Author: Stanley Bolten
I have received emails as well as Brian’s family that The Mig Big who is supposedly part of this Q movement or QAnon movement had deleted evidence emails from Stanley Bolten (myself) and had deleted evidence emails from Brian’s family with Lance Migliaccio aka The Big Mig. He deleted emails about the Blackmail Scheme Case in the U.S. Supreme Court regarding a blackmail scheme concerning “judges” and “officials” including Chief Justice John Roberts being targets of a blackmail scheme of child rape and murder according to Attorney L. Lin Wood.
Why would he do that??? Why would Lance Migliaccio who is known as The Big Mig be deleting emails with pdf file copies of pleadings being emailed to assistant U.S. Attorneys and even the U.S. Solicitor General before being filed in the U.S. Supreme Court as well as drafts of an unsworn Declaration affidavit and draft pleadings of what was to be filed in the U.S. Supreme Court before it was even filed in Brian’s case. Read the emails, see the evidence/proofs. Q said or insinuated about how important proofs are, how important evidence is in taking down the pedophile rings and the criminal Deep State Swamp. Isn’t Q about investigating the truth, waking up the public, and investigating the evidence, then use that evidence for holding the high ups accountable in military tribunals??? Then why is The Big Mig ignoring real evidence and proof??? Does he seriously think the emails might be some kind of trick emails when one of the emails sent to Lance was emailed to assistant U.S. Attorneys at U.S. DOJ email addresses and the U.S. Solicitor General while another was also emailed to Attorney Lin Wood??? The email is clearly okay to look through when it was also emailed to U.S. Government email addresses. Is The Big Mig paranoid or is he just not interested in the truth for a so-called Q follower???
Pete Santilli shown Lance the very document Brian had filed in the Supreme Court, shown it to his face on his show, see it on YouTube or on the Pete Santilli show at that particular episode. Around six minutes into this YouTube video embed, you will see Pete showing Mr. Big Mig, showing him the very document Brian filed with the approval of or at least being allowed to do so by Attorney L. Lin Wood. If Lin Wood was against this, he would have sent Roberta and Brian Hill a cease and desist notice email or letter, he didn’t do that. Lin Wood was okay with this. Why would The Big Mig be deleting Brian’s family’s emails without even reading them???
We have the evidence for you to review, Lance Migliaccio who is The Big Mig was deleting emails without even reading them. That tells you he refused to even conduct an investigation or even review into what Brian had filed. What kind of alternative media is this for people to just delete and ignore emails. I have ran this blog for about 4-5 years now. I have gained trust and people knows I will never betray people which was why We Are Change did an article with my assistance with Brian’s family, heck I keep being betrayed and I expose that on this blog. People knows I will never email anything bad to anybody. All I email is proof, evidence, and claims which can be backed by proof or witnesses or both. I gained years of trust and discipline in running a justice blog for Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News who was framed with a crime he is innocent of. Why does the alternative media people keep betraying me??? Are they being threatened by the Feds??? Are they being blackmailed or bribed??? Are they being threatened with child porn planting like with what happened to Sharyl Attkisson???

When I was wrong about my source Attorney Robert Thomas III telling me that the “Supremes accepted” the Raland Brunson case in the Supreme Court, I came clean after I found out the Brunson case was denied because I rather tell the truth than lie. That is how I build credibility, even when my source lied to me or was wrong when I reported what my source said to me. I don’t lie here or at least I do not purposefully say things which are wrong when I was wrong about something. I made sure to come clean and tell people who my source is when he/she burns me. When people betray me, I prove that they betray me so that they cannot sue me for defamation because I have the proof, the evidence, they cannot deny betraying me.
EMAILS PROOFS (Brian’s family gave me the emails from their side on The Big Mig deleting emails):
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Re_ Brian_s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts Printout.pdf – First email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Re_ Brian_s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts Printout(2).pdf – Second email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Brian_s three final Supreme Court filings about Lin Wood claims, Pete Santilli claims, John Roberts Printout.pdf – Third email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Brian_s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts Printout.pdf – Fourth email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Brian_s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts Printout(2).pdf – Fifth email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Xfinity Connect Not read_ Blackmail scheme case, SCOTUS petition for rehearing, accompanying motion for review and disqualification_ Brian David Hill v_ United States, 22-6123 Printout.pdf – Six email of Lance Migliaccio deleting this email without even being read. He lied to me in the text messages.
– Re Brian’s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts.pdf – The email which was sent to The Big Mig as one of the email recipients. The very email which was deleted which triggered a not-read email receipt stating that the email was deleted without even being read.
– Re Brian’s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts(2).pdf – Another email which was sent to The Big Mig as one of the email recipients. The very email which was deleted which triggered a not-read email receipt stating that the email was deleted without even being read.
– Brian’s three final Supreme Court filings about Lin Wood claims, Pete Santilli claims, John Roberts.pdf – Another email which was sent to The Big Mig as one of the email recipients. The very email which was deleted which triggered a not-read email receipt stating that the email was deleted without even being read.
– Brian’s draft Declaration for his drafting of motion to recuse John Roberts.pdf – Another email which was sent to The Big Mig as one of the email recipients. The very email which was deleted which triggered a not-read email receipt stating that the email was deleted without even being read.
– Blackmail scheme case, SCOTUS petition for rehearing, accompanying motion for review and disqualification Brian David Hill v. United States, 22-6123.pdf – Another email which was sent to The Big Mig as one of the email recipients. The very email which was deleted which triggered a not-read email receipt stating that the email was deleted without even being read. This email was reportedly sent to the U.S. Solicitor General, Attorney Lin Wood, and the assistant U.S. Attorneys. Why is Lance refusing to read this email?
Here are the emails from myself Stanley Bolten about what Lance deleted without even reading my emails too. How concerning when he acted like he and Pete Santilli would investigate everything.
– Roundcube Webmail 22-6123 Evan Neumann.pdf – Email sent to recipients including Lance Migliaccio.
– Roundcube Webmail Fwd Blackmail scheme case, SCOTUS petition for rehearing, accompanying motion for review and disqualification Brian David Hill….pdf – Email sent to recipients including Lance Migliaccio.
– Roundcube Webmail Not read 22-6123 Evan Neumann.pdf – Just like with Brian’s family, email deleted by Lance Migliaccio without even being read.
– Roundcube Webmail Not read Fwd Blackmail scheme case, SCOTUS petition for rehearing, accompanying motion for review and disqualification Brian ….pdf – Just like with Brian’s family, email deleted by Lance Migliaccio without even being read.
– Roundcube Webmail Not read Re 22-6123 Evan Neumann.pdf – Just like with Brian’s family, email deleted by Lance Migliaccio without even being read.
– Roundcube Webmail Re 22-6123 Evan Neumann.pdf – Email sent to recipients including Lance Migliaccio.

Same mobile phone number posted on The Big Mig website. This is no mistake or error here.

He lied to me in a text message to me, he acted like he was going to investigate everything with Pete Santilli, but instead he deleted emails from somebody who is trustworthy aka me without an explanation. I did notice he started ignoring my text messages once I told him about Brian getting ready to file a petition for rehearing in the U.S. Supreme Court, then he went radio-silence. I even printed a PDF file using FireShot Webpage capture addon software on Firefox, capturing all text messages as proof to everybody, that The Big Mig did acted like he was interested in investigating what was going on but now he has gone radio silent and deleting emails from me and Brian’s family without even reading them. How sad.
– FireShot Webpage Capture 553 – ‘Voice – (2) Messages’ – – Proof of the text messages correspondence between myself Stanley Bolten and Lance of The Big Mig. When we are betrayed, we release these proofs to you.

Lance cannot deny he saw the EMERGENCY APPLICATION in Brian’s case in the U.S. Supreme Court. Pete Santilli shown him this document to his face while on a live show broadcast on Rumble. Lance has shown that he is not interested in investigating Brian’s case or any of his filings against Chief Justice John Roberts.
Are you betraying us Lance Migliaccio?
Are you betraying us The Big Mig?
Why did you delete emails with all kinds of proofs?
Why delete emails without ever investigating what was in them? Why?
I have proof that Lance Migliaccio has Q symbolism in his studio or office in his show, when The Big Mig was on the Pete Santilli show. I took screenshots and have the exact show date anybody else can find this proof. Why would he act like he is part of Q or QAnons and yet refuse to investigate anything? The Q symbolism on his wall can be found at this link: It shows the Q logo, as well as the punisher skull. The punisher skull symbol is usually a U.S. Navy Seal symbol if I am correct on it.

The Big Mig is acting similar to Brian’s court appointed lawyer Eric David Placke, the assistant Federal Public Defender for the Middle District of North Carolina. Brian’s family had filed an email (see page 28 of the courtlistener document) where Brian’s grandparents and his mother were all concerned about his Public Defender deleting email attachments while claiming to have received it all and looked through everything. That was a lie too as his only interest was getting Brian Hill to take a guilty plea agreement to his child porn charge for a crime he is innocent of. See the leaked SBI document photos:
Yahoo Mail – Fw Brian D. Hill – Info.pdf – Email from Brian’s family proving that the Public Defender was deleting email attachments because he was never interested in investigating Brian’s criminal case either, he was only meant to have Brian PLEAD GUILTY. Just like the January 6 defendants. So Brian was patient zero, to be tortured into falsely pleading guilty to child porn just like the January 6 2021 defendants, and The Big Mig doesn’t care. How could you Big Mig??? You are just as lousy as Brian’s assistant Public Defender Eric Placke.