Author: Stanley Bolten
This blog Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News has reopened on March 13, 2023, was closed on March 6, 2023. That was due to the threatening email directed at killing and raping Brian Hill, and killing the witnesses involved in his case. However the will still remain closed so that everyone understands that if Brian D. Hill is dead or in long term of imprisonment, then everything his friends and family all fought for was for nothing if they manage to get Brian.
Everyone needs to understand the criminal conspiracy going on. Because of the ongoing criminal conspiracy and it is iffy whether the Virginia State Police are investigating the crimes committed by certain people involved in Brian’s state criminal case, we will not cover his state case at this time. It doesn’t mean that we won’t have certain Q Intelligence people informed and given access to the evidence behind the scenes. They will have access to all evidence, case files, court filings, everything. There will be investigations by whoever is conducting them. We have to lay low in the state case filings and publications until this criminal conspiracy is past us like a storm which eventually passes on.
We are keeping the wordpress blog active for coverage of the federal issues. We will still cover this. Please be aware that we have to lay low but we are getting victories which we feel needs to be reported on this blog. We get victories and defeats. Like in any information war, information warfare, legal warfare (lawfare). We win battles and we lose battles. Brian is winning to a certain degree and losing to certain degree.
This website was reopened on March 13, 2023, and will remain open for now as people must know of the crimes going on right now. People need to be educated about the crimes being committed by the enemies of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News.
For those who need to see what was posted at here it is, there will not be state case updates at this time since the enemy or enemies can target us for them, but the federal case has some good vibes going on there. Brian D. Hill is not dead yet, he is surely alive. Here it is:
We are sorry but Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News blog and backup blog are being shut down because Brian David Hill is facing a criminal conspiracy of being murdered and jailed.
The threat email may be right in one way, Brian messed with some very powerful people. It is now a CRIME in the State/Commonwealth of Virginia to ask questions, to speculate, to appeal to a higher Court, to criticize when a court does wrong.
It is now a CRIME in the State/Commonwealth of Virginia to ask questions, to speculate, to appeal to a higher Court, to criticize when a court does wrong. We are not advocating evidence tampering but we are only telling the truth, that certain people are allowed to tamper with evidence and destroy evidence in a Police Department, it is acceptable to tamper with evidence in a criminal case. It is sad but it is true, in VIRGINIA.
In VIRGINIA, It is not a crime to tamper with evidence in a Police Department, destroy evidence, and ignore court orders when your a DISTRICT ATTORNEY:
In VIRGINIA, It is a crime to ask questions, to speculate, to appeal to a higher Court, to criticize when a anybody in the legal system does wrong:
Here is the proof it is a crime to exercise the First Amendment:1.court-orders.pdf – You can break the law and violate court orders if your a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. You can tamper with evidence and destroy evidence, lie in a police report, and get away with it, every court in Virginia has your back. Don’t worry corrupt government official, Right???
3.Letters-police-chief-bodycam.pdf – You can beg a police chief all day long for discovery evidence material for your case and you won’t get anywhere, sorry!!!!
2.Brian Hill FOIA Request.pdf – Police chief admits evidence was destroyed after two court orders asking for the very evidence and three letters to police chief. That doesn’t mean anything does it???
5.Declaration-Scott-Albrecht-2-13-2023.pdf – And conflicts of interest are okay too, you can claim to represent a defendant then years later switch to the other side of the case, the District Attorney, and then work against the very client you claimed to represent. That sounds fair, RIGHT?????
Committing crimes for the State/Commonwealth to win a case, GOOD!
Trying to speculate, criticize, appeal to a higher court, hold a crime committing official accountable, BAD!
See article: Threatening email states Brian D. Hill will be killed and witnesses would be murdered | Politics | Before It’s News.
Brian Hill may be facing a rigged court trial in Martinsville and may be murdered in Jail. So we feel it is necessary to shut the entire blog down. The threat email said that the witnesses would be murdered and Brian Hill will be raped and prison and would be murdered. We are taking precautions until the situation changes.
If you have any information, please call or email the Virginia State Police to give them any investigative leads.
Here is the very threatening email threatening to kill Brian.