hostage by the DAMN PEDOPHILE RINGS, AND I DAMN THE PEDOPHILE RINGS TO HELL FOR FRAMING BRIAN HILL. I WILL GET THEIR ASS, THEY FRAMED BRIAN D. HILL. #QANON #Q #WWG1WGABrian D. Hill calls into Pete Santilli show on 9/19/2022 to speak of the child porn set up campaign by Govt, judicial corruption
Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News

15 thoughts on “Truth Social posts: Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News being held hostage by PEDOPHILE RINGS of the Deep State Swamp, BEING HELD HOSTAGE #Q #QANON #QANONS #ANONS #TRUTH #WWG1WGA TO: @prayingmedic @techno_fog @elenochle”