Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill who is formerly of USWGO Alternative News, has filed a complaint against the Circuit Court Judge Giles Carter Greer who is over the Circuit Court in the city of Martinsville. This is in Virginia. The complaint is over this judge not enforcing his court orders on all parties to a case. It is a crime for a party involved in a case to disobey court orders including government attorneys. If a party believes that a court order isn’t legal or that the order doesn’t have jurisdiction, then a party may appeal the decision interlocutory (interlocutory appeal) or file a Petition for Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition to challenge an unlawful court order. A party cannot just decide to disobey a court order. Disobeying a court order can mean not even following the court order. However, Glen Andrew Hall (Andy Hall) the Commonwealth’s Attorney in Martinsville is being permitted to violate as many court orders as he wishes. He is being allowed to willfully not comply with court orders or even respond by resisting a court order. Glen A. Hall responded by not marking the body-camera footage as evidence, and that is illegal. Yet this Judge Greer is allowing contempt of court by Mr. Hall because he is considered a “special person” you know what I mean??? He is considered a noble individual like we are living under a aristocracy, a nobility, a person above the law and isn’t subject to the same law as the rest of the citizenry. The 1776 American revolution and revolutionary war was to put a stop to these special nobility privileges and aristocrats where the law only applies to the citizens but not the government officials.
Brian’s complaint is based on the fact that the judge is partial and not impartial. That the judge is showing favoritism towards Glen Andrew Hall. He is allowing Mr. Hall to be caught not complying with court orders, disobeying them, destroying evidence, and he never gets in any trouble for it. This creates a two-tiered justice system. It disobeys procedural due process of law and substantial due process of law. It is all unconstitutional, highly treasonous and illegal. Courts should not be operating like this in the United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave. Now it is land of the coward, home of the slave.

See the filings/evidence of Brian’s complaint:
– DATA CD files (with redaction of social security number) – Can be accessed at Internet Archive. His family cannot upload the .iso disc archive file of the original evidence disc as it would contain the social security number of Brian Hill. The photograph of the Evidence disc can be viewed in the scanner created document USWGO_20230223_035648(pages removed)(OCR).pdf.
– Complaint-JIRC.pdf – Complaint initial pleading against Judge Giles Carter Greer. Printed and mailed to Commission.
– USWGO_20230223_035648(pages removed)(OCR).pdf – What was mailed to the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission.
– summary-brief-complaint.pdf – Summary brief to the commission. Printed and mailed to Commission according to USWGO_20230223_035648(pages removed)(OCR).pdf.
– Letter to VA Senator William Stanley – February 23, 2023.pdf – Also in Evidence CD-Disc.
– Letter to VA Delegate Leslie Adams – February 23, 2023.pdf – Also in Evidence CD-Disc. Printed and mailed to Commission according to USWGO_20230223_035648(pages removed)(OCR).pdf.
– USWGO_20230223_192331(OCR).pdf – Photocopy of USPS receipt and Certified Mail Receipt. Proof of mailing.
– 1.court-orders.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 2.Brian Hill FOIA Request.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 3.Letters-police-chief-bodycam.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 4.FOIAemail.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 5.Declaration-Scott-Albrecht-2-13-2023.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 6.USWGO_20230216_144448(OCR).pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– 7.Fwd Status of FOIA Request of Brian David Hill.pdf – File in Evidence CD-Disc. That was an evidence attachment file for both Virginia Delegate Leslie Adams and Virginia Senator William Stanley.
– Yahoo Mail – USPS eReceipt-feb-24-2023.pdf – USPS eReceipt
Emails filing the letters with the Delegate of Virginia and Senator of Virginia. These emails which sent the letters were not included in the evidence CD but these prove those letters were transmitted to a member of the House of Delegates, and a member of the Virginia Senate.
– Urgent Letter to VA Senator.pdf – Email from Brian’s family to Senator of Virginia: William M. Stanley, Junior. Email contains seven attachments and Letter to VA Senator William Stanley – February 23, 2023.pdf.
– Xfinity Connect Urgent letter to VA Delegate Printout.pdf – Email from Brian’s family to Virginia’s House of Delegates member: Leslie R. (Les) Adams. Email contains seven attachments and Letter to VA Delegate Leslie Adams – February 23, 2023.pdf.
– Xfinity Connect Fwd_ Urgent letter to VA Delegate Printout.pdf – Forwarding this email to the campaign staff of Virginia’s House of Delegates member: Leslie R. (Les) Adams. Email contains seven attachments and Letter to VA Delegate Leslie Adams – February 23, 2023.pdf.
– Xfinity Connect Read_ Fwd_ Urgent letter to VA Delegate Printout.pdf – Read receipt from Attorney L. Lin Wood who is being given a copy of this email to make sure that those who support Q are kept informed. You know which “Q” I am talking about, Where We Go One We Go All.
Brian was very angry at Judge Greer for not enforcing the law on the prosecutor of the criminal case. A video was uploaded by Brian’s family as to how visibly angry Brian was at Judge Giles C. Greer. Brian won’t let it go until he is acquitted, and after righting the wrongs against him. Brian shouldn’t be treated like a slave with no rights by the court.
2 thoughts on “Brian D. Hill files a complaint against Judge Giles Carter Greer of Martinsville Circuit Court with the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission on February 23, 2023; for not enforcing his court orders equally on all parties to a case, allowing Commonwealth Attorney Glen Andrew Hall to violate the law without any consequences.”