Author: Stanley Bolten
The U.S. Supreme Court has been put on notice that they will not get away with illegally blocking a valid Certiorari Petition filing and Emergency Application petition. It is clear that the Clerk has unlawfully blocked the filing likely to protect the Chief Justice John Roberts, at least we assume as such, and we dare John Roberts to file a lawsuit against Attorney L. Lin Wood for defamation for his claims made against John Roberts. It is up to John Roberts whether he wants to defend himself against the allegations by Attorney L. Lin Wood, of Chief Roberts allegedly being blackmailed with child rape and murder. See the emergency application that John Roberts does not want in front of his face and didn’t want the Clerk to file in HIS U.S. SUPREME COURT. It is located at
Here is a screenshot of the last screenshot update of how many users are viewing the article: U.S. SUPREME COURT ATTEMPTING TO BLOCK FILING of Emergency Application asking BLACKMAILED Chief Justice John Roberts to recuse himself and Certiorari Petition for denied motions asking for Special Master to review over blackmail videos alleged by Attorney L. Lin Wood, child rape and murder blackmail – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News

The number of views was 2,416 as of 6:55PM. The views are at 3,186 as of 11:41PM. The view count as of November 14 at 4:42AM is 4,026 views. Now the view count as of November 14 at 11:51PM is 5,747 views. The channel on TELEGRAM has 25,510 subscribers. So the total number of views could go up to 25,000 views or more, as well as people sharing that article anywhere on the Internet-o-Sphere. The view counts will be going higher than the date of this screenshot capture of this TELEGRAM Channel. SORRY JOHN ROBERTS, Sorry for raining on your parade. 🙂 Please join Thank them for covering this very important Supreme Court battle.
Also a screenshot was taken from a mobile phone system. Here is a screenshot from a phone.

8 thoughts on “A POPULAR TELEGRAM CHANNEL boosts visits to article on the U.S. Supreme Court illegally blocking Brian’s filings regarding Attorney L. Lin Wood’s claims alleging a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder”