Author: Stanley Bolten
Alex Jones went on the Alex Jones Show today (December 30, 2022), defending Andrew Tate who was charged and arrested for sex trafficking/human trafficking. Alex Jones claimed Andrew Tate was SET UP/FRAMED and wasn’t guilty of human trafficking. YET Alex Jones did not defend and even ignored Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News who is still a virgin, with mild autism spectrum disorder, who was SET UP/FRAMED with child porn files who was charged and wrongfully convicted. Alex Jones also said that Andrew Tate had no criminal record aka no prior criminal history. That was the same with Brian D. Hill before he was framed with those filthy files. Alex Jones turned his back on Roberta, Stella, and Kenneth, Brian’s family members in 2013. Alex Jones received hundreds to thousands of emails from the supporters of Brian Hill after Brian was arrested by Special Agent Brian Dexter of U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. He brags about how the CIA uses sex operatives and set people up with false rape claims like with Julian Assange. He even claimed he was being framed with child pornography back in 2019, threatening to get whoever tried to set him up, even saying to the audience “I will get your ass…”, as well as “you will get it in the end you f**ks.”. Yet despite the high amount of evidence that people are framed with sex charges including possession of computer files which could be easy to fabricate, he will still not defend the autistic virgin BRIAN D. HILL, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Alex Jones is a jerk-off, a selfish mean man, a white-shoe-boy jerk-off. He knew people can plant child porn on people and how easy it is for the Deep State, the hackers, and those who can email or text message to plant these type of file on people. See article: Can rogue law enforcement or politicians plant child pornography? #PizzaGate – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.
See the embedded video from Internet Archive.
Alex Jones would rather defend this man and call him innocent before even a scheduled jury trial or preliminary hearing, but will not defend a virgin with autism who was set up:

This article has the proof Brian D. Hill was set up.
The State Bureau of Investigation report said that allegedly 454 files were downloading to Brian’s computer between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013. 11 months after Brian’s computer was seized. After this was leaked to the internet, after We Are Change written an article about the SBI download dates which proved Brian did not download the files to his computer since they kept downloading even after the computer was seized. It proved his innocence, and any reasonable juror would have found him not guilty. After this was leaked to the internet, the U.S. Attorney Office admitted UNDER AFFIDAVIT to destroying the State Bureau of Investigation report in the FOIA lawsuit of Brian Hill. See Attachment 1-Exhibit A – Princina Stone Declaration and Attachment 10-Exhibit B – Carolyn Loye Declaration. They admitted to destroying the SBI report but not the police report from Mayodan which was also used in the grand jury indictment of Brian Hill. So they only destroyed certain reports from discovery during the FOIA lawsuit, and the very report which was destroyed claimed files of interest (which was construed as child pornography) were downloading for eleven months after the computer was seized from Brian Hill.
Alex Jones will not defend this autistic virgin man who was set up and almost killed himself (Brian Hill is the person at the left in the photo):

Here is the things I typed up for Pete Santilli to go over which is about further evidence. Brian has no victims. Never victimized anybody. Of course he has no victims, because they made him plead guilty to technical possession of child porn. Brian has no victims because he was SET UP. Alex Jones ruined this man, got him targeted by the New World DisOrder.
Paste of the evidence links from that article:
The We Are Change article, approved by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change: – WRC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup
The leaked SBI photos:
The motion which was uncontested asking for default judgment of Brian David Hill being found actually innocent: MOTION entitled “Petitioner’s third Motion for Sanctions, Motion for Default Judgment in 2255 case and to Vacate Judgment that was in Plaintiff/Respondent’s favor” filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Supplement 1, # (12) Envelope – Front and Back) (Garland, Leah) – Document #222: was not contested under Local Rule 7.3 of the Middle District of North Carolina as both criminal rules and civil rules apply to federal 2255 cases and proceedings. Was not contested in 21 days. See – Local Rule 7.3 (f) and (k)
Judge Schroeder called in meritless and frivolous:
Pete Santilli you been mentioning about NEUSTAR, and Lockheed Martin. Before Brian D. Hill was framed, he interviewed a man who worked for Lockheed Martin and was a NASA Engineer, he also worked at Area 51 behind the scenes. Since Brian won’t be able to interview him anymore, just thought I bring up why he said no comment, he did work there at Area 51.
Robert Bridge worked for Defense Point Security LLC, CSIRT, Boy Scouts of America, CSIRT Security Incident Handler. Prior to that, he was part of Brian Hill being raided by Mayodan Police along with Robert Bridge when he was a detective of City of Reidsville, North Carolina. How did a regular detective who took part in Brian D. Hill being framed with child porn became such a powerful cyber security person who works with Federal Government cloud computing??? Incident handler????
See the article on Robert Bridge. Is allegedly Robert Bridge the culprit of who framed Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News with child porn??? IS “ROBERT BRIDGE” THE CULPRIT??? – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
NEUSTAR may be connected in all of this. Brian thought he call into Pete Santilli because of the NEUSTAR connection. Brian already suspected federal judges involved in his case were blackmailed with child rape and murder after statements from Attorney Lin Wood. Brian is seeking answers. He wants to see if NEUSTAR is connected with the judicial corruption involved in Brian’s case. See the most recent article on Brian asking for a Special Master to review over the alleged child rape and murder blackmail scheme from Attorney Lin Wood: Brian D. Hill files Petition for Rehearing with blackmail arguments, citing Attorney Lin Wood, raising John Roberts Chief Justice being compromised, explains why Special Master should be appointed to review over alleged child rape and murder blackmail videos – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
Also Pete, it should be noted, Brian forgot to mention on your show that Roger Stone thought Brian was innocent of his charge to risk himself pushing for a pardon. Roger Stone did really tried to help Brian but he failed though. God Bless Roger Stone for trying. LEAK: Roger Stone pushed Brian D. Hill’s innocence Affidavit to White House attempting FULL PARDON before President Trump left office in 2021 #truth – Pardon was never issued because of January 6 which shifted White House focus – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
So now you have the evidence, enough warranting that Brian D. Hill is innocent of his federal conviction and was almost pardoned by Donald Trump. He received a lot of legal documents from Brian including affidavits. Roger Stone had the time to thoroughly investigate Brian’s claims. If Roger Stone felt that Brian was innocent, then that is something which can add credibility to Brian’s claims.
You have enough evidence starting points.
Here is a little bit more. Since the Pre-sentence report is sealed, there were public mentions about no victims and not being of a known series which contradicts Detective Bridge’s claim in the search warrant. That search warrant was never used by the U.S. Attorney in Brian’s federal case which is odd, acted like it didn’t exist.
There was not any blurred image thumbnails cataloged that means that there were no actual images reported and no documentation proving that actual child porn was found and verified as such by the forensic evidence. Even the Presentence Investigation (“PSI°’) Report stated that the Government had acknowledged that the suspected alleged child pornography were not of a known series while Detective Robert Bridge claimed that the IP Address had downloaded video material of child pornography that were of a known series of child pornography since it was known to him (according to his own Affidavit) as part of the Internet Crimes Against Children (“ICAC”) task force. That statement contradicts the Government’s claim that no images/videos were of a known series according to Case 1:13-cr-00435-TDS Document 143 Filed 01/26/18 Paaqe 29 of 86 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (“NCMEC”). It is ironic that had the Petitioner not falsely plead guilty, the Government never would have admitted that no suspected images/videos were of a known series contradicting Detective Robert Bridge as what was explained in the PSI. Once Petitioner’s guilty plea is to be withdrawn at the change of plea hearing on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel, the statement from the PSI regarding no known series should be brought up in support of Petitioner’s actual innocence. The contradictory statements doesn’t make sense as all claimed child pornography investigations by the ICAC task force is that they track and identify suspected child pornography. So for there to be no known series of the suspected child porn according to the Government, that would mean that there were no victims and that Detective Bridge’s claim cannot be substantiated as to what they claim may have been found on Petitioner’s seized computer. Therefore an effective lawyer could have had very good grounds to cause a petit Jury to find Petitioner innocent. – Win32/MoliVampire [Threat Name] Detection created 2012-07-26
You have everything you need as starting points.
There are no reported victims as the U.S. Attorney or Feds do not have to contact any victims regarding Brian;s release status. Brian has no victims, he is a virgin.
Read federal affidavit from Brian to Donald Trum’s White House:
Declaration authorized by Title 28 U.S.C. § 1746
I, Brian David Hill, declare pursuant to ‘I`itle 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and subject to the
penalties of perjury, that the following is true and correct: – Case 1:13-Cr-OO435-TDS Document 134 Filed 11/14/17 Page 19 to 20 of 99 – Page 212 – Declaration of Iunocence for The White House – 01/22/201’7
- The Presentence lnvestigation (PSI) report even admitted that no supposed victims
were even identified. l personally do not know who they are, I don’t know their
names, their ages. I don’t even know what they look like. That is because l was
framed with child porn. It stated, Citing Document #33, Filed 09/16!14, Page 6 of
26, “According to the government, none oftke children have been identified depart
of a known series by the National C’enter for Mz’ssing and E.q:»!oited Children
(NCMEC), ” and “However, the victims in this case have notj‘iled o daime
restitution ” The only victims that I am personally aware oi` and have knowledge of,
is si_u ‘” l.‘ ‘_ I, ._l r_l_ ;1_;1_= ‘ =._-.. _ : _
about the -; ‘ _ _ ‘‘ ‘ – ‘ .~ ;~_a‘ +.I don’t even know ifthe
supposed “liles f interest” child porn claims are really even of children, there is no
verification as to if they really are child para or just files of interest to the Bnrean.
Here you go Pete Santilli. Everyone has the proof and research materials they need when having limited time.
Also you can find this episode at BIDEN 60 MINUTES INTERVIEW WAS AN ABSOLUTE DISASTER | EP 3128-6PM | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech.
2 thoughts on “Alex Jones defends Andrew Tate as SET UP VICTIM who ran Cam-girls business but won’t defend an Autistic Virgin who was framed with files planted on his computer”