Author: Stanley Bolten
Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News received weird text messages in August 2020, from somebody appearing to be defending the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Brian continually asserting that he was framed with a crime he did not commit according to information published on We Are Change and ActivistPost. Brian then written the U.S. Pentagon a secret letter to former Department of Defense Secretary Chris Miller requesting that the CIA/NSA stop harassing Brian Hill and his family. Those requests never were formally answered and the CIA/NSA Deep State continues harassing and coming after Brian Hill and his family. So the targeted harassment continues. That was why Brian released the powerful documentary: The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary available at Rumble and Internet Archive. Brian has decided now is the time to leak this as further evidence that Brian Hill and his family have been under Deep State targeted harassment for years and years. So Brian is leaking the 2020 text messages between somebody either from the CIA or somebody defending the CIA and the recipient Brian D. Hill. Brian is also leaking his secret letter to the U.S. Pentagon since they never promised to protect Brian Hill from the CIA/NSA and it’s black hat minions. Brian feels that he is still being targeted and the only way this ends is by leaking everything once kept secret or confidential out of Brian’s respect to the whatever good people may be left in the U.S. Government, leaking it to the general public. Here is the secret letter to the U.S. Pentagon now made public. The secret letter was mailed two times to the U.S. Pentagon directed to Chris Miller, before he left office in 2021. Brian mailed discs with evidence on it.
FILES (Not redacted anymore, since no action was reportedly taken and no response was ever received, it is declassified by Brian D. Hill the original sender of the secret letter since it was originally marked classified by Brian D. Hill to protect himself. He is still facing the targeted harassment of the Deep State who blackmail federal and state judges.) Brian is still facing possibly death and torment in the future so this is being made public.
1. December-18-2020-EMERGENCY-SECRET-Letter to President Trump and Defense Secretary on evidence of CIA or NSA targeted harassment(2).pdf – Secret letter to the U.S. Pentagon asking them to stop the CIA/NSA targeted harassment of Brian Hill and his family. Also the phone number which received the weird Deep State text messages, that mobile phone number was stolen by Safelink/Tracfone after it was held hostage for months where they refused to transfer that number to another provider due to a mistyped zip code or it was purposefully mistyped to prevent port transfer, with the FCC complaint case process to prove it. Since that number is no longer Brian’s, it is safe to leak this entirely to the general public without redaction. Apologies to whoever holds that mobile phone number now.
2. USWGO_20201231_094337.pdf – Proof of what was mailed by UPS to former Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller including secret letter.
3. USWGO_20201219_045048.pdf – Proof of what was mailed by USPS to former Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller including secret letter.
4. Tracking _ UPS – United States (2).pdf – UPS Proof of Delivery to U.S. Pentagon.
5. Tracking _ UPS – United States-Jan-6-2021-11_23AM.pdf – Marked as delivered by UPS. Regular letter and secret letter.
6. USPS-70192280000082118254.pdf – Marked as delivered by USPS. Regular letter and secret letter.
7. 70192280000082118254(1).pdf – USPS Proof of Delivery to U.S. Pentagon.

There is something important which needs to be noted about Brian’s claims or suspicions. This was before the time when Mike Glover, a former CIA case officer and U.S. Military veteran who was under targeted harassment and/or disinformation operation by the Deep State admitted to Glenn Beck in an interview that the CIA can frame people with things (including crimes?) or put them in a weird way. If YouTube has censored this video then this interview in-part can still be viewed in the documentary produced by Brian D. Hill. See the powerful documentary: The DEEP STATE can Frame You – the Documentary available at Rumble and Internet Archive.

Here are the weird text messages from somebody appearing to be defending the CIA and calling an autistic virgin a kiddie diddler when he has never even had sex. Brian was never charged with a rape, was never charged with assault. This CIA stooge or spook text messaging Brian seems to have some kind of anger or hatred at Brian for trying to prove his own innocence, like saying “I’m innocent” is some kind of sin now. Then accusing the set up victim as a “sex offender”. Brian fought back by texting what he knew from the discovery evidence materials from Brian’s child porn federal case. The download dates as to being 11 months after his computer was taken. Attorney Sue Basko who filed an affidavit declaring Brian Hill innocent of child porn, she was right all along despite the fact that she never personally reviewed over the discovery evidence materials from Brian’s case, maybe she did secretly and that’s a possibility, I don’t know. Attorney Sue Basko was still right all along about Brian being innocent as there is evidence to back her claim in Brian’s federal case. The evidence proves that Brian was set up, he was technically convicted for child porn possession because he was framed, he was set up. What happened to Brian was a character assassination, it was wrong on so many levels. It was and still is an attack on Brian’s first amendment right to operate USWGO Alternative News. It is an attack on our republic and the democracy of elected representatives. Framing people with child porn to take away the target’s being allowed to use the internet by making it a probation restriction violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Sounds like a threat to me or some kind of intimidation. So this spook’s response to Brian’s discovered facts about the alleged CP downloading after Brian’s computer was seized by police. The response was a threatening or intimidating message with: “We have eyes everywhere. The birds work for the bourgeoisie.” The birds is a keyword meaning “SPY”, spies. So the CIA or NSA is attempting to threaten or intimidate Brian Hill back in August, 2020.
That would explain why Roger Stone failed to have Brian pardoned by former President Trump. Because the CIA spies on the American people including the United States President. The CIA does not want Brian Hill to ever be acquitted because they are the ENEMY of the American people. The CIA are the enemy of the American people. The CIA was never supposed to target Americans and spy on Americans. That is not jurisdictional, it is unlawful and outside of the CIA’s own jurisdiction. The CIA was created under the legal authority or pretext of the National Security Act law. The CIA was meant to protect the United States of America and it’s national security including sovereignty. Instead the CIA is going to war with the United States of America and allowing illegal immigrants to invade America. The CIA frames American citizens with crimes to ruin them and conduct character assassination operations. Our own CIA killed John F. Kennedy a patriotic democrat U.S. President who actually cared about the republic of America. He cared about America and was assassinated for it. So our CIA is a rogue monstrous evil doer agency like what you see in Hollywood movies with major secret villain organizations. The CIA needs to be SHUT DOWN, SHUT DOWN FOR GOOD, after a thorough investigation of all CIA files and digital files. Everything needs to be investigated at the CIA. Time to DRAIN THE SWAMP, NOW.
Even Attorney Lin Wood admitted that the CIA, MI6, FBI, MOSSAD, and CCP of China had all engaged in sexual pedophile blackmail of judges and/or officials.
[scribd id=650715083 key=key-9xDwoKD624n1LcJ36Lfg mode=scroll]The 10 intelligence agencies who have members employing this blackmail scheme include CCP, CIA, Mossad, FBI, MI6. The others are easily identifiable.
Attorney Lin Wood on Twitter account before it was suspended. See
The agencies do not which of them was hacked by Lizard Squad.
12:07 AM – 4 Jan 2021
4 thoughts on “LEAK: Did the CIA send Brian D. Hill text messages in 2020? Brian asked U.S. Pentagon Sec. Chris Miller to have the CIA stop harassing him before Trump left office”