Public Information Office,
Since the Supreme Court likes knowing how popular a case is and why it is important, here is the fact that thousands upon thousands of people are talking about Chief Justice John Roberts being blackmailed. It is all coming out. It ain’t just Attorney L. Lin Wood bringing up that Chief Justice Roberts was in video tapes raping and murdering children. Now we have the word of Pete Santilli who said he has evidence your Chief Justice John Roberts was chatting with Hillary Clinton on a illegal chat room and was visiting child porn sites. Pete Santilli is willing to testify to prove this according to what he said on how show Saturday, January 7, 2023, wants investigations.
Question is will you cover up case no. 22-6123????? Brian had informed me and others that he will file a petition for rehearing if it is denied which is his right under the current rules of the Court. He will ask for more evidence and file another motion for recusal again. This is public, thousands, thousands, and tens of thousands are wanting answers about this blackmailed Chief Justice in your court. Question is will John Roberts cover up case no. 22-6123 by refusing to recuse himself? Will Roberts violate federal law under 28 U.S. Code § 455 – Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge??? and then commit high treason by being blackmailed for a decade or more??? and violating due process of law in the highest court of the United States of America???
Will John Roberts do the right thing or will he cover up case no. 22-6123??? You all decide what you want to do. Cover ups is part of the devils act, God works in the sunshine. I don’t go visit these so-called child porn sites which Pete said that Attorney James Baker seems to have some kind of alleged proof on, but John Roberts allegedly does according to Pete Santilli. He said he does not visit those sites either. He is not asking me to write this (disclaimer). I AM WRITING THIS, because I want YOU to KNOW THE TRUTH. What you decide to do with THE TRUTH, it is up to your MORAL CONSCIENCE. Do the right thing, and please don’t do evil. I just thought I send you this article about the popularity of the case 22-6123. Does John Roberts really want to illegally sabotage case no. 22-6123 to protect himself from ever a Special Master reviewing over the alleged blackmail tapes because Roberts may be in one of those alleged tapes??? with tens of thousands of American people reading and sharing with others???
It is of the law for a petitioner to request recusal from a case which he had a personal outcome when there is plenty of evidence John Roberts is blackmailed not just based on testimony of Attorney Lin Wood but based on James Baker an attorney and whistleblowers who went to Pete Santilli???
Does all of his filings mean nothing to Roberts??? Is the Supreme Court so blackmailed and controlled that justice will never come over any case the blackmailers want silenced and denied????
Four times Pete Santilli shows U.S. Supreme Court document on blackmail scheme case 22-6123 – YouTube –
Author: Stanley Bolten
Here is all of the popularity of articles addressing the Supreme Court case of Brian D. Hill v. United States (case no. 22-6123). The Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts should see this exact post. The popularity and the debate, discussions about the blackmail scheme case in the Supreme Court. They will be notified about the popularity at some point so that they know many are concerned about John Roberts being allegedly blackmailed based upon the allegations from Attorney L. Lin Wood.
Update (January 8, 2023 12:12 AM): Q Research talks about case:
Pete Santilli talks about John Roberts being blackmailed: PREDICTION: McCARTHY WILL BECOME ANOTHER TRUMP MISTAKE WE WILL ALL SUFFER FROM | EP 3272 – 11AM ( and Four times Pete Santilli shows U.S. Supreme Court document on blackmail scheme case 22-6123 – YouTube
YouTube video embed below about John Roberts being blackmailed:
New Supreme Court Case Reveals Blackmail of Chief Justice John Roberts | Politics | Before It’s News (41,153 total views)
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God bless you all. Jesus bless you all,
Stanley Bolten
6 thoughts on “Stanley Bolten email to Supreme Court PIO: Popularity of SCOTUS case 22-6123, Pete Santilli says he has evidence your Chief Justice John Roberts blackmailed with visiting child porn sites”